I nodded. “Babe, you gonna be alright if I leave now?” I had to be at Blade’s within the next hour to take care of Bullet and that was one meeting I didn’t want to be late for.
“Yes. You go and do your stuff. I’ll be here all day. Can I stay with you again tonight?”
As if she had to ask. “I’ll be here to pick you up at five. Yeah?”
“Five is good. I’ll see you then,” she said, and leant forward to give me a quick kiss.
Five minutes later, I was on my way to take care of Harlow’s request to make sure that Bullet couldn’t fuck with any other women.
Chapter 31
I couldn’t deny it; I was a twisted fuck sometimes. The idea of fucking Bullet up made me one of the happiest men on the fucking earth that day. And when I entered the room where Blade had him, I realised that my half brother and I shared more than a father; we shared a darkness inside us that only physical violence could sate.
The room was on the lower level of Blade’s warehouse and was a concrete room with clear plastic lining every surface; the roof, walls and floor were all lined with it. And I was sure that once we’d finished here today, that plastic would be replaced with new plastic for the next occupant of this room.
Bullet was laid out naked on a table, his arms and legs restrained in the same fashion that Harlow had been. I noted that Blade was wearing a black outfit of training pants, t-shirt, and runners. He indicated to a table in the corner of the room that had an identical outfit laid out. “Change room is through there,” he pointed to the corner where there was a door.
I grabbed the outfit and headed towards the corner. The plastic was cut so that I could get through and I entered a large open shower. I quickly changed and joined Blade again. He had a determined look on his face as he asked me, “You ready?”
“More than fucking ready.”
Bullet was shifting his gaze between Blade and I, and I was pleased to see he had that wild look in his eyes that I’d seen in Harlow’s yesterday.
Yeah that’s right, motherfucker. Your turn now.
I had no idea what Blade had planned here. He obviously used this room for similar operations and had a very well thought out set up in place so I was just following his lead. He picked up a knife and lightly ran it down Bullet’s body from his throat to his dick. “You know why they call me Blade?” he asked.
Bullet shook his head, clearly shitting himself.
“It’s because a knife is my favourite killing weapon. My first kill was when I was seventeen; I killed a man with my bare hands, finishing him off with a blade twisted into his throat.”
I watched him intently, taking this new information in. All clues today were pointing to a cold blooded killer, and I had the thought again that I’d underestimated Blade.
He looked at me while he spoke. “From what I’ve heard, Scott’s good with his fists, so I’m going to let him go first today.” He took his knife and cut the ropes restraining Bullet, and shoved him off the table, towards me. Bullet took the opportunity now that he was unrestrained, to try and get a punch in. He was too slow for me though; I threw a punch so hard that it knocked him to the floor. He landed flat on his stomach; there was a loud cracking noise as his face smashed onto the concrete floor.
He didn’t move, and Blade muttered, “Fuck, did you knock him out?”
We watched as he lay still, but were both fucking happy when he moved and tried to get up. I let him take his time getting up; I was enjoying the anticipation. He finally stood and then faced me. I was pretty fucking ecstatic to see his face had been fucked up. That had to hurt. He stumbled towards me; the motherfucker was still trying to get one in. I let him come at me but there was no way he had the upper hand here, and I easily punched him again. He fell down again, and I walked to where he was and kicked him hard in the side. He rolled and grunted but he didn’t have it in him to get back up.
Looking at Blade, I suggested, “You hold him up while I punch the shit out of him?”
Blade nodded and then moved to drag him up off the floor. He held him and then invited me to go for it. I didn’t need to be asked twice. All the anger I had in me for what he’d done to Harlow came pouring out through my fists as I connected with his body time after time. I loved working with a punching bag but a human punching bag was even better. Eventually he sagged, almost unconscious, and Blade signaled for me to stop. We dragged him back to the table and laid him down.
His head lolled to the side and he groaned in pain.
“Open your eyes, asshole,” Blade commanded.
Bullet opened his eyes a slit but then snapped them shut again. Blade picked up his knife and with a quick flick of the wrist, he sliced into Bullet’s dick. Bullet’s eyes snapped open and he screamed out in pain. Best fucking sound I’d heard all day.
“That was for Harlow,” Blade said, “And this is for Ashley.” He ran the knife slowly down Bullet’s body again, before suddenly lifting it up and violently stabbing it into his gut. Then he pulled it out and stabbed again, this time in the chest. His eyes were cold and hard as he continued to stab Bullet. There was blood everywhere. I lost count of how many times he stabbed but it had to be over twenty times. Finally, he stabbed into Bullet’s neck and twisted the knife as it went in. He left the knife in there and then sunk to the ground. I had no idea what he was doing until I saw his body was wracked with sobs; his back heaving.
“Leave,” he grit out, still not looking at me.
I knew when a man was broken and when they needed to be alone so I left him to it. I exited through the door to the shower where I stripped and dumped my clothes in the rubbish he had set up in there. Then I showered and washed all the blood off me. I was coated in it. Once I was completely clean of it, I changed back into my clothes and left through another door that I guessed would take me back into the warehouse. I was correct and quickly found the building exit. Once I was out, I took a moment to catch my breath. That had been an intense experience; not so much because we’d killed Bullet, but more because we’d put our differences aside and come together to do it. Blade had revealed himself to me today, in more ways than one, and I knew it was going to take me some time to work through it in my mind.
Later that night, I watched Harlow get ready for bed. I was sitting on the bed, leaning against the headboard. She was at the end of the bed changing out of her clothes into my t-shirt that she’d started wearing sometimes. After her ordeal with Bullet, I wasn’t sure where her head was at with regards to sex. I had no desire to push her but I wanted to talk to her about it; to make sure she was okay.
She finished changing and then climbed into bed next to me. Her eyes found mine and she smiled. “I’m exhausted. Do you mind if I go to sleep?” she asked.
I slid down the bed so that I was lying next to her, on my side. “We should talk about Bullet.”
“What about him?” she asked. There was tenseness in her voice that hadn’t been there before.
“Sweetheart, he almost raped you. I need to know how that’s affecting you.”
She took a moment to answer me but then said, “I fucking hate him for it and it’s not something that I’ll move past straight away. But I’m not going to let him win. He did this to both of us, Scott. Sure, I was the one he physically attacked but he did it to fuck with you and it did. So, we’ll work through it together. I won’t shut you out so long as you don’t shut me out.”
“I don’t know what the fuck I did to deserve a woman as good as you,” I said as I lightly brushed a kiss against her forehead.
“I think we both lucked out,” she replied, wrapping herself around my heart a little more.
Chapter 32
I grabbed the container with the cake in it and got out of my car. Surveying the building, I took in the Storm logo above the front door. It was a huge logo with wings, a skull and flames coming out of the skull. There was a chain threaded through the image. In my mind the chain symbolised the bonds that held the club together. Family. It was so evident when you sat back and watched the way the club members interacted. I’d now been to two get togethers with the club and I visited the clubhouse nearly every day. And the best thing? They’d welcomed me with open arms.
I pushed through the front doors and made my way to the kitchen. When I got there, I was excited to see that Madison was already there waiting for me.
“Can I see?” she asked, excitement bubbling out of her.
I smiled. “Of course.” I opened the container and revealed the cake to her.
“Oh my God, it’s amazing!” she exclaimed.
“You think he’ll like it?” I asked. I’d designed a cake of the Storm MC logo for Scott.
Her warm eyes found mine, and what I saw there gave me goosebumps. Family. She reached out and squeezed my hand. “There’s nothing that you could do or make that Scott wouldn’t love. My brother is completely in love with you.”
Happiness flooded my body, but I was hesitant to accept it. “I don’t think he’s in love with me, Madison. It’s only been a month.”
She cocked her head. “Are you in love with him?”
I didn’t even hesitate. “Yes.”
Smiling again, she said, “So, if you can fall in love with him that quickly, it’s highly possible that he can fall in love with you in that time too.”
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