She started crying and my heart hurt listening to her.  “Where are you?” I asked.  It wasn’t quite three o’clock so I figured she was probably still at school.

She sniffed.  “I’m in the toilets at school.  Can you come and get me?”  she begged.

“Yes, I’ll be there soon.  Just wait where you are; I’ll find you.”

Just under ten minutes later, I pulled up at her school and followed the directions she’d sent in her text as to where she was.  When I found the toilets, I entered and called out to her.  A door opened and she stepped out; her face was a mess from crying, and her hair was an uneven mess.  Someone had cut her hair and screwed it up completely.

I waited for her to say something but she didn’t so I went to her and simply took her in my arms and hugged her.  She slowly wrapped her arms around me and then squeezed tighter until she was practically clinging to me; her body wracked with sobs.

We held each other for nearly ten minutes while I waited for her crying to subside.  Eventually she pulled away from me and I asked, “What happened?”

“They cut my hair and hit me.”

“Who did that?”  I wanted to throttle whoever did this to Lisa.

“I don’t want to talk about it.  Can you just take me home?”

I wanted to talk about it; I needed to know the names of these little shits.  But I put Lisa’s needs first.  “Of course I can do that,” I said and indicated for us to leave.  “Come on, let’s go.”

She already had her schoolbag with her; she must have been planning her escape.  I got her into my car and started driving towards my house.  “Do you mind if we just drop by my house first because I think I left windows open.  It’s sort of on the way to your house.”

“Sure,” she agreed.

When we arrived at my house, I made Lisa wait in the car while I quickly ducked inside to shut the windows.  I figured that Scott would be annoyed if he knew I’d left them open.  As I entered the house, I smelt a smell that I’d never smelt there before.  It was a putrid, sweat smell and I quickly covered my nose.  I kept walking to the kitchen and came to a stop when I saw what was waiting for me there.  My heart froze and panic spread throughout my body.

“Well, hello there, sweetheart,” the biggest guy said with a smile that scared the shit out of me.  His eyes flicked over me and he licked his lips  He was sweaty and filthy looking and I prayed to God that he wasn’t left alone with me because I wasn’t sure I’d survive anything he did to me.

My legs turned to jelly and I threw out a hand to steady myself against the wall.

“Cat got your tongue?” he leered at me and started walking my way.

I tried to back up but another guy came up behind me and grabbed me, roughly shoving me forward towards the scary guy.  Hands reached out and gripped my neck, and in one clean movement, he reefed me forward and turned me before planting me on the seat that was waiting for me.

My heart was beating rapidly now and my arms felt tingly from the fear I was experiencing.  Why had I decided to come home and close the freaking windows?

“So, you’re Scott Cole’s woman?  Never known him to have a broad.”

“We just met,” I answered him, desperately hoping that it would make a difference to him that I hadn’t known Scott for very long.

His evil laugh sent chills up my spine.  “What bad timing for you then, darlin’.”

My mind was racing frantically trying to come up with a way to escape but I just couldn’t see a way out.  There were three of them and one of me.  Where the hell was Stoney?  Tears pricked my eyes; I was sure I was about to die at the hands of these assholes.

“What do you want from me?” I begged.

“We’re actually here to teach Scott a lesson.  He’s fucked with us and we don’t appreciate it.  Unlucky for you, especially if you’ve just met the motherfucker.”

Another man entered the room and he was even scarier looking than any of these men.  His eyes were void of any emotion and his body was tense; he looked like what I always imagined a cold hearted killer would look like.  He threw rope at the scary guy.  “Tie her hands and legs.  I’ve got some calls I’m waiting for and after those we’ll get the party started.”  He was standing right next to me now and he ran a finger down my cheek.  “Scott’s got good taste.  I can’t wait to hear you scream.”

Chapter 28


Nash settled into the couch in the office.  “So, Blade’s going to let us know the plan soon?”

“Tonight, and then tomorrow it’ll be done,” I said, distracted by the fact that Stoney wasn’t answering his phone.  I’d been trying to call him for ten minutes with no luck.  “Have you heard from Stoney today?”

“No, why?”

“He’s watching Harlow but he’s not answering his phone.”

“You want me to go and check that everything’s alright?”

“No, I’ll go,” I said as I stood up.

I was halfway down the hall when Lisa called me.  “Hey darlin’, you okay?”

“Scott, I’m outside Harlow’s house because she picked me up from school but had to come home to close windows.  She’s been inside for ages and I saw a man just come out to have a smoke.  I don’t think he’s from your club.  Can you come here and see if she’s okay?”


“On my way, darlin’.  Stay where you are and hide if you can.  Do not go inside, Lisa.  Okay?”

“Okay,” she answered me and we hung up.

“Nash!” I bellowed down the hallway.  When he appeared at the door, I yelled, “Black Deeds have Harlow at her house.”

“Fuck!”  He followed me outside.

There was going to be fucking hell to pay for this.

* * *

We pulled our bikes up a couple of houses down from Harlow’s and ran the rest of the way.  There were four bikes parked further down the street; I felt ill thinking about what we were going to find inside.  Harlow’s car was parked in the driveway and I tapped on the window to get Lisa’s attention.

“I want you to run that way,” I said, pointing down the street, “Keep going until you hit the shopping centre and wait there.  I’ll either come get you or I’ll send someone.”

She nodded fearfully, but did as I said.  It would be safer for her there than here.

Nash was already at the front door.  He eyed me.  “I sent a message to J to round the boys up.  Hopefully they’ll be here soon but we’re going in regardless, yeah?”

“Yeah.”  I pulled out my piece and looked at him, “Ready?”

When he nodded, I lifted my foot and with as much force as I could muster, kicked the door in.  We entered and were soon greeted by three Black Deeds members.  Nash lived for this shit and charged them.  They obviously hadn’t been expecting either of us to do that and he managed to catch them unprepared.  He knocked the first motherfucker out and then took aim at the next one.  While he took those two on, I punched the third one hard on the jaw, knocking his face to the side.  He stumbled from the impact, and hit the wall.  I shoved him to try and get him off balance and then followed as he lurched backwards, punching him again on the other side of his face.  He tried to regain his balance but I’d managed to put him off, and he fell to the ground.  I hovered over him and punched him repeatedly in the face until he passed out.

Nash was still fighting with the second guy who was giving him a good run for his money.  Fighting was in Nash’s blood and I’d never seen anyone get the better of him.  Whenever I had something that needed to be taken care of with violence, Nash was my man.  It was like he zoned out into another state of consciousness, and the punches just kept flying.  However, the guy he was fighting was holding his own so I got in there and threw a couple of punches too.  After a couple of minutes, I decided to try another tack.  I lifted my leg and kicked him fair in the balls.  He doubled over and this gave Nash the perfect opportunity to pistol whip him on the head.  When the guy finally collapsed face first onto the ground, Nash reefed him up and turned him onto his back.  He was semi-conscious and Nash wanted him knocked the fuck out so he kicked him hard in the head.  He kicked him a few times and would have kept going except the first guy we knocked down, sat up and took aim, shooting Nash in the arm.  The bullet grazed him and slowed him down but didn’t bring him to a complete halt; he had too much adrenaline pumping through him for that.  Instead, he turned his attention to the guy that shot him, knocked the gun out of his hand and lunged at him; wielding a punch as he went.

“You motherfucking asshole,” he roared as he finally knocked him unconscious.  Turning to me, he asked, “You want me to put a bullet in these assholes?”

I shook my head.  “No, they’re out for the count and Blade wants to deal with them himself.”

Stopping to listen for sounds in the house, I realised that I could hear a whimpering sound coming from down the hall; from the direction of Harlow’s bedroom.  Fear mixed with adrenaline and I took off in that direction.  I was blinded by desperation; nothing would have stopped me from reaching my destination at that moment.  When we hit her bedroom, I was sickened by the sight we found.  Harlow was gagged, and laid out naked on her bed, her hands tied to the bed above her head, and her feet tied to the bedposts.  She was conscious and her terrified eyes locked onto mine, silently begging me to save her.  Bullet was straddling her, holding a knife to her neck.

“Fuck,” Nash thundered, and Bullet turned feral eyes on us.  In that moment, I fully grasped what a madman he was.  I started to move into the room, mentally calculating how the fuck I was going to get Harlow out of this alive.