“How did it go?” I say, turning around. His eyes are glistening. A good sign…I hope.

“They were great, Ivy. Wonderful, in fact. They want to fly out from Chicago as soon as possible to meet us.”


“Yes, I told them all about you. They’re as eager to meet you as they are to meet me.”

My heart feels as though it’s about to burst from my chest. “Oh Jon, I’m so excited and happy for you.”

“Thanks for knowing when to push me, Ivy.” He strokes his finger over my lips. “God, I love you.”

I cup his face in my hands and stare up into his crystal blue eyes. “And thanks for helping me discover the truth about myself. I’m not sure I could’ve done it without you.”

“You’re a strong person, Ivy. You’d have figured it out on your own.”

“Maybe so, but thanks for not letting me fall off that roof.”

He leans down to kiss me then, his lips sweet from the ice cream. “How about we fall into forever? Together. Me and you.”

I slide my arms around his neck. “Forever with you sounds just about perfect.”