“Yes, ma’am.” The guard handed back her badge and provided a temporary one, as Dar wrote in her name, then smiled a little as she wrote in her father’s. She signed the book with a flourish, then handed him the clip-on identification. “Here you go.”

“Ain’t this special.” Andy amiably clipped the badge to his shirt and followed her across the huge, echoing lobby to the elevators. The building was built with cold granite walls, and the high atrium featured a spi-raling architecture that had offices and corridors overlooking the large cavernous center. “Place looks tighter than Fort Knox,” he muttered, as they entered the elevator car.

“Not quite.” Dar found a smile somewhere. “I caught a report the other day where they found bums sleeping inside unused offices in the upper floors.” She chuckled. “Heads rolled in security.” She drew a breath in as the car stopped and the doors opened, allowing them onto the executive floor. It was quiet here as usual and Dar led the way down the corridor and into the large antechamber outside Alastair’s office.

Beatrice glanced up as she entered and gave her a sympathetic smile.

“Hello, Dar.”

“Morning.” Dar held the door open. “Bea, I’d like you to meet my Eye of the Storm 291

father.” She paused. “Andrew Roberts. Dad, this is Bea. She’s known me here since I was hired.”

“Mr. Roberts, it’s a pleasure.” Bea came around her desk and offered her hand. “So nice to meet you.”

“Ma’am.” Andy took her hand carefully and clasped it.

“He in?” Dar tilted her head to the right. Beatrice nodded. “C’mon, Dad. Alastair remembers meeting you but it’s been a while.” She walked over to the door and knocked lightly, hearing the grunt on the other side.

She opened the door to see her boss seated behind his desk, his chin resting on his fists.

“Dar, come on in.” The older man leaned back, then blinked in surprise as his ever troublesome employee was followed by a slightly taller, older, more muscular and male version of herself. One look at the lean, angular face and Alastair had no problem guessing his identity. “Ah,” he stood, “Commander Roberts, I believe.” A genuine smile edged his face and he came out from behind his desk. “It’s a pleasure, sir. We met once before, though you probably don’t remember me.”

Andrew padded forward and took the outstretched hand, shaking it, and allowing a half grin to emerge. “Ah surely do remember. Ah came by that company picnic you all were having and watched you darn near set a pair of sea grapes on fire.”

Alastair laughed. “You do indeed remember correctly,” he admitted.

“A little too enthusiastic with the starter fluid, unfortunately.”

Dar’s cell phone went off and she unclipped it, stepping to one side.

“Excuse me.” She opened it. “Hello?”


“Hey, Mark. I just got to the compound. Anything I can do for you while I still have a chance?” Dar forced the macabre humor.

“Yeah. Got a pencil?” The MIS manager’s voice was full of milky satisfaction. “Listen up.”

Alastair offered his unexpected guest a drink. “What brings you to Houston, Commander?” He poured glasses of honey colored ice tea and handed Andrew one.

“Mah kid.” The ice blue eyes, so weirdly familiar, fastened on him.

“Had to come out here and see what kind of place it was that would be thinking of kicking out someone as smart and talented as I know she is for some dumb fool reason.”

Alastair blinked and took a step back, a little startled at the direct-ness. “Oh. I see, well…” He looked at Dar, who was still busy with her phone. “You know, I agree with you on that. I’ve always been one of Dar’s biggest supporters.”

“Yeap. She did say that,” Andy allowed. “And I’d like to thank you for watching out for my little girl.”

“Lit—” A stunned pause. “You me—ah.” Alastair cleared his throat.

“I’m sorry, Commander. I’ve known your daughter for fifteen years and it would never in my wildest dreams occur to me to think of her as anyone’s ‘little girl.’”

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“Sir?” The voice from the intercom.

“Yes?” Alastair answered it gratefully.

“The board is waiting. Is Ms. Roberts there?”

“Oh. Yes, yes, she’s here.” The CEO sighed. “We’ll be right over.” He straightened. “Dar? Are we ready?” He looked saw a chilling, almost predatory smile on Dar’s face.

“Oh yeah,” his CIO agreed. “We are definitely ready.” Her phone rang again and she answered it. “Yes?”

“Dar, it is José.” The Sales VP’s voice was excited. “Listen to me.

That new thing of yours. How soon?”

“For what?” Dar asked, as she adjusted her briefcase and prepared to follow Alastair. “José, I’m about to go into a meeting. The network’s up, if that’s what you’re asking.”

¡Bueno! ¡Bueno! ” José chortled. “It can hold up bandwidth for a T3, yes?”

Dar gave Alastair an exasperated look. “Of course it can. José, this has got to wait.”

“Do not worry, Dar. I have all that I need to know. Goodbye.” José hung up and Dar folded her phone and tucked it into her belt, only to have it go off again. “Jesus.” She flipped it open. “Hello?”


Dar felt like she’d just had warm marshmallow poured over her. “Hi.

Your flight go okay?”

“Mmm.” Kerry’s voice sounded curious. “Except I picked up a chap-erone, it seems.”


“Your mother.”

“My mo—” Dar slowly turned and looked at her father, who had his hands tucked behind his back and his most innocent novice swabbie expression on his face. “Oh, I’m beginning to see a conspiracy here. Guess who’s with me.”

“You’re kidding.” Kerry laughed. “Dar, that’s just out of control.”

“Well, I’ve gotta go into my meeting. Glad you got there safely.”

“You too. Good luck.” Kerry’s voice was serious now. “Go with your heart, Dar. Whatever happens, I’m there with you.”

Dar swallowed. “Same to you.” She hung up and folded the phone, then gave Alastair a nod. “Let’s go.”

“You sure you don’t want to turn that phone off?” Alastair gave her a wry look. “Commander, feel free to wait here, or outside.”

“All right.” Andy settled himself in a comfortable leather chair very near the door. “I will tell you something, though, sir. I hear any hollerin’

going on directed at my kid, you are not gonna like the results.” He folded his arms and glared at Alastair.

The CEO held the door to the conference room open. “Ah. Right.

Well, actually, it’s usually Dar doing the yelling.” He escaped and let the door close, then crossed the tiny space before opening the inner door and leading the way into a chill, mostly filled room, whose eyes fastened on Eye of the Storm 293

him. The eyes then slipped past him to stare at the tall, dark haired woman who entered behind him.

Dar brushed by her boss, went to the conference table, set her briefcase down and rested her fingers on it as she leaned and regarded them.

Ankow smiled smugly at her. The rest of them had expressions ranging from wary regard to outright disgust. Dar took a breath in and let it go and took off the gloves. “All right,” her voice pitched low, “you asked me to be here for your idiotic little kangaroo court, so here I am.” She straightened and spread her hands out. “Talk fast.”

THE HUGE COURTROOM was filling, half with regular people, half with press, Kerry realized as she waited her turn to pass through the metal detector. Her stomach was in knots and she felt alternately flushed and chilled as she stood anonymously among the crowd. A quick glance around confirmed no one in the vicinity knew her and she exhaled, holding her hands in front of her, clasping her subpoena.

“Haven’t seen this much press in a while,” Cecilia commented from her position next to Kerry.

“Must be a slow news day,” Kerry joked wanly. “Listen…you know…I mean, it’s really nice of you to offer, but you really don’t have to put yourself through this. I’m sure it’s going to be really boring.”

The cool gray eyes scanned the crowd. “As an artist, I’ve learned even the most mundane situations can be inspiring.” A smile briefly crossed her lips. “Who knows? Maybe I’ll decide to do a series of character study portraits.”

Kerry spotted a very familiar core of obstinacy behind that mild expression and she gave a little nod as she moved forward and handed the court clerk her paper. She waited for him to examine it, then he put a little stamp on the surface and recorded something.

“Inside, to the left.” He passed her through. “Hands away from your body, please.”

Kerry unclipped her pager and cell phone and handed them over, then walked through the metal detector, which remained comfortingly silent. She turned and took back her electronics, then waited while Cecilia walked through the portal, easily clearing both sides with her diminutive stature. Dar’s mother was dressed in casual pale khaki cotton pants and a blue green sweater with its sleeves pushed halfway up her arms. The color contrasted nicely with her silver blonde hair and lent a touch of warmth to her eyes.

Kerry liked it and wished she were dressed as comfortably. She’d decided on one of her suits she wore at work, the burgundy one Dar had picked out for her the last time they’d been shopping. She had a pale gray silk shirt on and kept ruffling her hair in back, getting used to the shorter length she’d had it cut to for summer. “There’re some seats up there.” She pointed, just before her eyes moved right and she spotted her family.


294 Melissa Good Ceci followed her gaze and studied the crowd, easily recognizing Kerry’s father from his television appearances. He was accompanied by an older woman dressed in a high necked, very plain gray dress, and a young man and woman, whom she deduced were Kerry’s brother and sister. As Ceci watched, the older woman turned her head and met Kerry’s eyes, then very deliberately looked away.