Dar got a quarter of a mouthful down, then stopped and grimaced, concentrating and trying really hard not to allow it to come right back up.

She put the cup down and gave Kerry an unhappy look, too miserable even to dredge up a smidgen of her usual attitude. “Maybe he can tell me where he’s cached a gun and I can shoot myself.”

Kerry made a face. “Hang in there. I’ll be right back.” She trotted upstairs and changed quickly, glad to exchange the restrictive linen for a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, as she unclipped her hair and let it loose around her shoulders.

Eye of the Storm 171

Still thinking, she made her way back down the stairs and rejoined her lover, who was again huddled near the end of the couch, curled up in a ball. Damn, Dar. You’re making me hurt just to look at you. Kerry rubbed the tense calf next to her. “Hey. Listen, you want me to give Dr. Steve a call?”

Woebegone blue eyes peeked out from over the fist Dar had curled near her chin. She thought seriously about the question for a moment, then shook her head. “All he’s gonna do is give me a shot of Dramamine.”

She managed to straighten up a little. “Damn stuff makes me break out in hives.”

“Ooo.” Kerry winced, then settled back and patted her lap. “Want to come over here and put your head down? It’s not medical, but at least I can keep you company.”

Meekly, Dar did so, reversing her position and putting her head down on Kerry’s thigh. “You cancel the marketing meeting?” she asked, as Kerry lightly massaged down her back and shoulders.

“Nope. Just moved it to the morning.” Kerry could feel the cold sweat that had gathered on Dar’s neck, and she wiped it away with a bit of her shirt. “Eleanor and José are entertaining Ankow. Oh, and Dar?

Someone dumped a loop into the system from Houston this morning. I had a ton of complaints.”

“Mmph.” Dar dredged up a semblance of interest. “Let me guess.

You think our friend did it?”

“Don’t know.” Kerry felt the tension slowly leaving Dar’s body and she kept up her kneading. “Probably though. Wanted to see if he could catch us.”

“How long’d it take you t’find it.”

“About thirty, maybe forty five seconds.” Kerry smirked, proud of herself. “You should have seen his face.” She reached over and snagged the phone. “Want to give your folks a call before you snooze off?”

Dar had curled an arm around her knee and was stroking it with her thumb idly. “Okay.” It was amazing, really, how just having Kerry there made her feel so much better or at least, so much more relaxed, which helped ease the spasms. “Ker?”

The blonde woman paused, and leaned over. “Hmm?”

“Glad you’re here.”

“Me too.”

Dar took a breath to continue, then bit her tongue, as her body cramped, forcing a gasp of pain from her. She doubled over and held her breath, barely conscious of the firm, steady grip that kept her from falling.

Kerry held on to Dar with one arm and dialed the phone with the other, retrieving Dr. Steve’s number from the phone’s memory. “Hey. Dr, Steve? Hi. It’s Kerry Stuart. Yeah.” She felt Dar’s chest move as the pain lessened and she started breathing again. “Listen, Dar’s been sick since last night. We thought it was just a bug or something, but she’s in a lot of pain here, and I’m getting worried.” A pause. “I don’t know. Might be 172 Melissa Good tough.” Another pause. “Okay. That would be great. I’ll clear you on the ferry. Thanks. I really appreciate it.”

She hung up the phone and put it down, then rubbed her lover’s back. “Easy there. Dr. Steve’s going to come out here and check you out, okay?”

Dar knew she was in deep trouble, because the thought of that actually sounded good to her. “Mph.” She clamped her jaw shut, not wanting to lose her mouthful of water and wished primarily that someone would hit her over the head with a very large two by four.

“WHAT DO YOU think?” Kerry hovered nervously as Dr. Steve, in a garish pink guayabera and blue Bermuda shorts knelt by the couch.

“I think you have a very sick friend,” the gray haired man answered, peering into Dar’s eyes with a pinpoint light. “What have you been doing there, Miss Dar?”

“Nothing.” Dar closed her eye in annoyance, watching spots dance across her inner eyelid with sickening rhythm. The doctor had taken a vial of blood and probed her belly, which had gotten him a yelp of pain and an accidental kick in the side. “What the hell is wrong with me? I’ve never had a bug this bad before.”

Dr. Steve removed a couple of small bottles and a syringe from his actual, for real, no kidding, little black bag. “Well, I’m not sure, honey, but let me give you something to relax those spasms and a little something for the nausea, okay?”

A blue eyeball popped open and regarded the syringe nervously.

“Dramamine makes me itch.”

“Yeah, yeah, I remember.” Dr. Steve carefully drew a measure of some clear liquid from one of the bottles and picked up a swab full of alcohol. “This is something else. Now hold still.” He swabbed Dar’s upper arm and inserted the needle, with only a small jerk from his patient, then injected the medication.


“Big baby.”

Kerry perched on the couch arm. “You don’t know what’s wrong then?” she asked, then sighed, as the phone rang. She turned and picked it up. “Hello?”

“Hey there.” Andrew’s growly tones tickled her ear.

“Oh, hi. Sorry we didn’t call you. I had to call Dr. Steve out here for Dar,” Kerry told him. “She’s really sick.”

“Yeah?” Dar’s father’s voice grew anxious. “What’s he say’s wrong with her?”

“He doesn’t know.” Kerry stroked her friend’s hair. “He’s giving her some shots of something.”

Dr. Steve glanced up at her curiously, but kept working, removing a second bottle and syringe and preparing it. “What did you have to eat yesterday?”

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Dar blinked, as the first medication started to work. “Um. Nothing much. Cuban toast and jelly for breakfast…with coffee.” She thought a moment. “Mmm…chocolate chip cookies for lunch…and I didn’t have dinner.”

Steve looked at her. “Chocolate chip cookies for lunch?” He sighed.

“Some things never change. Nothing after dinner?”

“No.” Dar shook her head. “Something happened. I got caught up in it.”

“You had that Kahlua milkshake at the bowling alley,” Kerry supplied helpfully. “Do you think it’s food poisoning?”

“Not with that menu.” Steve shook his head. “I don’t know. We’ll run some tests on the red stuff here. This’ll let her relax and sleep. That’s the best thing.”

“Did you hear that?” Kerry spoke into the phone.

“Yeap.” Andrew cleared his throat. “Should be all right. Just not too much. She can’t take it.”

“Other arm.” Dr. Steve injected the medicine, then sat back. “Now, you listen to me, okay?” He wagged a finger at her. “Soon as your stomach settles, get some water into you—at least two glasses.”

Dar nodded mutely.

“You get any more dehydrated, and we’re going to have to start using the dirty H word, okay?” Dr. Steve packed up his bag and carefully labeled the blood sample. “If I didn’t know better. I’d say you’d been drinking antifreeze, Dar. It’s those kind of symptoms. Is this the first time you’ve been sick?”

“In a long time, yeah,” Dar told him. “Antifreeze? That’s nuts.”

“Well, you’ve got something in you that ain’t supposed to be there.”

Dr. Steve stood, and glanced at Kerry. “Keep an eye on her. Make sure she drinks that water or Gatorade stuff if you’ve got it.”

“We do.” Kerry nibbled her lip. “Could it have been the drink last night? That’s the only place we were at that’s strange.”

“Timing’s about right,” Steve acknowledged. “Maybe something got in there. Weirder things have happened.” He ruffled Dar’s hair gently.

“You’re going to be okay, sugarplum. Give that stuff a chance to work, and just take it easy.”

Whatever he’d given her was hitting hard, Dar realized, as a sense of displacement put distance between her and the rest of the room. It wasn’t entirely a pleasant feeling, but along with it came a soothing lethargy that coursed through her body, relaxing muscles tense and sore from the day’s battle with her rebellious stomach.

Even better was the ebbing of the nausea and the ability to breathe normally without worrying about throwing up. She was vaguely aware of the door closing and Kerry’s quiet tones, then warmth surrounded her as she was lifted up a little, while Kerry resumed her pillow duty.

Having someone in your life, she decided fuzzily, really rocked.

174 Melissa Good KERRY DRIFTED IN and out of a light sleep, the sound of the television in the background, along with the soft hiss of the surf just audible through the glass windows lulling her into a peaceful somnolence.

The golden light of sunset came in the window next to the front door, spilling across the living room where they were and painting stripes all over everything. Dar had been sleeping peacefully since Dr. Steve left, and Kerry was content to stay right where she was, with her lover half sprawled over her body.

She’d gotten one cell phone call from Mayte telling her Ankow had come sniffing around, but had been distracted by Duks, who dumped a pile of reports the size of a hippo on him with the Accounting VP’s typical deadpan manner. No other crises had happened, and the Newark mess had been sorted out by the networking office, so it looked like they’d gotten away with her disappearing.

Kerry stroked the dark hair spilling over her lap. Not that she would have made a different decision, even if all hell had been breaking loose and Ankow had been sitting on her desk. She’d have gotten up and walked out, and that was just that. She put her arms around Dar and hugged her, and wondered, just for a moment, what it would be like if she couldn’t do that anymore.