Dar applied herself seriously to her potato, making very sure that every square inch of the inoffensive vegetable was covered in substances designed to disguise its taste.

“Dar, why don’t you just eat spoonfuls of sour cream, bacon bits, and cheddar cheese?” Kerry wryly asked. “Wouldn’t it be faster?”

“You mean it isn’t healthier this way?” The blue eyes opened in mock innocence. “I could put pineapple bits on it.”

“Ew.” Kerry winced.

Dar grinned and handed over the handy carrier with the toppings on Eye of the Storm 131

it. Kerry peered at it, then sighed and helped herself to them. “You are so subversive.”

It had become a friendly, comfortable banter between them, with Kerry virtuously trying to insure neither of them got scurvy, and Dar persisting on finding the darndest ways to circumvent her.

Not that it didn’t have an effect, the blonde woman conceded, since she at least managed to keep her lover from eating cheeseburgers and fries every night. What she cooked was mostly very healthy and she’d convinced Dar to ease off on her consumption of sugar and coffee.

Of course, she wisely kept her paws off the sacred ice cream. Kerry smiled to herself as she watched her lover methodically decimate her fish, breaking off bite full’s and alternating them with scoops of her potato.

“Listen. Seriously, Dar—”

“Were we being serious?” Dar glanced up, inquisitively. “This is wonderful, by the way.”

“Thanks. And no. But listen, don’t feel you have to do the bowling thing tomorrow if you don’t want to. I know you always feel a little weird around those guys.” Kerry nibbled a piece of her fish.

Dar ate in silence for a minute or two, considering. “No. I…” She paused, and put her fork down, picked up her glass and took a sip of her juice. “They’re fine. I had a good time the last time we went out with them,” she admitted. “And if Ankow’s going to be up to his tricks all day, I’ll be ready for some mindless playing around.”

“Mmm.” Kerry nodded. “Good point.”

“Too bad we can’t get him to go,” Dar remarked. “Dark place like that. Bowling balls can get out of control pretty easily.”


“He was an Army Ranger.”

Kerry blinked. “How’d you find that out? Mark’s stuff come back?”

“He told me.” Dar exhaled. “I wasn’t sure whether he was trying to impress me or scare me. Needless to say, he didn’t get much satisfaction either way.” She shook her head.

“Maybe you could introduce him to Dad.” The green eyes took on a wicked twinkle, then sobered. “Wait. Was he threatening you, Dar?”

A half shake of the dark head. “No...well,” Dar sucked on her fork,

“hard to say. It was more of a…” She paused and thought hard. “It was more like he was trying to intimidate me.”


“Part of his game, I guess.” Dar shrugged. “I gave it right back to him. I don’t intimidate easily, but damn, he gave me the creeps.”

“Hmm.” Kerry slowly broke off a bit of potato and chewed it. “Ick.”

They finished dinner and retired to the living room, cuddling on the couch and sharing a piece of Kerry’s tiramisu. “Mmm. Did you spike this?”

“A little.” The blonde woman grinned. “Do you like it?”

Dar nodded and put her arms around Kerry as she flipped channels, settling on the Discover Channel. “Oh. It’s that extreme whatever show.

132 Melissa Good Hey, aircraft carriers. I used to have a model of that one.”

“Yeah?” Kerry fed her a spoonful of pastry.

“Yeah. Used to be a hobby.” Dar sighed.

“Mmm.” Kerry smiled to herself.



“TELL ME AGAIN, chica. Who had this idea?” Ray ducked, as a rubber ball went flying flew over his head, and the lights started to dance.

“This a circus.”

“Eh.” Colleen grinned, and motioned over a skating waitress. “It’s cute. There are a lot of company groups here. Look, there’re the guys from FedEx.”

Ray moved his head, then laughed. “In those tight blue shorts. I see them.” There were four of them there, Ray and Colleen, and two others from Synergenics who had worked with Kerry before her promotion.

“You want something to drink, Susan?”

The programmer nodded. “Hell, yes. A beer, please.” She leaned back in her chair and put her feet up on the one next to her. “Feels good not to be in front of a screen. That last project nearly killed me.” She rolled her head towards Colleen. “What time’s Ker getting here? Eight?”

“Supposedly, yep.” Colleen glanced up at the door, some distance away, then chuckled. “Right on time. Just like always. You can set your watch by the woman.”

They watched as Kerry opened the door and slipped inside. She was alone and she paused for a moment, letting her eyes adjust before she spotted them and waved.

“Good god.” Susan sat up. “I can’t believe that’s the same person.

Would you look at her?” The programmer ran her hand through her silvered auburn hair and shook her head.

Kerry headed towards them, trotted down the short series of stairs and dodged the busy crowd. She was dressed in faded jeans and a snug fitting aqua colored tank top which exposed a good portion of her upper body to the watching eyes.

Mi Madre. ” Ray shook his head. “I remember her all frills and lace, and being so quiet. She has changed so much.” The support manager of Synergenics, who had taken Kerry’s position, hadn’t seen his ex-boss in over four months.

“She sure has,” Colleen mused, observing the self assured figure moving towards them, seemingly oblivious to the appreciative looks from the people she brushed by.

“Hey guys.” Kerry dropped into the nearest chair and let out a 134 Melissa Good breath. “Just made it. We had a wild day at work.” She watched the eyes flick over her shoulder and smiled. “Dar’ll be here in a bit. She was just finishing up a call when I left.” Her gaze turned towards her former coworkers. “So. How are you guys doing? Susan, I got your email with those jokes. I hope you know they’re floating around HQ now.”

The programmer chuckled. “That’s okay. Things are fine by us. We just finished up remapping that IRS website program. Put them on IIS

with some custom scripting. They like it.”

“I know.” The green eyes twinkled. “I keep track of stuff coming from you all. It’s been fun watching everything come together.” She looked up as the waitress rolled back up and delivered drinks. “Ooo.

What’s that? Draft beer? Can I have one?”

The lights dimmed and the strobes started up, throwing patterns of balls and beams around the bowling alley. Tacky music added to the atmosphere, as teams moved towards their assigned alleys. “Do they really expect you to…um…bowl…in this?” Kerry, with a wry grin, peered around.

“Nah. It’s more of a gag than anything.” Susan waved a hand at it.

“The proceeds go to the United Way, so...” She held up a ticket. “You’d better go get a pair of ugly shoes and we’ll claim our spot. They’ll bring the beer over there for ya.” She pointed. “Lane 32.”

“Good idea.” Kerry stood up and Ray joined her. “We’ll meet you guys over there.” She edged around the table and walked towards the control desk, with the slim Latin man right at her heels. “This is just goofy enough to be fun, Ray.”

Ray laughed. “, you got that right, jefa.” He patted her back, a touch gingerly. “Kerry, I have to say this to you, I think you look fantastic.”

Her friendly smile and warm green eyes were the same. “Thanks, Ray. You look great yourself. Is that a new haircut?” Ray’s dark hair was almost shaved in back and the front wasn’t much longer. She reached over and ruffled it.

“I hate to tell you what happened.” He lowered his voice, as they waited their turn at the desk. “I was under the sink, you know? Fixing the pipes and I turned that little torch on.”

Kerry cocked her head. “For the copper things?”

, . Only the dog, she’s so cute, but she put her nose…I was not wearing…” Ray stopped, and cleared his throat. “Anyway, I jumped up, and forgot the torch, and burned my hairs off.”

She clapped a hand over her mouth to keep from bursting out laughing. “I’m sorry. That’s not funny.”

“Oh, honey. Of course, yes, it is.” Ray smiled sheepishly. “But it does not look so bad, does it?”

Kerry smiled back. “No. Not at all. You just look different.” She paused. “Younger, I think.”

“You too.” The dark eyes flickered beneath even darker lashes.

“Look at all those muscles.”

Eye of the Storm 135

She glanced down, then spread her arms a little and shrugged.

“Yeah. I know. All that wall climbing, and diving, and…” Kerry exhaled.

“Took me a little while to get used to it but it doesn’t look too bad, huh?”

“Tch.” Ray bit his lip, and given this permission, indulged in a long look. “Honey, you look gorgeous…and so happy.” He leaned closer. “I am so glad for you, jefa. The chupa, she did good for you, no?”

Kerry nodded slowly. “Better than good, Ray.” She turned around as they reached the desk and handed the ticket over, ordering shoes for herself and Dar and paying for them. “It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

“OKAY, OKAY, OKAY.” Dar finally checked off the last box in the form she was filling out, carefully writing in several notes near the bottom of it. “Can we beta or not?”

An aggrieved sigh came through the speakerphone. “Dar, we have just gotten the routers in place. Willya give me a damn week to get them programmed and tested before you start tossing packets at them?”