Dar watched a clip of her interview and sighed. “I look like an idiot.”

“You do not.” Kerry gave her a look. “You look gorgeous and that guy is all but drooling on you, Dar.”

Dar made a face.

“You’re such a nerd.” Kerry kidded her gently. “I think you look great on TV.”

Dar fiddled with her pager, then turned it on and dropped it onto the table. She stared at it for a few seconds, then jumped as it started to vibrate. They both watched in fascination as the device skittered all over the table, then hopped off to the carpet, where it continued to vibrate.

“Wow.” Dar waited a few minutes until it finally stopped, then she picked it up and reviewed the pages. “Twenty five. It maxed out the memory.” She thumbed through them. “Guess I should probably give Mark a call…maybe have him call María…”

“Why don’t you call her?” Kerry got up and walked over to the window, which was covered in raindrops. “You know she’d love to hear from you directly, Dar. She really likes you.” She turned and leaned against the glass.

“Yeah.” Dar rose and went to the desk, sat down behind it and took a breath, then booted up her laptop. “You should give Colleen a call.” She picked up Kerry’s cell phone and turned it on, then dialed Mark’s number, which she had to fish in her still slightly foggy memory for. It rang twice, then was answered. “Hi.”

There was a brief silence. “Dar?”


“Son of a goddamn bitch. I am so glad to hear your voice.”

It brought a surprising tightness to her throat. “Thanks. Everything all right there?”

“Here? Yeah! Ah, everything’s great. Perfect.” Mark blurted. “Well, I mean, like the usual stuff is going on, you know. Canada’s down, and we lost the overseas routers this afternoon, so that’s a mess, but…um…”

“I get the picture. Glad things are pretty much as usual,” Dar replied.

“Hey guys! I got Dar on the phone,” Mark yelled, muffling the receiver with one hand. “Man, it’s fantastic to talk to you. I’ve got that whole clip digitized and in Quicktime. The server’s been going wild serving it.”

Dar covered her eyes. “Great. If you blow an array with that, I’m going to kick your ass.”

Mark laughed in delight. “Now that sounds like my boss. How’s Kerry?”

“She’s fine. She’s got a dislocated shoulder and few bumps, but she’s okay.” Dar couldn’t seem to get rid of the lump in her throat. “Is…um…is 408 Melissa Good María still there, or did she leave already?”

“She’s here. I’ll transfer you. Listen, I really mean it, Dar, I’m glad you’re both okay.” Mark put her on hold a minute, then the call clicked through.


“Hi, María.”

A gasp. “¡Madre de Dios! ” María sounded like she was crying. “Dar, I am so glad to hear you. I was so frightened that something bad had happened to you and to Kerrisita.”

“No. We’re both okay, María. Thanks for worrying though.” Dar cleared her throat and blinked, shocked to find tears stinging her own eyes. A touch fell on her shoulder and she glanced up at Kerry, then just handed her the phone, covering her face with her other hand.

“Hey, María,” Kerry said into the cell, rubbing Dar’s arm with her other hand.

“Oh, Kerrisita!” The secretary sounded overwhelmed. “I thank God everything is all right with you. I have been praying every minute.”

“Thanks, María. It’s great to know people were concerned about us,”

Kerry told her. “The great news is, it looks like we’re coming back. And let me tell you, I can’t wait to get home.”

“Are you all right? Is Dar all right?”

“We’re fine,” Kerry assured her. “A little scratched and dented, but that’s it. But I think God was watching over us, so we did just fine.” She scratched Dar on the back of her neck and watched as her lover rubbed her face, then straightened, her composure restored. “You don’t know how wonderful it is to know how you all were watching out for us too.”

“Kerrisita, I know God watches over you and I will be glad when you both are back here, safely and soundly.” María exhaled. “Now I can go home and my family will be happy tonight. Mayte was so concerned also.”

“Thanks.” Kerry smiled. “Tell her I say hello and that she’s going to have to help me with typing for a little while.”

Dar held hand up and took the phone back. “Thanks, María. Pass along my regards to everyone, will you? We’ll see you Monday morning.”

, Dar. I will do that. You take good care, yes?”

“I’ll do my best. Good night. Have a good weekend.” Dar hung up and sat there, staring at the phone for a moment before folding it and putting it down.

Kerry perched on the edge of the desk, running the fingers of her good hand through Dar’s hair as her partner gazed at the floor, her head bowed. “You know, I’ll never forget the first time María caught me red handed in fussing over you,” she remarked, conversationally. “It was after one of those awful marketing meetings, where you’d stormed out and then gone out onto the balcony to cool off.”

“Mmph,” Dar grunted softly, nodding her head a little.

“I’d gone downstairs for some ice tea and, I don’t know, I was just Eye of the Storm 409

frustrated and pissed off, I think. I went into the shop next to the cafeteria and got you a pint of Haagen Daz and a little stuffed bear before I thought about what I was doing and went back upstairs with it, snuck into your office, and just as I was done setting it on your desk, María walked in.”

Dar chuckled softly. “I remember that day.”

“I think I could have explained the ice cream.” Kerry also chuckled.

“I had no idea what to say about the bear,” she admitted. “But María just acted like she didn’t even see it.”

“It was a cute bear,” Dar murmured. “And my favorite ice cream.”

“When I came out of the office, though, she stopped me and told me how glad she was that I was really part of the team,” Kerry went on.

“Then she said ‘thank you, Kerrisita, for being so considerate of our jefa, because she is one of a kind.’”

Dar turned her head and looked up at her.

“And that’s so true.” Kerry leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. “You’re very special.”

The pale blue eyes took on a look of gentle adoration that snared Kerry in utterly. “Thanks. I feel the same way about you.” She laced her fingers into Kerry’s and kissed the back of her hand. They both smiled.

“My turn.” Kerry picked up the phone and clumsily keyed in Colleen’s number, then pressed the send, just as a knock sounded at the door. “You know, I realized we have a problem,” she muttered, as she waited for the line to ring through.

“Hmm?” Dar had gotten up and headed for the door.

“Ice cream’s gonna melt.”

Dar paused, with her hand on the knob, and turned her head. “Like hell it is.”



“MS. STUART, COULD you move over just a little?”

Kerry obligingly shifted slightly, peering up at the x-ray machine and trying to relax. It was hard, though, since the table was cold and her skin was warm and the machine was making weird little chuckling noises that made her jump.

“Okay, now hold still,” the voice called, and she heard a buzzing noise. “Thanks. One more.” Another buzz. “Okay.” The technician came over and helped her sit up. “There. That’s all for me. Now they said you needed to go,” she consulted a chart, “to CAT scan next.”

“Mmm, yippee.” Kerry sighed. “Do I have to? I don’t even have a headache now.”

“Not for me to decide,” the tech told her cheerfully. “I’m just a stop on the way. We can’t force you to do anything you don’t want to do, but if the doctor thought it was a good idea, it probably is.”

“I guess.” Kerry fastened her short, hospital issued little tunic thing up, which tied in front and was a vast, vast improvement over the old backless gown number. At least they’d let her keep her jeans on, since her lower body seemed to have taken good care of itself, and her sneakers which kept the cold floor from chilling her toes. “I wonder where my friend is?”

“Let me guess.” The tech ticked off her fingers. “Tall, dark hair, built like a brick we won’t say what, and with an attitude from hell?”


“Clear blue eyes?”

“That’d be her,” Kerry admitted. “Did she give you trouble? She doesn’t mean it. She just really hates hospitals and after what happened yesterday, I’m not surprised she didn’t want to be messed with.” She paused. “I kinda made her get checked out. She’s probably really pissed off at me.”

“She’s more pissed off at the tech who was with her. He made a crack about her working for the WWF.”

“World Wildlife Foundation?” Kerry gazed at her, totally bewildered. “What brought that up?”

The tech scratched her chin. “World Wrestling Federation,” she muttered. “You know, the…”

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“Oh.” Kerry muffled a chuckle. “Yeah, I bet she was pissed. She hates that stuff. I can see why he asked, though.”

“Mmhm.” The tech cleared her throat. “Think she’s available?”

Kerry smiled. “Nope.” Then she walked out and ran her fingers through her hair to free its ends from her gown as she made her way down the hall towards the prominently labeled CAT scan area. She knew she should have waited for the wheelchair to come take her, but she was anxious to get the tests behind her and go visit Angie.

Then get out of there before she ran into her parents and get back to the hotel, where they had nothing more strenuous planned than an outing with a pay per view movie and a bucket of popcorn. Then tomorrow—a plane trip and by sundown she’d be home.