Ceci glanced at where Dar was seated, with Kerry curled up in her arms. “They’ll survive.” She watched her daughter in bemusement, remembering all too clearly a teen’s angry insistence on pristine person space. When was the last time she’d hugged Dar? Grade school, probably.

Those last few years of innocence—well, relatively—before puberty had kicked in and ended any shreds of closeness they’d clung on to.

Kerry seemed the touchy feely kind though, and apparently Dar had adjusted to that, not grudging the fair-haired woman the comfort her physical presence provided. Certainly, Kerry soaked up the affection, as Dar kept up a light rubbing on her back, collecting herself visibly with a few deep breaths.

Adjusted? Ceci covertly noted the look of weary contentment on Dar’s face as she rested her cheek against Kerry’s pale head. Maybe I should have tried a few more hugs to start with. Kerry definitely was showing her an unexpected side to her daughter—that was for sure. A warm, gently affectionate, playful facet she frankly hadn’t thought Dar possessed.

Ah well. Hindsight was a very frustrating thing, especially for a parent.

You just really never knew if you were doing the right thing, the wrong thing, or whatever, and by the time you figured it all out, it was too late.

“Guess we’d better get going,” she murmured, with an apologetic look in Eye of the Storm 385

Kerry’s direction. “You doing any better?”

Kerry nodded. “Just needed to catch my breath, I think,” she murmured, then she tilted her head up and gazed at her quiet protector.

“Thank you.”

Dar’s head cocked to one side. “For being a backrest? No problem.”

“That too.” Kerry folded her fingers around Dar’s longer ones and brushed her lips over their knuckles. “I always seem to be getting you into trouble.”

“Keeps life interesting,” Dar assured her with a faint smile, as she hauled herself to her feet and tugged Kerry up with her. “C’mon.” She kept an arm around her lover’s shoulders as they made their way down the hall, climbing over obstacles together in silence.

They’d gotten most of the way down towards the end of the building, when Andrew paused and put his hand against the wall, looking around carefully. “Damn.”

“What is it?” Ceci asked.

“Ain’t no way down from here. Stairs were up behind that part.” He pointed at a pile of wreckage. “Looks like that whole damn section fell in on top of itself.”

Dar watched the smoke fill the end of the corridor back the way they came from. “Well, let’s get to an outside room then. Must be people trying to get folks out of this damn place.” She took the lead, scrambled over an overturned mobile bed and turned the last corner, then stopped short.

The end of the hallway was full of huddled, frightened people, who stared at them with wild eyes. Kerry’s parents were there, against one wall, the senator caught in mid-word.

“A disgrace.” His eyes fell on them and he paused. “No one to help, no one who knows anything. You can bet something will be done about it after this.”

“If we get out of here,” a woman sitting on the floor with a young boy cradled in her arms responded. “No one even knows what happened.

It was like a bomb went off.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” the senator snapped. “Probably some inferior imported gas heater blew up. This place is known for cutting corners.”

“With this amount of damage?” Dar snorted. “It’d have to be a water heater the size of the Titanic.” She started around the area, examining any possible way out. “It probably was a bomb.” She gave the senator a dark look. “Someone probably got tired of your hate policies.”

“Shut up.”

“Kiss my ass.”

“Dar.” Kerry looked from face to face, closing her eyes when she didn’t see the one face she was looking for. The end of the building was open and had large windows and there were perhaps a dozen people there, some injured, some patients, and some, about a half dozen, children.

Then she realized the room was full of colorful furniture and toys, and guessed they were in the pediatrics area. Two of the children were in 386 Melissa Good wheelchairs and they looked scared. Kerry smiled at the closest one and tried not to think of her sister.

Surely, Angie had gotten out. Maybe she’d been on her way to the delivery room. Maybe she was on the other side of the damage and already outside.

Maybe Kerry was already an aunt again.

Maybe it was a little boy. She stopped, and fought the tears down. I am not going to give up on you, Angie. I know you made it.

“Does anyone actually know what happened?” Dar finally asked, as Andrew went to the window and peered out.

“Hell if I know,” one man answered, holding a dirty piece of cloth to a cut on his face. A little girl clung to him, evidently his daughter. The child was pale and wearing a hospital jumper and she looked frightened and uncomfortable. “One minute we were watching the television, the next…the whole place blew apart.”

Dar glanced behind her. “We should block off that hallway.”

“Are you crazy?” A woman seated against the wall objected. “That’s the only way they have of getting to us. We’re in a cul de sac.”

“It’s also the only way the fire has to get to us,” Dar replied. “And it’s gonna get here before help does.”

A murmur of fear greeted her words. Against the far wall, Kerry’s parents simply turned their heads and ignored her existence. Over near the entrance, a small kitchenette had been mostly spared and readily plundered. There was a five gallon bottle of water sitting on the counter half empty and Kerry went for it, aware of being desperately thirsty all of a sudden.

A dull explosion threw her against the wall and she grabbed on, as debris fell all around her. After a few tense moments, though, the creaking stopped and they all coughed in the film of plaster dust fogging the room. Part of the drop ceiling collapsed, throwing broken tiles everywhere, and the already stuffy air seemed to thicken around them.

Then with a halfhearted flicker, the faint emergency lighting went out, and they were in darkness, broken only by the city lights coming in from the windows that ringed them.

Kerry stopped with her hand on the counter. Meager though it had been, the light had served to at least give them some idea of what was happening. Now anything could come out of the dark. She jumped as she felt a touch on her back and gasped.

“Easy.” Dar’s voice tickled her ears. “Let me get that for you.” The dark haired woman rummaged in the scattering of debris near the lop-sided refrigerator and retrieved a cup, then lifted the bottle carefully and poured some water into it.

Kerry gulped the liquid gratefully, draining the cup, then stared at it in the gloomy half light. “Could you…”

“Sure.” Dar poured her another cupful, then she took a deep breath.

“I don’t think blocking the hall is gonna help.”

“Prob’ly not,” Andrew, standing next to her invisibly, agreed.

Eye of the Storm 387

“Think we need to get that there winder open.” He glanced at the dimly seen profiles against the glass. “Dar, let’s you an me go check that out.

Cec, keep by here, all right?”

“All right.” Cecilia leaned against the counter next to Kerry and exhaled, as she turned her head. “Mind if I steal a sip of that?”

Kerry offered her the cup. “Least I could do after getting you into this.”

“Kerry?” Ceci gave her a sideways look, taking a sip of the water. “If you don’t cut out the blame game, I’m going to be forced to get maternal on you and that could get ugly.”

Kerry blinked at her, then smiled against her will. “Sorry. I babble when I’m nervous.” She rubbed her eyes tiredly. “My brain’s running on empty right now.” She was achingly aware of her parents watching from across the room.

“I can tell. You know what Dar does when she’s antsy?”

“Pulls things apart,” Kerry responded, with a wan grin. “Paper clips especially. She shapes them into little figurines.”

Ceci chuckled. “I’m glad some things didn’t change. I used to keep a collection of the damn things.”

Kerry studied her for a moment. “I bet you still have them,” she stated unexpectedly. “Don’t you?”

The older woman pursed her lips, then glanced down at the counter they were leaning on. “You caught me. Yes, I do,” she agreed softly.

“Along with a couple pairs of tiny shoes and a first grader’s efforts at spelling.”

Kerry absorbed that, her gaze unconsciously drifting over to her parents. “I had to do all of my own saving.” Her voice was low and quiet.

After a moment of pensive silence, she turned her head towards Ceci.

“Mrs. Roberts, you can get maternal on me any time you want.”

Incredible. Cecilia drew a breath in. Someone who thinks I’m parenting material. I must be getting ancient as the hills for that to happen. “Well then,”

she answered reflectively, “you’d better stop calling me Mrs. Roberts.” In the gloom, she could just barely see Kerry smile.


The children were starting to cry, frightened to an even higher state by the darkness. Dar and Andy made their way across the crowded floor, pressing up against the glass windows as they reached them and looked down.

“Jesus.” Dar’s eyes widened, at the huge collection of lights, emergency equipment, and people swarming about below. “Guess they are working on getting people out.” She watched as a fireman tugged a wrapped form out a window two stories beneath them. They were on the seventh floor, almost near the top of the building, and from what she could see whatever had happened had ripped out almost half of the side of the structure.