Sydney laughed. “This definitely calls for some wine.” She checked Faith’s cabinets and frowned. “She’s out. How about you round us up some booze while I call the others back? The least we can do since Gage isn’t putting on a show is watch some reruns of Sex and the City.”

“Or anything with Russell Crowe or Hugh Jackman in it.” Hailey chuckled and grabbed her keys. “I’ll be back in a jiffy. And tell Beth she owes me one for not landing on her face when I flew off the chair.”

Still laughing under her breath, she left Faith’s at a much more sedate pace. If anything, tonight’s incident taught her she needed to get a social life, one that included a man. Sighing, she wished, for just a moment, that she could have Gage all to herself.

“Hell, what would I do with him?” She rolled her eyes and tightened her hand on her keys. She’d had sex, even knew the finer points to good sex. But she’d never had killer, to-die-for sex. And with a man like Gage, it couldn’t be any other kind.

Sex with Gage? Yeah, right, her conscience reasserted, bringing her back to reality.

A sudden memory from work made her frown, and she stared down at the keys in her hand unseeingly. Earlier this morning she’d accidentally overheard two of her male coworkers and been mortified to find herself the object of their discussion.

“Come on, Hal. You know she’s the best-looking woman in here.”

“Shit, yes. I’m married, I’m not blind.”

Eddie Flynn had chuckled. “Those tits are killer. Her legs, her ass. Yeah, she’s definitely the one I’d do. But only if I could put a bag over her face.”

Hal had sounded surprised. “But why? She’s pretty enough.”

“Sure, but have you ever looked into her eyes? That’s one frigid bitch. And talking to Jennison is enough to make your dick shrivel up and never come out again.” They shared a chuckle. “So I figure if I don’t have to look at her face or hear her voice, I could do her until I couldn’t breathe any more. She’s that hot underneath that don’t-touch-me glare.”

Hailey had left the nearby coffee room quietly, her head down as she tried to calm her flaming face. Those bastards. After five years with the company, she still had to put up with such immature reactions from the people she worked with. Her first days at work had been hell, but after several months had passed and she hadn’t wrecked any marriages or slept with any coworkers, most of her peers had left her alone. She’d even made friends with Amy and Beth.

But, just like that, a few condescending snickers from the new guys in sales, and she felt all of thirteen again. A young girl on the verge of womanhood, unfortunately toppling into maturity with a body built for sex. Men wanted her, and women mostly disliked her, threatened by her appeal. Hailey snorted. If only they realized she was all show and no action.

The few men she’d dated over the years had complained of her tension whenever sex was involved. And her one serious boyfriend, the lover she’d broken up with a year ago, had left her for another woman, claiming Hailey had too many issues regarding their intimacy together. Apparently, that made it okay to boink his next-door neighbor.

Just thinking about Jerry the Worm made her see red. She’d really thought he might be The One. After so much time doubting herself, she’d found a man to love her for herself, or so she’d thought at the time. She ought to face facts. She didn’t have what it took to hold onto a man, and especially not a man other women would drool over.

An image of Gage made her frown, depression weighing her down. He was great to look at, and a hell of a man to dream about. If only dreams could come true. What the hell would she say if she ever met him face to face?

Hi, I’ve seen you naked. You’re gorgeous, perfect, and the man I masturbate to nightly. But I’m too nervous about my own body to share it with you. Thanks for playing?

Sighing, Hailey had just lifted the handle to the car door when a large hand covered hers, scaring her speechless. Turning her in his arms, her dream man asked in a deep, husky voice as smooth as molasses, “Where are you off to so soon, honey? You’re going to miss the best part of the show.”

Chapter Two

Hailey leapt back, crashing against her car, and stared at Gage with wide eyes.

“What?” she squeaked.

“Baby, even those honey-brown eyes aren’t enough to make me go away quietly.

You and your friends have been watching me. I know it and you know it.” His voice grew louder, attracting the attention of a nearby resident.

Aware she didn’t want this to go any further than it already had, Hailey wondered what to say or do to make Gage go away.

“I’m sorry, but I think you have me confused with someone else.”

He narrowed a gorgeous, steel-gray gaze that made her womb clench and frowned.

“Honey, I don’t think you understand. Apartment 306? Faith Sumner ring a bell?” Crap, he did know about Faith and where she lived. “Now we can discuss this here, with an audience.” He nodded to several people laughing as they crossed the parking lot. “Or we can go somewhere private and discuss the matter…without getting the police involved.

Frankly, I’m tired of being stared at.”

Crossing his arms, Gage looked completely menacing, and mouthwateringly real.

Without the distance separating his apartment from the Friday night shows, Hailey’s normally nonexistent sexuality kicked into overdrive. Good lord, but this man was even making her mouth water.

She eyed his irritation, figured what she knew about him after several months of observation, and knew she’d never get another chance to be this close to the object of her fascination.

Nodding, she let him drag her the distance to his apartment, not wanting to appear eager. But as they drew closer to his place, she wondered at her sanity. He’d seen her watching, knew all about Faith and her friends. Why the hell was she going to entertain his questions? Then again, considering the alternative he gave her was to talk to the police, she had no choice but to take him up on his offer to discuss matters privately.

With any luck, Sydney would spot them walking the distance to his wing, or better yet, see Hailey in his apartment and race to the rescue.

Unfortunately, Hailey’s worries paled next to her sudden, combustible libido. God, being so close to him was like walking in a wet dream. His rock hard body enticed, demanding adulation. And not wanting to look directly into his burning gray eyes, she was more than happy to focus on his broad shoulders and sculpted delts, his corded forearms, and especially on the taut ass encased in those jeans.

She followed him up the stairs, her gaze helplessly drawn to his powerful thighs.

With some difficulty, she swallowed around a dry mouth. She still couldn’t believe she was accompanying her fantasy man back to his apartment. Sydney would be expecting her back with the booze, and instead Hailey walked behind Mr. Tool, caught in a firm grip promising retribution.

At his door he paused, his eyes darkening with menace. Instead of appearing scary, he only looked sexier. “Wait right here. You move one step, I’m calling the cops on you and your peeping friends.”

Frozen, she nodded and waited. As if she had a choice in the matter. She could just see her name plastered over the local news. Dull and prudish Hailey Jennison caught peeping at hard-working, blue-collar stiff. At the word “stiff” she inwardly groaned. She did not need to be focused on sex around an angry, half-dressed Adonis who didn’t seem to have a woman on the horizon.

He jerked his door open and pulled her inside, locking the door behind her. From what she could see through dimmed lights, he had a nice, masculine place. Up close, his apartment had more charm than she’d seen through his windows. White-washed walls framed a spacious apartment with brown leather furniture. He had oak hardwood floors, dark cabinetry that looked extremely expensive and definitely hand-crafted. His small kitchen was bright and cheery, with an apple-green tile backsplash against white cabinets.

No dishes cluttered the sink, and the rest of his place looked tidy, as if he’d recently cleaned.

For a split second she wondered if he had a girlfriend they’d never seen, or worse, if he might in fact be gay. But Faith had seen him watching porn, she remembered, and unconsciously glanced toward his windows. She blinked, noting them completely covered.

“No need to give your friends more of a show than we have to,” he said in a gritty voice.

She whipped her head to him, studying him warily. What the hell had she been thinking? She stood alone in an apartment with a virtual stranger, one who seemed in a pretty fierce mad as he glared at her. He towered over her, his muscles clearly outlined in the soft lighting of the room. She took a cautious step back, aware he’d locked his door, and swallowed loudly.

Seeing her fear, his scowl deepened.

Anxiety flared. What did she really know about Gage? He worked in construction, put in a full day’s work, and didn’t screw around, or at least he hadn’t for the past three months. He apparently liked porn—she still had a bone to pick with Faith about that—

and despite leaving his curtains wide open at night, had issues with being spied upon.

He took a step closer and surprised her by sighing. “Now, Hailey, why don’t you tell me what you’ve really been doing in Faith’s apartment every Friday night for the past few months.” He walked toward her and she froze. He mumbled something under his breath, and her gaze followed him as he walked around her to his door, then leaned back against it, blocking any chance at escape. His muscled arms crossed over his massive chest, and he stared at her with an intensity she found unnerving.