“Oh, that’s right.” Lena gave a forced laugh. “I knew that.”
“No problem. I don’t mind you asking or getting to know me,” he pointed out, turning shrewd eyes on Mason.
The man has a death wish. Of that, Rachel was certain.
“You know,” Mason replied in a frosty tone, “that’s the kind of thing a man does when he introduces himself to the family before he dates or marries a woman.”
“Mason,” Lena hissed.
She wasn’t even getting through to the imposter that had taken over Rachel’s usually levelheaded brother.
“Well, in my defense, the last time we met, you didn’t seem very open to getting to know me,” Cole said.
Rachel could feel her heart hammering inside her chest while her head was pounding with the headache she could feel coming on.
“That’s because Lena and Shelly told me that Rachel would never date a man like you—ever.”
“Mason!” Both Lena and Rachel shouted as they glared at the man who was usually so loving, usually so open.
Rachel wanted to hit something—Mason, in particular—as she shot a death stare in his direction.
What a complete disaster.
Thinking she would have some major explaining to do, Rachel turned to see Cole was looking at her with a mixture of amusement and annoyance. She liked to imagine that the amusement was for her and the annoyance for her brother.
Under the table, she felt a hand move to her thigh where Cole squeezed gently before he looked past her to Mason.
“Good thing I don’t ever take no for an answer then, isn’t it? And while your point is valid, technically, we didn’t even finish our first date.” Cole paused and looked back at Rachel with a smirk injected with a healthy dose of irritation.
The look almost made Rachel want to wince.
“When was that?” Cole asked Rachel conversationally before turning back to Mason. “Oh yes, Thursday night. A week after Rachel began, hmm…seeing me. Yes, our first date was definitely Thursday night, marriage license was Friday, and the wedding Saturday. You’ve got to love the efficiency of the county clerk’s office, don’t you?”
Like a missile being launched, Mason shot out of his chair. Just as he was about to open his mouth, the back door swung open, and Shelly sauntered in, dressed in a black pencil skirt and blue blouse. With a bottle of wine in one hand and Josh holding the other, she gave them all a warm smile.
“Sorry, we’re late, guys. We got held up in traffic,” she announced.
Josh dropped her hand and swatted her gently on the ass. “I don’t remember there being any traffic.”
Shelly laughed with Josh as she placed the bottle on the table beside the one they were all seated at…well, except for Mason who was still standing. She finally glanced at the other people in the room, and when her eyes moved to the man sitting beside Rachel, her mouth fell open. Not being the shy or retiring type, Shelly stepped up to the back of the empty chair with a sly smile.
“Well, well, well,” she muttered as she let her eyes move back and forth between Rachel and Cole. “Isn’t this an unexpected treat? Rachel brought a date to dinner.”
Josh, wearing his usual jeans and T-shirt, stepped up next to Shelly and looked at Cole. Cole nodded in acknowledgment to Josh before turning to look at Shelly.
Rachel knew it only took Josh a second to sense the mood in the room, and as he looked to where Mason was standing at the head of the table with a clenched jaw and a pissed-off expression, she could see his mind whirling.
“Cole,” Josh greeted cautiously as he pulled out his seat.
Before Josh could sit, Mason started to laugh like some kind of lunatic. His eyes shut, and he held his stomach as the hilarity of whatever he was thinking seemed to get the better of him.
Rachel watched as Shelly turned to Lena, who was silently shaking her head.
Then, in true Shelly style, she asked, “What the hell have you been smoking, Mason?”
Mason finally got himself under control and sat down.
Turning to Josh and Shelly, who were now both seated opposite Rachel and Cole, he finally spoke. “Let me introduce you, not to Rachel’s date, but to her husband. Josh, I believe you already know him.”
Cole kept his eyes focused on his friend and employer, Joshua. As the news seemed to finally make its way past the shock factor, Cole saw his friend look immediately to where Rachel was looking back at him and Shelly.
“Married?” Shelly shouted, slapping her hand on the table. “Shut the fu—”
“Shel,” Josh interrupted the stunning blonde while still looking at Rachel with an expression of worry and confusion.
“What?” Shelly demanded on a laugh.
Well, hell, Cole thought, at least someone is amused.
“This is priceless. I’ve been waiting for Super Domme to finally admit she liked this guy, and here she is married to him!” Leaning back on her chair, Shelly reached around Josh and poked Lena in the side. “You owe me fifty bucks.”
“Hang on. You took a bet about this? That they would get married?” Mason asked as he glared at his wife.
“No, I took a bet that they would end up dating,” Lena muttered.
Cole sat back in his chair and watched the chaos unfold. He had to admit he was extremely curious about Shelly calling Rachel Super Domme. It was a point that Mason had obviously missed, or he would have—
“And why are you calling her Super Domme?”
Okay, no, he didn’t miss it.
“Mason, I think you need to calm down,” Lena advised as she reached across to where his palm was clenched on the table.
“I think someone needs to start fucking talking!” Mason shouted as he turned his eyes to where Rachel sat silently, watching everything swirl around them.
Cole was going to let her answer. He was sure of it, but then the look on her face told him she had no idea what she wanted to say, and he hated that she felt so cornered. So, he stepped in.
“I think you should calm down, Mason. If and when Rachel wants to talk to you about it, I’m sure she will.”
“Cole, I think you should probably let them talk.”
The low warning came from Joshua, and as Cole zoomed in on him, he asked, “Is that the advice of my friend or from a man who once kissed my wife?”
“What?” Shelly sputtered, her mouth falling open.
“Oh, that’s really mature, Cole,” Joshua pointed out.
“I don’t particularly think anyone is acting very mature at this table, so why should I?”
“What does he mean you kissed Rachel?” Shelly asked again, looking back and forth between Rachel and her fiancé. Then her face split into a grin as it dawned on her. “Oh, you mean when you were teenagers? I think it’s sweet.”
“Oh. My. God! Would you all just shut up?” Rachel finally yelled as she stood and glared at everyone.
Cole sat in silent admiration as she turned on Mason.
“You owe Cole an apology.”
“I will not—”
“What?” she demanded, interrupting him. “Act like an adult? Right now, you are acting like a teenager who wants to beat up my boyfriend you disapprove of. And if I remember correctly, you never did that to him,” she accused, pointing at Josh, who was now sitting back in his chair with his arm slung over the back of Shelly’s chair.
“You dated Josh?”
This question came from Lena, who looked like she was trying to hold back a grin. Cole noticed the side of her mouth twitching, and he knew she was struggling.
“No, I didn’t date Josh. I had a crush on him in high school.”
“A huge one,” Shelly added with a smile.
“Awww.” Lena finally lost the battle, and the grin broke free. “That’s very sweet. I bet he was a real sweetheart in high school.”
“He was her first kiss,” Shelly interjected, receiving a frosty glare from Rachel. “What?” Shelly feigned innocence. “It is sweet. And I have it on good authority that he is an excellent kisser.”
Cole could tell Rachel was close to losing her cool as she let her eyes move over everyone sitting at the table.
“This must be so much fun for you all, and I get it. I used to give you all shit when you brought someone new in. I don’t have any issue with that, but you…” She paused, turning to her brother. “I expected so much more from you.”
Cole saw the way that comment hit Mason. His eyes clouded, and Cole could sense the anger draining from him, but Rachel wasn’t finished. She leaned down until she was nose-to-nose with her brother.
“You haven’t only embarrassed me, which I expected and probably deserved, but you have hurt and humiliated me tonight. I never thought you would ever do that.”
Pushing the chair back, Rachel threw her napkin on the table and looked across to where Josh was silently staring up at her.
“Nothing to say? I’m surprised. I figured since you and Shelly must have had a fantastic laugh about me behind my back that you would be full of comments right now.”
“Rach, it’s not like that.”
“Save it, Josh. I thought at least you would be on my side.”
Cole glanced over to his friend, who was now frowning.
“I would like to leave,” Rachel requested softly.
Standing, Cole buttoned his jacket and nodded to the table. “It’s been…interesting.”
And with that, he took Rachel’s hand, and they left the table, heading out the same way they had come in.
The entire drive home, Rachel had been running through everything that had just happened, and she felt numb. Going in, she had known that Mason would be annoyed, but she had at least expected him to calm down enough to listen. His reaction had been unlike anything she had seen before. It was like he was a powder keg, and someone had lit the fuse. Rachel was still blown away by the ferocity of his anger.
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