Penny glanced up, ready to open a discussion with Chelsea because it was stupid to think she wasn’t good enough for Simon. She was going to give her the lecture of a lifetime, but something caught her eye.

Right there on the screen, a newswoman was speaking into a microphone as she stood outside what looked to be the smoldering remains of a town house. It seemed to have been gutted by the blaze, but the porch was still there. A firefighter walked from the front door in full gear. He stepped out on the stone porch she knew so well. The stone pots had been left behind. Likely Damon had thought they were part of the house, so he hadn’t packed them up when he’d moved her from her mum’s home. Penelope remembered the day her father had brought them home. Two large planters with lion’s head designs on the front. Her mother had laughed, saying they were atrocious, but they’d sat there on either side of the door for twenty years.

Her mother’s house, the house she’d grown up in, was gone.

“Penny?” Chelsea sat up, concern on her face.

“That’s my house.” Tears pooled in her eyes. “He burned my house down.”

Basil Champion meant business, and it seemed she was his next target.

* * *

Damon stared at the charred wreckage that used to be his sub’s home. Penelope was speaking to the fire brigade investigator, but the man’s boss would be getting a call from Nigel in the next few minutes that would shut everything down. The fire would be declared an accident, insurance would compensate her, and people would forget.

SIS wouldn’t forget. It would go on record, another mark against former agent Basil Champion.

He suspected Penelope was just now realizing what loving him could cost her.

“Bad business, Knight, but I’m glad you’re here.” George Cash had been in town, seen the news, and rushed over. He’d been the first of the family on the scene, but Diana and her husband hadn’t been far behind. Diana and Penelope had cried, hugging each other.

He only had Penelope. If The Garden burned down, she would be the only one there to offer him comfort, and Baz was making it impossible for him to accept it.

This was his way of letting Damon know not to get too close because he could take it all away.

He managed to shake George’s hand. “Yes, we heard about it on the telly and got over here as fast as we could.” It suddenly occurred to him that he had explanations to make. “Don’t worry about photos or mementos. I had them all moved to a storage facility when Penelope moved out.”

Cash’s shoulders squared. “She’s moved in with you?”

“Just while she’s looking for her own place.” He didn’t want to leave her trying to explain their situation after he was gone. “It isn’t permanent.”

“That’s surprising. I actually don’t like any of this. Penny hasn’t dated since her fiancé left, and now she’s moving in with someone we don’t even know. I find it odd that she just introduced you and suddenly it seems as though her whole life’s been upended. She was living here just last week. The place was full of Mum’s stuff. It should have taken a month to move it all on her own.”

“I have connections.” It was the only explanation he was willing to give.

“Yes, I’m sure you do. Again, thanks for bringing her out, but you should know, I’m going to check into you, Knight. She isn’t unprotected, and I won’t let anyone hurt my sister.” He nodded, taking a step back before he turned and joined his family.

Leaving Damon utterly alone. Cash was a good chap, but he had no idea what he was up against. Penelope wasn’t being threatened by a Lothario who would break her heart. Baz would likely cut it out and mail it to Damon.

Ian Taggart strode up. Damon had left him behind to get the club shut down. Weston was still there, watching over it. He wouldn’t put it past Baz to use the destruction of Penelope’s home as a distraction to attack the club.

“Any sign of him?”

Damon shook his head. “None. You should get back. I’d feel better if Weston had backup.”

“He does. He has Charlie. Don’t think my wife won’t take out your fuckwad for you. She’s been itching to get back in the game. Chelsea’s taken over the CCTVs around The Garden. They’re safe.”

He was glad Tag was optimistic. He couldn’t help but glance back at Penelope. She was leaning on Diana, and the minute George got to her side, she pulled him close, too. He’d studied her before. She’d been more closed off. At least he’d been able to do one good thing for her. As she accepted herself sexually, she was opening up to the people who cared about her. He watched as George seemed confused at first and then hugged her fiercely.

“Is she all right?” Tag asked.

“She just had her childhood home gutted. No. She’s not all right.”

“You know it’s not your fault.”

“I’m the one who brought her into this. I’m the one he wants to punish, and he’ll use her to do it.”

Tag shook his head. “You’re fucking up, brother. She’s stronger than you think. I hate to give advice.”

“Then don’t.”

“It makes me physically ill, but I’m going to because you asked so nicely.”

“I didn’t ask at all.”

Tag simply ignored him. “Give her a chance. Let her stand by you. She wants to. That woman is crazy about you, and I think you need her. Don’t let Baz fuck this up.”

As if saying his name had conjured him, Damon’s mobile trilled. Unknown Number. He didn’t need to guess. He flipped it on. “You’ve been busy, Baz.”

Tag frowned. “Tell that fucker I’m going to kill him.”

A low, nasty chuckle came over the line. “Oh, how I love the Americans. Tell me something, Damon. How is your evening going?”

There was no point in trying to find a way to trace the call. Baz would use a burner, a prepaid non-traceable mobile. The minute this conversation was over, he would toss it in the nearest garbage bin and move on to the next. “What do you want?”

“You can’t handle what I want, can you? So I’ll have to take what I can get. Did you play with her tonight? Did you make her prance around the dungeon, showing off those tits of hers?”

“I’m only going to repeat myself once more and then I’ll hang up. What do you want?”

“Do you think you’re in a position of power here? Do you think you’re superior to me? You’re not, and I proved it tonight.”

“All you proved is you can use a lighter and gasoline. I’m finished here.” He started to pull the phone away.

“I know who you’re looking for on that boat. I know his name. I know what he looks like.”

Damn it. Now he had to talk to the bastard. “I’m listening.”

“We’re on the same side in this, Damon. Neither one of us wants what could potentially happen.”

A few things fell into place. “What exactly does the The Collective have to do with this?”

“His name is Walter Bennett. He was a virologist working for one of the companies I represent. He worked in this very distinguished pharmaceutical company’s level-four lab.”

Fuck. A biosafety level-four lab was for the most virulent of pathogens—the hemorrhagic fevers and small pox would require the over-the-top safety measures found in that type of lab. “So he managed to get a sample past security measures?”

“I’m afraid so, and you know as well as I do that this opens up my employers for rather expensive lawsuits and some nasty press. We would like it back. I’ll trade the list of operatives for the package. Be careful, Damon. It’s a bit like Pandora’s box. You do not want to open it.”

Baz wasn’t telling him anything he didn’t know. “If you know so much, why don’t you take this Bennett man down yourself? Leave SIS out of it. I know you’ve run operations like this before on your own.”

“But it’s so much more fun with you.”

He wouldn’t give him a damn thing. “I need more information.”

“And I’ll get it to you. I’m going to meet you somewhere in Europe. I’ll let you know where and when a couple of minutes before it happens. I don’t want you to have time to plan anything, after all. You should know though that I’ll be watching you and your whore.”

“Leave her out of this, Baz.”

“You brought her into it.”

“And you can let her go. I don’t have to bring her with me. I’ll leave her here and this can be just you and me.”

“It was never just you and me. You always had to bring some slut into it. Do you think I didn’t watch you? I always watched you. I saw exactly how you looked at her. Like she was a sweet lamb and you were the hungry wolf. Did you think she could save you? Did you think she would save your disgusting soul? Does she know some of the things you’ve done?”

Every word burrowed into him, a time bomb waiting to go off. He glanced over and Penelope turned slightly toward him. The minute she caught sight of him, a tremulous smile curled her lips up.

She needed him and she didn’t even know all the people he’d killed. Oh, she’d likely read his mission reports, but they were cleaned up and sanitized to the point that she couldn’t conceive of the blood on his hands. Yes, he’d done it for his country, but there had always been a part of him that enjoyed his work, enjoyed dealing death to the world’s worst criminals. She would be shocked if she really knew him, if she could see past the placid surface to the killer underneath.

He turned away from her. “She was assigned to me. You should know me better than this, Baz. I have no intention of keeping any female long term. I’m not built that way. As soon as the op is over, I won’t work with her again. She’s not field ready, and I don’t think she ever will be.”

“She can’t understand you. I’m the only one who ever understood you.”