“Yes you will, because you and I are alike. The soft, loving nature of a woman steals our hearts, but there is something about a hard body that gets our blood pumping. Fuck the consequences.”

Trey’s breath caught. “So you are bisexual. Reagan is convinced that you’re…”

“Gay? That’s Reagan’s way of protecting her feelings. She doesn’t want to think I still love her. She wants to think I’ve discovered my true nature as a gay man. She can live with that. Her realizing she’s not enough for me sexually was too hard on her ego. And it will be the same when she finds out about you.”

“You still love her?”

“Of course I still love her. You know how wonderful she is. I’ve never met another woman like her before or since.”

“So you’re trying to seduce me to come between us.”

Ethan chuckled and he touched the tip of his tongue to Trey’s upper lip. Trey wasn’t quick enough to stop his excited inrush of breath. He was so turned on by this little game of domination that he was already seeping precum. He could feel the slick moisture against his thigh.

“I’m trying to seduce you because looking at you makes my dick hard. I don’t have any trouble getting rid of Reagan’s boyfriends and I don’t do it by trying to fuck them. Honestly,” Ethan murmured, the timber of his voice going low, “not many men turn me on, but the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew I had to have you.”

Ethan tugged Trey’s head back and kissed him. Ethan’s lips were strong. They demanded surrender. For a brief instant Trey was so caught up in the moment that he didn’t fight, he just felt. It felt good to let go. To let someone take control. But he didn’t want this. Sure, now he wanted this, but in ten minutes he’d be overcome with guilt and regret. Not worth it.

Trey placed both hands on Ethan’s chest and shoved. Ethan stumbled back a step and their lips separated, but Ethan still had a solid grip on Trey’s hair, so Trey wasn’t exactly free. His attempts at resistance seemed to turn the guy on even more. An instant later, Trey found himself pinned between the wall and two hundred pounds of pure muscle.

“You’re still trying to deny the attraction between us?”

Trey shook his head. “I want you,” he admitted. “But I’m saying no.”

“No?” Ethan said the word as if it was part of some obscure language.


Ethan took a step back and Trey clung to the doorsill to keep from sliding to the floor.

“Fine,” he said. “No means no.”

Trey almost wished Ethan hadn’t given up so easy. Wished he’d forced him so he didn’t have to feel guilty about wanting it. When Ethan released his iron grip on Trey’s hair, Trey didn’t feel relief. He felt remorse. Even though he knew he’d done the right thing, some part of him wanted Ethan to make him do the wrong thing.

“Let me know if you change your mind.”

Ethan entered the bathroom. Trey couldn’t take his eyes off him. Not when Ethan unfastened his pants. Not when he shoved them down his thighs. Not when Ethan’s massive cock emerged from his underwear. Trey’s ass ached with longing as he leaned against the doorframe and watched Ethan coat his cock with lotion. The man had a beautiful organ. Slick. Wet. Darker than the rest of his bronze skin and so hard veins were visible from a distance. The head was huge and Trey could only imagine how good it would feel sliding in and out of his body. The rim tugging on his ass as Ethan pulled free and then plunged inside again. Ethan stroked his thick length with both hands. Faster. Faster. The sounds of his hands pumping his slick flesh made Trey’s balls tighten. When Ethan grunted and started spurting his load, Trey’s knees buckled. Ethan placed one hand on the wall behind the toilet and stared at Trey while he came—his mouth open, eyes reduced to slits, muscles tense with release. Ethan bit his lip when the last spurt of cum landed somewhere around the toilet.

Trey pushed off the doorsill, pretending he wasn’t about to come down his leg, and dashed into Reagan’s bedroom. He closed the door and started searching for something, anything to fill that empty ache inside. Oh God. He couldn’t stand it.

He found a red dildo in her side table drawer and several tubes of lube. He coated the toy with a thick slathering of lube, fumbled with his fly, and jerked his pants down to his knees. He needed it. Needed it now. He bent over the bed and shoved the toy inside, thrusting it hard, as deep as it would go. It was a sad substitute for cock, but better than nothing. Trey crawled up on the bed, supporting his weight with his face so he could work the dildo with one hand and stroke his throbbing cock with the other. The entire time he tried to find relief, he was imagining being possessed, not by Brian, but by Ethan. The only man he’d ever fantasized about in the past had been Brian, but he would puzzle that out later. Trey was within seconds of coming when the door opened. He was ready for Ethan to fuck him now. Didn’t give a shit about anyone’s feelings. Just needed to be possessed and used. He turned his head, completely unprepared to see Reagan standing on the threshold with a stunned expression on her face.

Chapter 21

Reagan’s entire world tilted on its axis. Oh my God, I’ve done it again. I’ve turned the man I love gay. Trey’s body convulsed and he wrapped his hand around the head of his cock as if to hide the evidence of his release. His extended, vigorous, and—if the look on his face was any indication—intensely pleasurable orgasm.

“Wha-what are you doing?” she sputtered.

He squeezed his eyes shut and turned his flushed face into the mattress. “Sorry. I couldn’t stand it any longer.” His voice was muffled by the comforter. “I… we need to talk.”

She didn’t want to talk. She wanted to flee. So she did. She backed out of the room and closed the door. She turned and collided with Ethan’s broad chest.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

Why did those two words always make her cry? Light-headed and dizzy, she lifted a trembling hand to her lips. “Trey is gay.”

“How do you know that?”

“I saw him… saw him in there.” She waved a hand toward the door behind her. “He was… getting off with…”


She nodded.

“That doesn’t necessarily mean he’s gay, Reagan.”

She looked up at Ethan for direction. He would know. “It doesn’t?”

“No, that doesn’t make him gay, but…” He lowered his eyes guiltily.

“Did he come on to you, Ethan?”

“No. I came on to him.”

“You bastard. How could you?” she bellowed at him. “I really like him.”

“I really like him too.”

Reagan shoved her fingers in both ears. “I don’t want to hear it.”

Strong hands landed on her shoulders from behind and she whirled around to face Trey. Even though she was thoroughly confused, her heart thudded with anticipation and that bubbly happy feeling she got every time he was near welled up in her throat. Trey took her hands and eased them away from her ears.

“I have some things I need to tell you. I thought I could ignore them, but…” He shook his head.

Her heart thudded faster and faster. She didn’t want to lose him. She’d rather not know if it meant she could keep him.

“Do you like my hair?” she said, touching the golden blond, face-framing strands. “They lightened it. I got a whole new wardrobe today. And wait until you see my new guitar,” she said. “I wasn’t sure if I’d like a floating bridge, I hear they’re really hard to keep in tune, but it sounds phenomenal. The third pickup—”

Trey covered her mouth with one hand and lifted his gaze to Ethan, who was standing directly behind her. “Can you give us a few minutes alone?”

“Yeah, of course,” Ethan said and stepped away.

“Trey,” she said against his hand.

“Hear me out, Reagan.”

She nodded and lowered her gaze. A dark cloud seemed to settle over her, making her skin cold and clammy.

He led her to the sofa and eased her down onto the soft cushions. When he sat on the coffee table in front of her and took her hands in his, she just wanted to wrap him in her arms and tell him it didn’t matter. She could pretend like she’d never seen that. Pretend that Ethan hadn’t verified her suspicions.

“I’ve been attracted to both men and women for as long as I can remember,” he said.

Well, that wasn’t what she’d expected him to say. She lifted her gaze to his. The sincerity in his eyes made her heart thud with a mixture of empathy and despair.

“Recently I decided that I didn’t want the complications that come with being attracted to men. I thought I could control those urges. Deny that they exist. I wanted to be faithful to you, Reagan. I have been faithful to you, but…”

“You didn’t do anything wrong, Trey. I’m sorry I freaked out. If that’s what you need, maybe I can help, or maybe you can—”

“Keep denying what I am?” He shook his head. “I can’t. I’ve always been very open about my sexuality. This trying to be something I’m not… I can’t do it anymore, Reagan. I love you, but…”

All the air whooshed out of her lungs. Did he just say that he loved her?

“I’m saying good-bye. I can’t make you happy. I’m just not cut out for a committed relationship. We’ll just end up making each other miserable. Either I’ll be sexually frustrated or you’ll be hurt when I eventually stray. It’s better to end this now before we become too attached to each other.”

His face blurred behind the welling of tears in her eyes. She was already too attached to him. Hot trails of moisture streaked down both cheeks. Dripped from her jaw.