“What do you mean, take the lead?”
“If you want me to make love to you, you will have to be the one to initiate it. You will have to arouse me, siren, rather than the other way around.”
Her heartbeat quickened at the thought of arousing Lucian to passion, while her face flushed. “I’m sure I wouldn’t know where to begin.”
“I would be willing to instruct you.” Lucian paused, surveying her. “Perhaps you had best get started.”
Her eyes widened. “You want to make love now?”
“Can you think of a better time?” He gave her a flicker of a smile. “If I’m to get you with child, we should make love frequently, to improve the likelihood my seed will take root.”
Brynn remained totally mute.
“Very well,” Lucian said, grasping the sheet as if preparing to get out of bed. “It’s your choice.”
“No, wait!” She looked at him, their gazes locking. “What do I have to do?”
Chapter Fourteen
He cocked his head, contemplating her with tender amusement. “Do you actually need me to tell you what to do? The legendary siren who can inflame a man with merely a glance? ”
Brynn flushed, reluctant to initiate their love-making as Lucian demanded. It would be too wanton, and she had spent most of her life quelling any trace of wantonness.
“You could begin by taking off your nightdress,” he suggested helpfully. “It’s very arousing for a man to see a beautiful woman’s body.”
In all the weeks of their marriage, she had never undressed fully for him. “It is broad daylight,” Brynn muttered in protest.
“It is barely dawn. And making love at all hours of the day or night will help us achieve our aim.
“Come now, love,” Lucian prodded when she hesitated. “A bride can claim shyness for only so long. You will have to shed some of your inhibitions if you hope to keep me interested.”
Gathering her courage, Brynn drew her nightdress off and let it drop to the floor. His gaze fixed on her breasts, making her throat go dry.
“That’s better,” he murmured, his eyes sweeping her peaked nipples, then lower to the dark curls between her thighs. “Now then… I believe you were about to arouse me.”
She glanced down at the sheet, which barely draped his loins. The large ridge beneath clearly evinced the huge size of his erection. “I would say you are aroused quite enough already.”
He flashed a smile as tempting as sin itself. “Not nearly enough.” With a casual thrust of his leg, he pushed the sheet aside, exposing his magnificent body.
Brynn felt her breath catch at the sight of him. He was beautiful and lithe and strong, his shaft already darkly engorged. The thick swollen length rose nearly to his navel.
Moving his hands behind his head then, he laced them together at his nape. “I’m waiting, wife.”
His brazen attitude about his nakedness still flustered her, but it was the heat he roused in her that she deplored. “You don’t intend to help me?”
“Not at all. I intend to lie perfectly still and allow you to have your wicked way with me.”
Her flush deepened. “You cannot expect me to behave like a tart.”
“I can, love. I am your husband, remember? You needn’t be shy with me. You’ve seen my cock before, felt it. You’ve had it inside you, pleasuring you.”
She felt her inner muscles spasm at the thought of having that hard length inside her again, pleasuring her. Yet she couldn’t bring herself to move.
“Shall I show you?” he finally asked.
“Yes,” she whispered.
He reached down and touched himself. “Watch what I’m doing, Brynn.” He took his rigid length in his hand, curling his fingers around the base, slowly stroking the huge shaft, mesmerizing her with his boldness. Her gaze remained riveted on him as he moved lower, cupping the swollen sacs, which made his erection jerk and tighten against his groin.
His voice was a bit huskier when he spoke. “Now it’s your turn. Touch me like that. You can arouse me with the slightest caress.”
Taking a deep breath, she moved her hand to his thigh. It was rock hard to the touch, dusted with silky hair. “I am still not certain what to do…”
“Use your instincts. You are totally in command.”
This beautiful, elegant man was her husband. She had the right to touch him, indeed, the duty. She reached for him.
He tensed when her own fingers curled around his rigid flesh. Brynn felt a strange sense of triumph as the thick shaft surged in her hand, hot and hard and pulsing with life. She explored him with her touch for a moment before he urged her to greater boldness.
“Use your mouth, love. Taste me.”
She bent to him, tentative as she touched him with her tongue. He was hot and silken and so very fascinating. She smelled the hot musk of his arousal.
“You taste silky… and mysterious,” she whispered.
The raw sound from his throat might have been a laugh or a groan. “You can investigate the mystery for as long as you wish, sweet.”
Experimentally, she let her lips slide down over the swollen tip. Lucian gave a soft groan and closed his eyes. Gaining courage, she took more of him in her mouth, gently suckling him while her fingers stroked his heavy testicles. She might have gone on for some time, but he suddenly pulled away, his hand tangling in her hair.
“You had best stop,” he said, his voice rasping, “before I spend myself in your mouth.”
Brynn felt another surge of triumph to realize Lucian wasn’t as complacent as he pretended. But then neither was she. Her skin was fevered; her flesh ached to be even closer to him. When he drew her up to straddle him, she went willingly, almost melting against him when he took her breast in her mouth.
As he suckled her quivering nipple, Brynn gave a gasp and arched against him.
“I believe I’m aroused enough. Are you?”
“Yes,” she breathed. She was incredibly aroused. The ache between her thighs was a fiery throbbing, while her nipples had hardened to stiff crimson buds.
“Don’t fight it then. Come here and let me taste you.”
He held her hips, almost lifting her up so that her thighs straddled his shoulders. “Even closer, Brynn.”
She shivered at the raw demand in his voice.
Drawing her nearer, he raised his head to press a hard, hot kiss to her soft mound. Brynn felt a shaft of liquid fire shoot through her.
She clutched at his hair as his tongue deliberately delved into her quivering cleft. The incendiary sensation of his mouth stunned her. Aching with delight, she tried to pull away, but Lucian refused to allow it. He had taken control in some wild and thrilling way and would not be denied.
Gripping her hips with both hands to steady her, he tasted and nipped and licked, running his long, rasping tongue up and then down her swollen folds, stroking the engorged bud of her femininity. Intense pleasure shot darkly through her like spears of flame, its white heat searing her.
Brynn gasped, writhing restlessly against the unrelenting caress of his tongue. She was hot and feverish… and suddenly she could no longer remain still. She arched and exploded in a shuddering climax, grinding her pubis against his blazing, eager mouth.
She was still moaning helplessly as the savage ripples died away, but no sooner had she started to sag limply in Lucian’s arms than he shifted her bodily, lowering her onto his swollen shaft. Gritting his teeth, he thrust urgently into her, forcing her to yet another fierce climb toward brutal, exquisite sensation. In only moments she was writhing again. She bucked against him as he plunged even more deeply, almost sobbing. Soon wave after wave of rapture racked her quivering body, until finally he relented and sought his own shattering explosion.
Brynn collapsed bonelessly on his chest. She lay dazed, her hair tumbled and wild around them, Lucian’s ragged breathing harsh in her ear, the taste of him lingering on her lips.
“That was adequate enough for your first effort, wife,” he murmured wryly, “but you will have to do better than that in future.”
The barest hint of laughter edged his passion-weary voice, making her realize he was deliberately provoking her. Yet Brynn could barely find the energy to retort. “Perhaps it was your tutelage at fault, rather than my efforts.”
“Perhaps. I see I should teach you other ways to arouse me.”
She lifted her head from his bare shoulder. “There are other ways?”
His mouth curved in a rakish smile. “Indeed. There are any number of methods.”
“What is wrong with what I just did?”
“Nothing was wrong-in fact, it was very right. But you don’t want me to grow bored, do you? If you learn to keep me satisfied, it stands to reason I will be more willing to accommodate your sexual needs, and that you will be more likely to conceive. Isn’t that what you want? To conceive a child so you can be done with me?”
Brynn gazed down into his blue, blue eyes. She could feel him swelling again inside her, huge and hot and potent. “Yes,” she lied. “That is what I want.”
“Well then, wife,” he said huskily, drawing her mouth down to his. “We had best move on to the next lesson.”
Lucian proved quite serious about requiring Brynn to initiate their lovemaking. He insisted that she come to his bed and wouldn’t allow her to confine their frequent sessions to merely the dark hours of night.
He also made good on his pledge to teach her to arouse him, showing her how to move, how to caress, how to pleasure. Brynn was sometimes shocked by the intimacies he suggested, but he had only to coax her with his tantalizing brand of charm, and her body melted to his touch. She was helpless against such overwhelming sensuality and raw magnetism. Thus it relieved her greatly to develop defensive weapons of her own to use in their erotic battles.
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