Nathan stood perfectly still as he absorbed what that meant.

"I've loved your mother since the second grade when I looked across the playground and saw her standing therewith a stupid red hair bow." Jack's fingers brushed her stomach as he spoke. "I let her get away once. I'm notgoing to make that mistake again." He pulled her lighter against his chest. "I want the two of you to move hereand live with me."

"To Levett?"

"Yeah. What do you think?"

Daisy didn't remember him asking her what she thought.

Nathan looked at both of them as he mulled over his options. "Do I get the Shelby?"

For several long moments Daisy feared Jack would say yes. "No, but you can have your mom's Caravan."

"That's not funny!'"Maybe we can work something out."

Nathan smiled and nodded as he walked back into the house. "Sweet," he said.

Jack leaned down and whispered into her ear, "Can we skip the potty party?"

"No." She turned and wrapped her arms around him. Breathing in the smell of his shirt and of him. "But wedon't have to stay long."

She felt hint press a smile on the top of her head. "Sweet."