Crown of Destiny
Bertrice Small - Crown of Destiny краткое содержание
Crown of Destiny - описание и краткое содержание, автор Bertrice Small, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки LadyBooks.ru (ЛедиБукс).
A hundred years have passed since the Faerie woman Lara last saved the world of Hetar from the darkness. Her youth and her beauty remain as always. The passing years, however, have taken many of her friends and kin. Her influence has waned. Those who remember her heroism in times of peril are few. Even her great-grandson, Cadarn, Dominus of Terah, denies her strong magic.
And all the while Lara’s son, the charming but nefarious Twilight Lord, Kolgrim, waits patiently for his moment. But Kolgrim will not make his father’s mistakes by waging war. His way is more subtle, and sinister. Despite Lara’s formidable powers she fears there is little to be done. Yet before all is lost she will fulfill the long-ago prophecy of her daughter Anoush to unite the world of Hetar.
And as the darkness falls Lara finds that more than ever she needs the wisdom, the love and the support of the great Shadow Prince, Kaliq. While her youngest daughter, Marzina, will prove to all that she is more than just her mother’s daughter. In her greatest trial yet, Lara and Kaliq will finally meet her long foretold destiny together.
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Crown of Destiny - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Bertrice Small
Lara smiled a blinding smile of happiness at him. Her destiny had been met. A blue-and-green Earth now hung in the Cosmos spinning about the bright yellow star that would nurture and warm it forever. A new and hopefully safer refuge for a better race of mortals one day. An eternity lay ahead for her, and for Kaliq. Together, as it had always been meant to be. I am ready! she said.
And with a toss of his proud head Dasras, the great white stallion, galloped off through the stars and across the Cosmos toward Forever, a faerie woman and a Shadow Prince upon his back.
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Bertrice Small
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