Meritorious Promotion: an early, accelerated promotion earned through an outstanding performance of duties

Name Tapes: a strip of cloth sewn above the left breast pocket, with the last name sewn onto it

NCO: Non Comissioned Officer

Next of Kin: next living relative in your family

NJP: non-judicial punishment

OOD: Officer of the Day

Oorah: spirited cry used to respond to a verbal greeting or to show great enthusiasm.

Oxygen Thief: a worthless individual

POA: Power of Attorney

PCS: Permanent Change of Station (transfer to another base)

Pin(ing): the physical act of putting chevrons onto the collar of the blouse

PT gear: Physical Training gear (green workout clothing)

River City: a temporary restriction on all out-going communication links

Rocker: the lower half of the rank insignia of a Marine Staff Sergeant through Sergeant Major

Seabag-duffel bag used to carry one’s personal belongings

Service Alphas: consists of green trousers, long-sleeve khaki shirt, khaki tie, and green coat

Seven Day Store: a mini mart open seven days per week

Staff NCO: Marines in the rank of Staff Sergeant through Sergeant Major

Theater: geographic region

Unsat: unsatisfactory