Emmalyn’s well to do promises were all good until she was visiting while I was in Afghanistan, and messed up for the last time. I’d called home to speak to Cassie, and found her beside herself. She said she’d run to the mini mart on base to get milk for AJ, and when she got back, Emmalyn was passed out in her room with pills lying on the floor, and vodka shots half drank. Cassie flipped her shit, and woke her mom up as she screamed. If AJ had been in the house with her at any point, he could have swallowed one of the pills or sipped on one of her vodka shots.

Cassie stuffed all of her mom’s belongings into her bags, then tossed them out of the front porch. Emmalyn cried and pleaded her case, claiming she had messed up, but that she had gone so long without falling off the wagon that she deserved another chance. I hadn’t offered any input or advice. I only listened to my wife, and when she told me that at that moment, looking at her mom, she saw nothing, I knew she had finally had enough of her shit.

The MPs were called to escort her off base, and that was that. Emmalyn had tried calling a few times, but when Cassie ignored every call, she’d finally given up. I’d offered to change her number, but Cassie made it clear that she would not take that drastic step and that the woman who happened to birth her would eventually get the clue.

Emmalyn missed the birth of Antonio, and would certainly miss Imelda’s birth, but that was the way we wanted it—only good hearted and well-rounded people in our children’s lives. I’d celebrated when Cassie told me she’d thrown her mom out for good, and I hadn’t felt an ounce of fucking guilt for it. If I’d had my way, that day in the hospital after Christmas would have been the last time we’d ever had to contend with that poor excuse for a woman, but Cassie, being the warm hearted person that she was, found a way to give her mom a chance. I couldn’t say I was glad that she’d had to learn the hard way, but I knew the day would eventually come, and it felt good as hell to know that the woman would forever be a distant memory for me.


Lying down with Cassie later that evening, I ran my fingers over her growing belly, feeling the small kicks of my daughter as my hand traced her tiny form. “I can’t tell you enough how much I love you, Blondie. I love everything you’ve ever done for me because you certainly didn’t have to.”

“Why are you getting so sentimental?”

I rested my weight on my elbow. “I’ve wanted a daughter, and now I’m getting one. And you’re just a fucking amazing mom to my boys. I couldn’t have picked a better woman to bear my kids.”

“Are you thinking about your mom? She’s going to live on through our little girl.”

“She forever lives on, with AJ and Antonio, too, but yes, every time I look into our baby girl’s eyes, I’m going to see my mom. Thank you.”

“Well, give yourself some credit. You put in half the hard work.” Cassie smiled, that same body warming, cock jolting smile that had hooked me five years before.

“I think I need to put in more work. We need to celebrate our news.”

Just as my hands were making their way into the lace of Cassie’s panties, I heard a cry coming from down the hall—cock blocked.

“Don’t move. I’m coming right back.”

I ran out of the room and down the hall to find Antonio lying in his bed, pissed as fuck because his nightlight had turned off. He reached for me, and I had no choice but to hold him and rock him back into a comfortable enough lull so that he’d lie back down. When his tiny body rested heavily in my arms, I placed him back down in his bed, then turned off his nightlight and crept out of the room.

Cassie was half asleep when I got back, allowing a cloud of disappointment to hover above me. My dick was hard and I could feel every inch of it, so selfish or not she had to wake up, or I’d have a long, painful night ahead of me. I undressed, then laid down beside her, running my hand down her middle again and finding my way to her sweet, succulent entrance. Gently rubbing my thumb over her clit, I moved her top up and over her tits, the perkiness and fullness of them enticing me until I had no choice but to swallow as much of them as I possibly could.

She woke, grasping my hair and murmuring, “What are you doing?”

“Everything you love for me to do,” I managed to say with half of her tit in my mouth.

Two of my fingers slid into her, and a warm, wet feel greeted them as I stroked her into a frenzy. Her hips moved to the rhythm of my hand as her moans filled the room and reminded my cock that it should be there and not my pathetic ass fingers. I quickly removed them, then positioned my knees between her legs. My cock stood long and erect, throbbing from the need to get inside of her and to do it quickly. I wasted no time, pushing myself in as far as I could go while soaking in the warmth of the beautiful woman lying before me.

Cassie moved her hips, prodding me to do what we both wanted and needed. Cassie’s libido picked up exponentially when she was pregnant, and it made me want to impregnate her over and over again.

I took her thighs in my hands and worked my way in and out of her, driving harder and faster with every moan that left her perfectly fuckable mouth. I had to be the luckiest man in the world to get to have Cassie Cruz in my bed and at my disposal every single night.

She fisted the blankets, and her head jolted to and fro as she tried to hold in her screams.

“Let it out, Blondie.”

Words never came, she just shook her head vehemently. Of course, she was looking out for AJ and Antonio, but I liked her uninhibited, and if it meant putting kids back to bed…well, we’d just have to do that.

I raised one leg up so that her foot rested on my chest, then continued to drive deeper and deeper until I could go no farther. She bit down hard on her bottom lip, her eyes completely shut as I drilled into her. Feeling the effects of the orgasm that was well on its way to exploding within me, I worked hard to bring about her release, rubbing away at her clit as I pounded her into a back arching orgasm that damn near left her breathless. She quivered beneath me, still fisting the blankets and destroying her bottom lip. I stalled and came shortly after, feeling like the celebration was long awaited and well worth it.

When I finally came down, I rolled over to her side, placing my hand back on her belly. “Damn, your stomach is hard as fuck, Blondie.”

Cassie placed her hand on top of mine and worked them into a slow, melodic motion. “The baby doesn’t like you doing all of that to me. That’s her way of letting you know.”

“Well, fuck that.” Cassie hit my hand, signaling that I shouldn’t be cursing around the baby. “Sorry, but I already know that once she’s here, I won’t be getting any for a while, so she’s just going to have to suck it up and let daddy get all that he can now.”

Cassie laughed, then turned on her side to face me. “I’m the luckiest girl in the world because I’m married to the most handsome and loving man anyone could ever ask for.”

I couldn’t help it, and I wasn’t ashamed to admit it. Cassie, AJ, Antonio, and now Imelda, made me want to be a better man. I knew I still had areas of shortcomings, but their faces, their existence in my life was reason enough to stretch my comfort zone and do any and everything to make sure that they were always taken care of and never wanted for anything. I’d die before I let anything happen to any of them.

“You know what I thought about as soon as AJ smashed his hand in that cake and I saw pink?” I asked.


“How at some point, those little boys will be trained on the M16 and will know how to defend their little sister from horny little dicks.”


“What? It’s true. You think she’s going to have it easy? She’s got two big brothers and a dad. Not a chance in hell she brings some dude around here, and we let him go by easily. And if he can’t shoot a gun, he might as well hit the fucking road.”

Cassie shook her head and laughed. “Once a Marine, always a Marine.”

“Damn right. And where my daughter is concerned, that is one area where I will not be compromising.”

Cassie’s stomach finally settled, and she placed her satiny soft lips to mine. “You ready for round two, devil dog?”

“Oorah!” I yelled before helping Cassie to her knees, and taking my wife for our second round of celebration.



BAH: Basic Allowance for Housing. Allotted to servicemembers not occupying government quarters to aid in rent payments

Boot (Marine): a new, junior Marine

Brig: military jail

Cammies: camoflauge utility uniform

Chevrons: symbols of enlisted ranks above private

Chow: food

Corpsman: an enlisted Navy medical person assigned to Marine units

Court Martial-a judicial proceeding

Cover-headgear (hat)

E-Six (E6): Enlisted rate; pay grade, Staff Sergeant in the Marine Corps

EOD: Explosive Ordinance Disposal

Firewatch: acting as a patrolling security guard

Fit Rep: Fitness Report; a tool used to evaluate the performance for Marines above the rank of Corporal

Fleet: abbreviated term for Fleet Marine Forces; the operational forces in the Marine Corps

Gunny: nickname for a Gunnery Sergeant

Hat: Marine Corps nickname for Drill Instructor

Hump: a long hike

IED: Improvised Explosive Device

Kevlar: protective helmet worn by servicemembers

Knife hand: fingers extended and joined with the thumb along the side of the hand. Used to point at someone or something.