She smiled. God, it felt so good to smile and know that the world was finally right. Then she leaned forward and kissed him.

Their lips melted together like snow in the middle of a thaw. He kissed her hungrily. Breathlessly. With so much love and emotion that her chest ached with it.

Then she merely rested her forehead against his as they struggled to catch their breath. He touched her. She touched him. Two lovers reunited after a long separation.

“Your family is worried. We need to go see them,” he said.

She pulled away, startled by his statement.

He grinned. “I think you’ll find that your family and I have come to an…understanding. They love you. I love you. It’s common ground no one can argue.”

She closed her eyes, dangerously close to tears all over again. Euphoria settled over her. After so long of being weighted down by grief and sadness, the jolt of happiness that surged through her veins was intoxicating.

She wanted to yell. She wanted to jump up and down. She wanted to tell the entire world that life was…perfect.

“What do you say we trek over to your folks’ place and let them hug you and welcome you home, and then we can come back here and try out the new bed in the master bedroom.”

She slipped her hand into his and let him pull her to her feet. She smiled up at him, her heart near to bursting.

“I’d like that. I’d like that a lot.”

“And just so you know, Lily and your mother have been planning our wedding for two months now. I think they all saw just how determined I was never to let you go.”

She laughed. “I’m okay with that. I’m very okay with that.”

As Max pulled her toward the door, he turned back to her and smiled. The shadows in his eyes lifted and were replaced by so much joy that it took her breath away.

“So how’s next week sound to you?”

About the Author

Maya Banks lives in Texas with her husband, three children and assortment of cats. When she’s not writing, she can be found hunting, fishing or playing poker. A southern girl born and bred, Maya loves life below the Mason Dixon, and more importantly, loves bringing southern characters and settings to life in her stories.

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