Still it was good to know that the great Walpole regarded him as such an invaluable friend; it was very gratifying to have him waiting eagerly for the note which would reach him early next morning.

He went to the page to whom he had spoken before and asked where the King had gone when the Princess Caroline had joined him and her sisters.

The page smiled.

‘He went to the nurseries, my lord.’

‘I’ll swear he spent a long time discussing his children’s education with Lady Deloraine,’ said Hervey lightly.

At which the page gave a veiled snigger.

Scandal quickly went the rounds, thought Hervey.

He then went direct to Walpole’s house in Chelsea because it was always so much more pleasant to deliver welcome news in person and Walpole would remember how his good friend did not wait until the morning.

He was greeted eagerly.

‘All is well! ‘ cried Hervey. ‘He was not in the Queen’s closet, and instead of hearing your truths he was talking love and devotion with his daughters’ governess.’

They laughed together, like old friends. The bond between them was stronger than ever.

* * *

And when Hervey was next with the Queen she spoke to him of her anxieties over Walpole.

‘He seemed to me so anxious. He is worried about his position, I believe. These last elections shook him. I feel that some of the spirit has gone out of him.’

Lord Hervey loved to enlighten people, particularly those in positions of power such as the Queen or Walpole, so he whispered confidentially that Walpole’s troubles were more personal than political.

‘Oh?’ said the Queen. ‘Does this in any way concern that woman he so dotes on?’

‘She is ill, Madam. And could be dangerously so. This is one of the reasons why Sir Robert is so distrait at this time.’

‘Poor Sir Robert! But I am surprised that a man of his talents should feel so deeply towards such a woman.’

‘Your Majesty has heard gossip of this woman?’

‘Well, I heard that he paid so much for her and that she makes demands upon him.’

‘I have heard that he paid £6,000 “entrance money”! ‘

‘You are an enfant terrible, my child.’

‘Would Your Majesty care to terminate this rather shocking conversation?’

‘I have lived too long at Court to be easily shocked by the morals of those about me. Pray go on.’

‘Maria Skerrett lodged with her stepmother next door to Lady Mary Wortley Montague, and that’s how Walpole met her. He was immediately attracted, but then before he met her he was flitting from woman to woman like a gay old ram in a field of sheep.’

The Queen laughed.

‘And, so the story goes, the transaction was made and a year later young Maria was born. Then our minister acquired the Old Richmond Lodge and made a home of it for them all. And every week-end, there he went to enjoy the sweets of domesticity. He was a changed man since he met Maria.’

‘I am glad he has amusement for his leisure hours. She must be very clever to have made him believe she cares for him.’

‘What, Madam, she does.’

What, that man with his gross body, that enormous stomach, and his swollen legs! ‘

Poor Caroline! thought Hervey. She is envious of this devotion between her minister and his mistress. She is beginning to find the strain of placating George unbearable. ‘Well, I hope she is soon better and that care is lifted from his shoulders,’ said Caroline briskly.

They began to talk of other things and he sought to amuse her with some of the verses he had written about the Court personalities.

He was very gratified to be on such terms with the two most important people in the country, to have such a power over both of them.

To work thus in the shadows was a role which became him well.

The Prince and his Mistress

THE King had been thinking of Hanover for some time. He talked of it continually and whenever he did so his voice would grow soft and his eyes become glazed with tenderness. Finally he announced his intention of paying a visit to his foreign dominions.