If they were engaged in a long-term or permanent relationship, that would have been a problem. But they were having an affair. He didn’t owe her any explanations. She ignored the fact that her breakfast suddenly felt like a lead weight in her stomach.
“I’ve got to leave. Jim told Elizabeth he was coming over this morning. Seems he’s decided that she has something that belongs to him.”
“I thought their divorce was final.”
“It is, but he likes to make trouble.”
Amanda wasn’t quite certain how to react to that statement. Whatever the relationship between Elizabeth and her ex-husband, it was none of her business. “Of course you have to go if she needs you.”
“You keep the doors locked while I’m gone. Or better yet, you can come with me.”
She seriously thought about going with him, but really didn’t think his sister would appreciate Jonah dragging a virtual stranger into the midst of her problems with her ex-husband. “No, you go on. I’ll be fine.”
Jonah tugged her into his arms. “I wouldn’t leave you if it wasn’t important.”
“I know.”
“No, you don’t know.” He released her and took a deep breath. She could almost see him debating with himself. Finally, he came to a conclusion. “He abused her.”
“He mentally abused her and it turned physical near the end. Not many people know that. She didn’t have any proof that would have stood up in court, but the threat of exposure got her a quick divorce.”
Amanda could hardly reconcile the smooth realtor who’d sold her the house with the image of an abusive husband. But then again, she was smart enough to know that abusers came in all forms. “You have to go.” She couldn’t imagine how frightening it would be for Elizabeth to face her ex alone. No wonder the woman was adamant about getting rid of almost all their books. She didn’t need the reminders of him in her new home.
“I’ll be as quick as I can, but I have to wait until he’s come and gone.”
“Of course you do.” She gave him a shove toward the door. “Go. Elizabeth is waiting for you.”
“Are you sure?”
“Absolutely.” Jonah needed to be with his sister. Amanda didn’t want to be in the center of what was bound to be an unpleasant situation. Besides, she had work to take care of and chores to do. She mulled over her to-do list and came to a quick decision.
“Actually, I’m going to leave with you. I need to pick up some things at the grocery store.” Jonah paused halfway down the hallway, but she slid around him and kept going.
“I’ll just run upstairs and get my purse.”
“Amanda.” She ignored him and ran up the stairs. Grabbing her purse and sweater, she bound down the stairs again. He was waiting, his jacket already on, keys in his hand.
“This isn’t a good idea,” he protested as she went out the door in front of him.
“It’s a perfect idea. By the time I finish running errands and get home, you’ll probably already be back.” She hurried down the front walkway to her car. “Besides, I can’t stop living just because someone is harassing me.”
Jonah held her door as she slid into the driver’s seat. “It’s more than simple harassment.” His gaze went to the woods surrounding her home. “Promise me you’ll leave the groceries in the car until I get back.”
“Sure. I don’t mind leaving that chore for you,” she teased. “I’ll just take the couple bags of perishables in with me and leave the rest for you.” When he hesitated, she added,
“I have my cell phone and your sister needs you.”
He leaned down and planted a hard kiss on her lips. “Be careful.” He closed her door with a solid thunk and then strode to his truck. She backed out of the driveway and followed his truck down the road.
An hour later, Amanda let herself into her house. She struggled with the four bags of perishables she had in her arms. She’d bought more than she’d anticipated, but then Jonah had a large appetite. And not just for food. That thought brought a smile to her lips.
Humming, she locked the door and hurried to the kitchen, dropping the grocery sacks on the counter. It didn’t take her long to unpack the milk, fruit and meat and store them in the refrigerator. The rest of the groceries would be fine in her trunk until Jonah got back.
Deciding a cup of tea was what she needed, she filled the kettle and plugged it in.
She had a supply of herbal teas thanks to Cyndi and was quickly becoming addicted to them. Grabbing her favorite mug and a teabag, she waited patiently for the kettle to boil.
While she waited, she made a mental list of everything she had to accomplish today.
It was Saturday, but her business was a seven-day-a-week operation. The nice thing was that she could also take time off whenever she wanted. By the Book provided her with a good living, but more than that, she loved what she did. Yesterday had been a good day for her online store. She’d sold three of her more valuable books to a collector in California. She planned to box up the books and send them out by courier later today.
The kettle began to whistle and Amanda poured hot water over her tea bag. Not bothering to wait until the tea steeped, she picked up her mug and decided to check her email. There had been several inquiries about two of Elizabeth’s more collectible books yesterday, plus she’d had an email regarding an estate collection.
Wandering down the hallway, she sighed with satisfaction. The house was beginning to feel like home. By the Book was ready for her to open to the general public any time she wanted. The rest of the downstairs was now a cozy living space, and the last of the empty moving boxes were ready to be carried to the basement. Every room had been painted, paintings and artwork were hung and furniture was arranged. Best of all, her electrical system worked like a charm.
She went into the shop, pausing just inside the doorway to admire how good all the books looked on the shelves. Pleased, she walked to her desk, placing her mug on the corner. She was about to turn on her computer when she thought she heard a noise.
“Jonah?” Amanda went to the window and checked the driveway, but there was no sign of his truck. “This is an old house and it makes odd noises. It’s part of its charm,”
she assured herself. “Nothing to worry about.” Her nerves were on edge since the phone call yesterday.
As she turned away from the window, the phone rang. Amanda jumped and gave a nervous laugh as she reached into her pocket and withdrew her cell phone. Her heart was pounding as she answered. “Hello.”
“Hey, sugar. You okay? You sound like you’re out of breath?” Jonah’s voice washed over her, calming her racing heart.
“I’m fine. How is everything with Elizabeth?” She thought it was prudent to change the subject before Jonah pushed it. There was no way she’d admit that she was nervous being alone.
Jonah snorted. “Still no sign of Brown yet. I’m beginning to think he changed his mind. Either that or he’s just messing with Elizabeth.”
“I’m sure he’ll be there soon.”
She heard someone calling his name in the background.
“I’ve got to go, but I’ll be home soon. Elizabeth has to take Susie to dance lessons in ten minutes, regardless if Brown makes it here by then or not.” He paused and his voice lowered to what Amanda thought of as his bedroom voice. “I just wanted to hear your voice.”
Amanda smiled as warmth suffused her. “I’ll see you in a bit.” She ended the call and shoved her phone back into her pocket. A whisper of a sound caught her ear, but she dismissed it. “Got to be the wind,” she muttered, feeling more alone now than she had before Jonah called.
She went back to her desk and started to sit, but changed her mind. There was no way she’d be able to settle down and work until she’d checked the house from top to bottom. Closing her eyes, she listened, but all she heard were the normal creaks and groans of her one-hundred-year-old house. The wind gusted up and the trees outside the house shivered. It was the middle of the day, for heaven’s sake. She was completely safe.
Still, she was no fool. Grabbing her cell phone, she opened it and held her finger poised over the buttons. One press would put her through to the sheriff’s office. She’d programmed it in right after the attack.
Feeling stupid and paranoid, she crept from the shop and headed toward the living room. There was no one there. She continued on through the other entrance on the far end of the room and checked out the dining room. From there, she went to the kitchen. Steam still wafted from the kettle, but the house was quiet.
Something wasn’t right. She knew it, but couldn’t exactly put her finger on what it was. “You’re losing it, you know that.” She took a deep breath to settle her jumpy stomach. Her nerves were jittery and she could feel a bead of sweat on her forehead.
“This is ridiculous.”
But ridiculous or not, she knew she had to get out of here. Tucking her cell phone into her back pocket, she grabbed her purse and keys from the counter. She’d go to Jessie’s and buy herself some lunch. Maybe she’d even call Jonah and see if he could meet her there.
Making herself walk at a sedate pace, she made her way toward the front door. She’d probably end up feeling really foolish later, but that was fine by her. She couldn’t stay here a second longer.
Amanda smelled it then, the slightest whiff of cologne. Jonah didn’t wear cologne.
She knew that scent from somewhere, but where? Her mind jumped back in time to the night of the break-in. Her attacker had been wearing that scent.
Throwing caution aside, she raced for the door, her fingers scrabbling at the lock.
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