The tears started before I could stop them, and then his arms were around me. We were laughing and kissing and crying, and I didn’t want to open my eyes because I was so scared that it was all a dream.

“Hey,” he said softly, his lips nuzzling my ear.

I wriggled out of his arms. “What are you doing here? Oh my God, Nathan. Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”

I glanced down in horror at my old sweats and the faded, gray T-shirt that used to be white. I had on my bunny slippers, my hair was in a ponytail, and—my hands flew to my chin—there, where I knew he could see the white zit paste.

The white zit paste that was smeared all over his cheek.

“Jesus, Monroe. You weren’t kidding. He’s hot.”

Kate came up behind me, and I heard my parents shuffling behind her. I glanced back and saw that they weren’t dressed to go out. In fact, Dad had on his comfy pants, the ones where the zipper was forever falling down.


God, I wished we were alone. He looked so handsome in his dark jeans, boots, and heavy jean jacket. His beanie hung off the back of his head, and I loved that there was a bit of stubble on his chin.

My heart squeezed.

“I brought someone to meet you.”

He moved aside and I saw a guy standing behind him. He was tall and thin, but his grin was wide and his eyes were so blue they looked like they had the sky in them.

“Trevor?” I asked hesitantly.

He’d come out of his coma a few weeks into September. From what Nathan had said, he had some problems, most of them to do with his memory, but he’d made a slow and steady recovery.

He nodded. “The one and…only. Good…to finally meet you. I’ve always wanted to come to New York so…I hope you don’t mind.”

“No, I…” My tongue was so tied up I could barely talk. Oh my God, I sounded like an idiot.

“Okay, this is nice, boys, but I’m not used to this kind of cold. Do you mind moving so an old woman can get to the heat?”

Trevor moved and Gram pushed past, kissing me quickly and touching my cheek as she strode by. Again with the surprises. I wasn’t expecting her for two more days. “Happy birthday, Monroe. You’re looking good. Living in the moment suits you.”

Nathan grabbed my hand again, and his touch zinged through my entire body. I wasn’t just alive. I was on fire. I was where I wanted to be, with the people I wanted to be with.

Life, such as it was, was as perfect as it ever was going to get.

Gram was right.

But then, Gram was always right.


This book, for so many reasons, means a lot to me. I’ve always wanted to write a young adult novel—one my daughter and her friends could read—and it feels amazing to have done so.

But it took a while, and I need to thank a few people who helped along the way. First off, my writing buddies, Michelle Rowen and Eve Silver. You both were so encouraging and gracious that I’m not sure I could have gone down this road without your prodding! Michelle, you rock the synopsis tweaking, so thank you!

I also need to thank Leah Hultenschmidt for taking the time to read a few chapters and for calling me right away with an offer. Thanks for your thoughts and your drive to make this book the best it could be. Aubrey Poole as well, thanks for grabbing up the reins and helping me get the book all pretty and shiny!

I also am grateful to have found a wonderful agent who I trust implicitly and who has the great taste to be married to a musician! Sara Megibow, you’re truly a rock star, and I appreciate all that you do for me.

Thanks also to the many bloggers, readers, and reviewers who’ve had a hand in getting the word out about my books. Again, so appreciated and I’m humbled daily at the generosity of those in publishing!

Lastly, a big thank-you to my family, my husband Andrew, my kids, Jake and Kristen, and my friends! You guys know and accept the woman who, when under deadline, wears the same sweatpants several days in a row and thinks microwave food is “the best.” Thanks for hanging in there with me and seeing my dreams come to fruition!

About the Author

Juliana Stone fell in love with her first book boyfriend when she was twelve. The boy was Ned, Nancy Drew’s boyfriend, and it began a lifelong obsession with books and romance. A tomboy at heart, she split her time between baseball, books, and music—three things that carried over into adulthood. She’s thrilled to be writing young adult as well as adult contemporary romance and does so from her home somewhere in Canada.