The woman snapped back in Japanese, her eyes flinty, her gestures choppy.

Definitely an angry reaction. Which got her no reaction from Ronin besides a shrug.

She attempted to get in Ronin’s face.

All he had to do was hold up his hand; she stopped in her tracks. But her mouth kept running as she rattled off something that sounded like a verbal smack-down.

His response was clipped.

Which didn’t deter her. Her voice took on a low, almost seductive bent. When she didn’t get the response from Ronin she expected, she switched to a one-sided diatribe and the words came much faster. When she finally quit speaking, she gave Amery a once-over and sniffed.

Ronin had struck the defensive stance Amery recognized from class. He leaned closer to the woman and spoke so quietly Amery could hardly hear him. But she did make out one word loud and clear: Naomi.

Holy shit. She knew Naomi was Japanese and this woman’s pouting tone suggested she and Ronin had shared an intimate relationship at one time.

The woman walked away without looking back.

Ronin stared after her, his face still blank. But when the interloper disappeared into the crowd and Ronin’s eyes met Amery’s, she saw the anger burning there before he banked it. “If you’re done browsing I’d like to go now.”

“Ah, sure.”

Amery swore IKEA changed the exit point every time she was in the store, so it took ten minutes to escape.

They were zipping downtown when she couldn’t stand the silence a moment longer. “So, that woman you had words with . . . was that Naomi?”


That was all she got for an answer? Bull. “Then who was she?”

“Naomi’s friend Kiki.”


“What did Kiki say?”

“She blathered on with a Naomi update, which I warned her I didn’t want.”

“What was the update?”

Ronin said nothing. He just cut in and out of traffic as if they’d jumped onto the autobahn.


“That Naomi was coming to Denver.”

“When? Does she want to see you?”

“Doesn’t matter. I won’t see her.”

Her mouth opened. Closed. When she opened it again to ask him a question, Ronin shook his head. “End of discussion.”

That was a little high-handed. And another example of him holding back on her and just expecting her to accept it.

Why are you surprised?

“Where to now?” Ronin asked.


“I thought you had more errands.”

“Nothing that won’t keep.”

Ronin frowned. “You sure?”

“Positive.” Amery didn’t fill the void with chatter. In fact, she didn’t look at him at all.

He pulled into the alley. “I’ll find a parking place and be right up.”

“Actually, I’m tired and I know you’re exhausted after your mysterious all-nighter, so let’s call it a day.”

“It’s only two o’clock in the afternoon.”

“Just means you can nap longer.”

“I don’t nap,” he said curtly.

Maybe you need one. “Whatever. Later.” She started to open the door, but Ronin stopped her.

“Tell me what’s wrong.”

“Think about it, Sensei.”

“Jesus. Don’t act like this.”

“Like what? Pissed off you pull that end of discussion bullshit and expect me to accept it?”

“I tried to head off a pointless argument, which obviously was a waste of breath because you want to fight with me today.”

“Wrong. I wanted to talk. You refused.”

“That’s it?”

“Isn’t that enough?”

“No. Why didn’t you introduce me to Kiki?” Are you ashamed of me?

“She’s a snake and you’re better off if she doesn’t know who you are.”

“Or maybe you don’t want her blabbing about me because you still have feelings for Naomi and that’s why you won’t talk about her.”

“That’s laughable. You should know—”

“I don’t know anything about Naomi or your relationship with her besides the bare bones. Anytime I ask questions, you shut me down. I’m tired of you making me feel like a jealous hag about it, especially when it’s clearly not my issue, just because I had the audacity to ask a question about her.” Amery inhaled a calming breath. “So I finally get it, okay?”

“Get what?”

“You’ve proven to me time and time again that you want to keep this casual. We’re hookup buddies. Hot sex with a few bondage games thrown in. That’s it.”

Ronin pinned her with his hard stare.

Amery wouldn’t back down. “So, call me if you literally want to tie one on. But not tonight. I’ve got plans.”

“With who?”

“Chaz and his friends.”

“Why didn’t I know about this?”

“Because you didn’t ask.” Amery opened the door and slid out. “And that right there is the difference between us, Ronin. I ask you a question and you don’t answer. But you can’t even be bothered to ask me any questions in the first place.”

* * *

SOMEHOW Amery got everyone’s attention over the deafening noise in the restaurant. “Tonight we’re celebrating a milestone in our beloved friend Chaz’s career; his glorious artistic work will be showcased in the launch of a groundbreaking new series in the U.S, graphic novels featuring homoerotic story lines.”

Clapping and wolf whistles followed.

“So let’s toast.” She lifted her martini glass. “Chaz, may the contracts keep rolling in, brother. We’re all proud of you and no one deserves this success more than you.”

Hugs, congrats, and a few tears were shared among the dozen friends gathered at the table. Then the wait staff cleared the plates and passed out glasses of champagne at Chaz’s request.

Champagne reminded Amery of the night at the sports gala with Ronin.

Everything reminded her of Ronin.

But nothing about that realization made her happy.

“Why the sad face, doll?” Vincent asked when he reached across her for the coffee creamer.

“I’m not sad. Why? Do I look it?”

“A little.” He squeezed her forearm. “You okay?”

“I’m fine. Just thinking about the last time I had champagne. I made a few questionable choices.”

“Is this a juicy story?”

Amery laughed. “Not really.”

“Pity. I had perverted hopes you’d dish out a sexy story about you and the scrumptious Ronin Black.” He leaned closer. “Is it true what I’ve heard about him?”

“Depends on what you’ve heard.”

“That he’s into . . . all sorts of . . . things.”

She sipped her champagne and studied Vincent, Chaz’s tailor and longtime friend. “Can you be more specific?”

Vincent fussed with the sleeve of his shirt. “Just that Mr. Black doesn’t list all his services on his dojo’s Web site. But if you know who to ask, what to ask, and have the means, he’s available for hire.”

“For what? As a clown at kids’ birthday parties?”

“Hilarious. No, silly. For personal protection. Yes, he offers training, but for the right price he’ll also sign on as a bodyguard.”

She relaxed, relieved Ronin’s real proclivities weren’t the subject of rumors. “Now, where did you pick up that information, Vincent?”

He waved his hand. “I’m tailor to Denver’s elite. It’s amazing what one overhears when customers consider you part of the furniture. I’d forgotten a conversation I’d overheard until Chaz mentioned his concern about your involvement with Mr. Black.”

Why had Chaz talked to Vincent about Ronin?

“I can see Chaz didn’t share the information I shared with him with you.”

“Probably because it wouldn’t surprise me that Ronin hired out his services. He’s an advocate for self-protection and he’s highly trained in all areas. If I needed a man to guard my back, he’d be first on the list.”

“But doesn’t that scare you?” Vincent pressed. “That he might hurt you without meaning to?”

“Ronin would never hurt me. The man has unparalleled control in any and all situations.” Amery remembered Ronin’s icy coolness the night they were attacked—both during and after. Then her mind went back to how much he knew about stripping down and discarding a gun.

“Interesting.” Vincent stirred his piña colada. “Well, I’m glad to hear you trust him, because frankly, I never expected you to be attracted to that sort of man.”

“What sort? Hot? Older? Exotic?”

“A thug. A highly trained thug, but a thug nonetheless.”

Amery’s jaw dropped. “Wow, for a gay man who deals with preconceived ideas, you’re pretty goddamn judgmental.”

“And what would sweet, naive Amery call a man who teaches violent tactics and sometimes uses them himself for profit? Isn’t that the very definition of a thug?”

She hated his pseudo-reasonable I’m-talking-to-a-child-tone. She drained her drink and stood. “Excuse me. I need to use the facilities.” And get the hell away from you.

In the bathroom, she replayed the conversation with Vincent. The problem with her friends and the groups they hung around with? They intellectualized everything. They wouldn’t look beyond Ronin’s brawn to see his brain. If he capitalized on his skill and expanded his income base, it didn’t make him a thug for hire; it made him smart.

Despite her frustration with him, she missed him.

Back at the table she took a seat at the end opposite Vincent.

Chaz made a beeline for her and sat on the arm of the chair. “Amery, the girl who always brings her A game, what’s up?”

“Not much. Just enjoying your par-tay.”

“You could’ve brought Master Black, you know.”

“Might be awkward for him, with your prissy friends judging him.”

Chaz crouched beside her. “Ignore Vincent. He’s a flaming asshole.”