Aldo drew her into his arms and they hid in a doorway. Hari closed her eyes remembering the last time she’d been held close to a man; Michael had held her, dearest Michael, she loved him so much. How could he turn against his own the way he’d done? And yet, she still clung to the belief that he wasn’t a traitor, he’d been forced into joining the German Luftwaffe by his father.

Aldo tipped up her face and kissed her lips. She recoiled from him, knowing she would love only one man in her lifetime and that was Michael. Michael Euler.

‘I’m sorry.’ She pulled away from Aldo and began to run.

‘I’m sorry too,’ he called, ‘can I see you again?’

‘No.’ Her voice was caught by the breeze and drifted away and by the time she got home, Hari was crying bitter, helpless tears that did nothing to ease her pain.


The next week I got into the jeep and drove to the spot where I met the ‘tramp’. He was there waiting, snuffling away at a dry crust of bread. I handed him some sandwiches and he took them and began to gobble them greedily.

‘I’ve had a big bloody breakfast,’ he grumbled in a quiet voice. I stifled the urge to laugh.

‘Tough! Eat the sandwiches.’ I studied him. ‘Your teeth look better now you’ve blacked some of them out.’

‘Very observant.’ He struggled through the sandwiches. ‘I hate sausage,’ he said.

‘What’s your name?’


‘A likely story.’

‘At least Fritz is a proper name. “Black Opal” is silly, too unusual,’ he retorted.

‘What do you mean?’ I was indignant. ‘I thought it was a good name.’

‘For what, an adventure comic? You’re going to be called Anna.’

‘Who says?’

‘I say. Our controller says too. Is that all right by you?’

‘Our controller, what are you talking about?’

‘You, my dear Meryl, are going to be a proper agent, not the silly, bumbling, dangerous amateur you’ve been so far.’

‘I’ve been dangerous?’

‘That’s right.’


‘For one, as I told you last time, you were almost caught. At least you’ve the sense to travel about these days.’

‘I don’t want or need a controller thank you.’

‘You are valuable to us. Your cover is perfect: your husband is half German; your father-in-law is a German officer; you even work in a German office. You are fully accepted, but you won’t be much longer if you bumble around on your own.’

I folded my arms. ‘I don’t want to belong to anything, I told you. I’m Frau Euler, a respectable, married, German lady.’

‘And I’m McDuff.’ He foraged in the jeep for a few minutes and got the radio out of the picnic basket. ‘Here. See how easily you’d be caught, you little fool! You’re a liability.’

‘I wouldn’t be anything of the sort if you left me alone.’ Just then the radio started making noises. I was receiving a message and it could only be from Hari. I hastily took down the message, most of it in coded Welsh, and gasped at the information, which was brief but to the point.

‘What is it?’ Fritz asked in a sharp voice.

I handed him the hastily scribbled message.

‘I can’t make it out,’ he said, and appeared uncomfortable and confused.

‘I relented. ‘I’m not surprised, it’s in coded Welsh.’

‘See?’ he said, ‘see how valuable you are to us? Not many other people in Germany would speak and read Welsh; that’s really clever. What does it say?’

I prevaricated, not sure if I could trust him. ‘How do I know which side you’re on, Fritz?’

He shook his head. ‘You damn woman.’ He undid the laces on his worn shoes and slipped them off. His socks were clean, confirming that he was no tramp. Gently, he took off his socks and showed me his disfigured feet.

‘Your nails, they’ve been torn out,’ I said in horror.

‘Aye, the Germans suspected me of spying and took me in for “questioning”. In the end I managed to convince them I was stupid and knew nothing.’

‘Not too difficult a job for you.’ My sarcasm brought a grimace to his face. He stared at me.

‘The message, it could be urgent.’

I hesitated, instinctively I felt he was telling the truth but I couldn’t be sure. He read my expression.

‘If I’m the enemy why haven’t I turned you in?’ he demanded. ‘You’d be a fine prize for the Germans I can tell you. Herr Euler is not liked by everyone, he has enemies who would like to see him disgraced. You would be the perfect excuse to discredit him.’

I capitulated; his words made sense. ‘It’s important,’ I said at last. The Allies are going to invade several of the Normandy beaches at the same time.’

‘You’d better tell me all about it, slowly and quietly.’

I decided I might as well trust him as I couldn’t do a lot on my own. I told him the code names of the beaches: ‘Sword, Juno, Gold, Omaha and Utah. The Americans and Canadians will be invading along with the British.’

I went over my notes again and explained several times and then Fritz took my piece of paper, lit a match and burnt it.

He gestured to the radio. ‘Send an acknowledged signal and for God’s sake switch the thing off. Come on.’

He climbed into my jeep and started to drive. He bumped over the grassy bank and on to the roadway and then we were heading away from the spot as fast as my poor old car could make it.

We stopped outside a tall building on the outskirts of Hamburg and he pulled to a stop. ‘Thanks for the lift. I’ll be in touch.’ He took the radio and left me sitting there open-mouthed. ‘I won’t be Anna!’ I said in a sibilant whisper. ‘But I’ll be Anwn if I have to be anything.’

I saw a movement in an upstairs window and instinctively looked up. A blonde woman was staring down at us, his girlfriend I supposed. When she saw me looking she let the curtain drop. Without turning, Fritz went into the building and closed the door. With a sigh of resignation, I shifted into the driver’s seat and, seething, and not without difficulty, found my way back home.


Kate snuggled into Eddie’s arms. ‘I’m sorry about the row so I am.’ She smoothed Eddie’s lean jaw feeling a muscle jump and knowing with a dart of joy he loved her as she loved him.

‘I didn’t mean to quarrel,’ she said pleadingly, ‘but please, Eddie, accept that Stephen is the father of my baby and there’s bound to be contact some of the time.’

Eddie was silent for a long time and when he spoke it was in a strangled voice that betrayed his feelings so clearly to Kate that she felt it like a knife thrust.

‘But of all men, Stephen! He was the one who bragged that he took your innocence. He told me about all the men you’d had, he wanted to destroy us; how could you forgive him enough to take him back into your life?’

Kate was suddenly angry. ‘I thought you were dead. I was about to give birth to a child with no name, “father unknown” on the birth certificate, what else could I do? Stephen stepped in at the last minute and gave our child respectability, even your mother was grateful. He kept us fed and clothed, Eddie, a roof over our head. He wasn’t you but he was a good husband and father to our son. How dare you begrudge him a little bit of happiness? He’s coming to see his own son later today so even if you can’t be generous, sure you can just put up with it.’

A gentle tapping on the door interrupted her flow. ‘That’s Hari.’ She sighed in relief. ‘She’s taking me and the boys to the park. Now Eddie, we must grasp what happiness we can get because who knows what is going to happen to us tomorrow?’

When Hari came into the kitchen Kate behaved as if no angry words had been spoken. Eddie helped to get the children ready and Kate knew he was contrite about his outburst. She smiled in his direction, loving him.

The weather was hot for May and the scent of blossoms drifted to where Kate was sitting on the warm wooden bench in the park.

‘Everything all right, Hari? You’re very quiet.’

‘Just the usual, work and worry about Meryl.’

‘And worrying and wondering about Michael,’ Kate said.

‘He’s not mine to think about any more.’ Hari’s voice held a note of sadness mingled with anger. ‘I slept with him, Kate, we made beautiful love, didn’t that mean anything to him?’

‘Learn a lesson, Hari, my love,’ Kate said softly, ‘making love doesn’t mean a thing to some men; it’s meaningful at the time, they think they love you just then but men can put things like feelings into different boxes. We women think it means they love us for ever, fools that we are.’

‘Aye, wise words and I’ve heard them before but it doesn’t make any difference,’ Hari said.

Kate was glad to sit down in quietness while Hari took the boys on the swings. She could hear the excited squeals of her boys on the soft air, she could smell the spring flowers and for a time her sadness vanished.

Kate was sorry when it was time to go home but Teddy was crying; he was hungry and the baby grizzled incessantly.

‘Let me push the pram.’ Hari took charge. Kate held Teddy’s hand and put her other hand on the pram handle for guidance. They walked in silence, the children quiet now they were on the move. Everything would be all right, Kate reasoned, Eddie would see sense, if not friendly he would at least be civil to Stephen and they would have tea together with Hilda, who was good at smoothing things over, and the hours of Stephen’s visit would pass soon enough.

Kate would have liked to chat with Stephen, they had always been able to talk and, really, she was lucky to have two fine men in her life at a time of war when there were so many widows about. She made the sign of the cross quickly, her Irish roots surfacing. She heard Hari giggle.