There was a portrait of Konrad and Monica that Devin had never seen. Monica was sitting in an elegant chair, wearing a low-cut, frosted pink, satin evening gown. Konrad stood behind her, a hand on her shoulder. He wore a tux with a pocket kerchief that matched the dress. It took a confident man to pull off pink satin.

Devin couldn’t help wondering why they’d dressed up. Was it a party? One of the charity balls? Had Konrad written a large check that night to a worthy cause? Monica would have liked that about the Demarco family.

Devin found her fingertips going to the picture. They did look happy in this. It occurred to her for the first time that Konrad might have fooled Lucas along with everyone else.

But then she remembered the conversation her sister had overheard. There’d been no doubt that Lucas was aware of Konrad’s plot to get Monica pregnant. He’d called it brilliant, laughed at how they’d thwarted their cousin Steve. Not that Devin blamed them for wanting to thwart cousin Steve. But they didn’t get to do it at the expense of Monica or any other unsuspecting woman.

Her gaze caught a photo of Konrad and Amelia. He was dressed casually, in jeans and T-shirt and, unlike the posed pictures, he was obviously unaware of the camera. Baby Amelia was asleep in her father’s arms, her little hand wrapped around his index finger, mouth pursed and eyes closed. The expression of reverence on Konrad’s face told Devin that he’d loved Amelia. Dearly.

Devin armed herself against the unexpected onslaught of emotion. Konrad loving Amelia didn’t change the current circumstances.

Next to the picture, in a bay-windowed alcove, she spotted a computer sitting on a small desk and immediately she realized the potential. The brothers could easily have communicated by email. And, here in his bedroom, Lucas might not have protected his computer with a password.

If the messages went back far enough, she might find exactly what she was looking for.

She quickly sat down at the desk, swiveled the chair and pressed a key.

The screen came to life, and it was already on Lucas’s email account.

Devin’s heart thudded in excitement, and she rubbed her hands together. She scrolled down his folder list, easily finding a directory called Konrad. She clicked it and found hundreds of messages. It was a gold mine.

All she had to do was find the right date range, the time when Konrad first met Monica. Once there, she found a message labeled “date.” It seemed promising, so she double-clicked to open it.

Remember that girl? the text read. I’ll be late tonight. You’re going to love her.

Devin sat back.

The girl was likely Monica. And Lucas was going to love her because she was the perfect patsy.

Devin opened the response from Lucas.

Go for it, this one read. Remember, I’m counting on you.

That was it. The smoking gun. Lucas was counting on Konrad to con Monica into marrying him and having his baby.

Devin opened the next message in the thread.

Start without me, Konrad had written. I’m staying until she kicks me out.

Start without him? What did that mean?

Devin glanced around for a printer, knowing she needed to print a copy of these. There it was. On top of a wooden file cabinet. She left the computer to turn it on.

Then she returned, clicking the final message in the thread that was labeled “date.”

The Legion called about the estate was Lucas’s response. They’re thrilled to help with the scholarship. God, I miss him already.

Devin blinked. Scholarship? Legion? Lucas had to be talking about his grandfather’s estate. They’d obviously set up-

A sick feeling hit Devin square in the pit of her stomach, and she staggered to her feet, backing away from the computer.

What was the matter with her? She was sitting here reading Lucas’s private mail. No matter what the justification, her behavior was appalling. She couldn’t do this. She couldn’t use this information.

“-ready to head back in ten minutes,” Lucas’s voice sounded from the hallway.

Pure panic engulfed Devin.

She was about to be caught. Again. By Lucas.

She glanced wildly around the big room, searching for somewhere to hide.

“I’ll meet you out front,” Lucas continued, his voice closer now.

Devin’s ears rang, her heart contracted and sweat burst out on her palms. Seconds from now he was going to walk in and catch her invading his privacy. She had no explanation, no defense. He’d be furious, and he’d be right.

The big four-poster bed had her trapped. It blocked her path to the closet, to the bathroom, even to where she could duck behind the couch.

In a split-second decision, she leaped to the bed, laid back on the pillows and crossed her bare legs in front of her.

Lucas opened the door and froze.

“Hi, there,” she breathed. She batted her lashes in what she hoped was a come hither expression.

“What the…”

“I heard you come in,” she bluffed, hoping against hope that it wouldn’t twig on him she was dressed in a cotton tank top and shorts, hardly an outfit designed for seduction.

“Devin?” His gaze darted curiously around the room.

“Amelia’s with Teresa,” she continued. “And, I thought…” She let her voice trail off meaningfully, patting the bed beside her, hoping she didn’t look like a complete idiot.

She’d never done anything remotely like this before in her life. And she was mortified to be doing it now. She smoothed back her hair and moistened her lips.

Lucas shut the door behind himself, taking a few steps forward. “I don’t understand.”

“I missed you,” she lied.

“I’ve only been gone an hour.”

“I mean, I missed you.” She slid one bare leg up against the other, pointing her toe.

“Are you all right?”

Okay, she was starting to get insulted here. “Am I not doing this right?”

“Depends on what you’re doing.”

She held her palms out to the sides. “Grab a clue.”

He moved closer still, cocking his head while he considered her. “Let me see. You’re in my bedroom. You’re lying on my bed. You’re telling me the baby is otherwise occupied.”

“Gold star so far.”

He stopped at the edge of the bed. “Devin, are you trying to seduce me?”

“I’m obviously not doing it well.” She told her ego to get over it. She didn’t want to succeed here. She wanted to fail.

She wanted him to politely tell her he had work to do and he’d see her later. At which time, she would be completely occupied with Amelia. Or maybe she’d go out. Maybe she’d stay out all night, or at least late enough that he’d have to be asleep before she showed up.

“You’re doing just fine,” he told her. “I’m surprised is all.”

“Good,” she lied, forcing herself to relax as she gave him another bright smile.

He perched on the edge of the bed. “Was this a spontaneous decision?”

“Yes,” she answered honestly.

He reached out to smooth back her hair. “You heard me come home and thought I’d like to…?”

His touch sent a lightning bolt of sexual charged energy down the length of her body. She sat up straight. “If you’re too busy-”

“I’m not too busy.” He shrugged out of his jacket.

Devin swallowed. “I mean, you know, this probably isn’t the best-”

“Second thoughts?” He loosened his tie.

“No. Of course not. I, uh, want this.” Oh, no. What now?

“I want it, too,” he told her huskily, tossing the tie and stretching out beside her on the bed.


He pulled her down, wrapping her in his arms, looking straight into her eyes. “It’s a very nice surprise,” he told her. Then he dipped his head, and his lips touched hers, and her body ignited with white-hot arousal.

His arm wrapped around the small of her back, tugging her body against his own. Her lips automatically parted, and his kiss seemed achingly familiar. In the dim recesses of her mind, she knew she had to bring this to a halt. But reason quickly disappeared, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, surrendering to passion.

His hand slipped beneath the hem of her tank top, trailing up her side, his palm surrounding her breast. Her nipple peaked beneath his touch, and her body reflexively arched against him.

He stripped her shirt over her head and feasted his eyes on her white bra. His gaze was searing, taking in every inch of her body, while his hand went to the button on his dress shirt.

After a moment’s fumbling, he swore beneath his breath and ripped off the buttons, tugging off his shirt. Her bra went next, and they were skin-to-skin, kissing their way to another plane of desire.

She found her hands going to his belt, releasing the buckle, popping the button, pulling down the zipper, even while his kisses roamed from her mouth to her neck and down to the peaks of her breasts. He stripped off her shorts in a heartbeat, then dispatched the rest of his clothes.

Again, they were skin-to-skin, with nothing between them. The world outside his bedroom, his bed, his hands and his lips ceased to exist. Devin longed to get closer, to press harder, to wrap herself around his magnificent body and travel to paradise all over again.

“You amaze me,” he rasped, both hands cradling her face as he planted long, wet kisses on her swollen mouth.

She shifted her body, moving beneath him, kissing him hard and deep in return. She lifted her knees, wrapping herself around his hips, gasping his name as primal urges swept through her, robbing her breath and curling her toes.

His hand slid down her body, over the curve of her waist, across her hip, cupping her buttocks, and tugging her to him. He thrust, and she gasped, groaning in relief at the exquisite sensation of becoming one. A buzzing started in her ears, obliterating everything but Lucas’s voice.