Tony tried not to notice Paul Task’s shaking hands as he took the paper and began to read. Once he was done, Tony smugly nodded as Claire’s attorney turned toward her and confirmed, “Mrs. Rawlings, it appears to be in order.”
As most of the room’s occupants began to leave, Claire’s co-counsel sat unmoving. Tony’s gaze centered on the woman to Claire’s right. Finally, Jane rose and met Tony’s eyes. “Mr. Rawlings.”
“Ms. Allyson.” They nodded.
“Mr. Rawlings, this is unexpected. I’d like to speak to our client for a few moments and determine her desire regarding this meeting. If you’d please step into the hall with Mr. Evergreen and his team, Mr. Task and I will discuss this new situation with Mrs. Rawlings.” Who the hell did this woman think she was? Tony started to respond, but Jane continued, “And then if Mrs. Rawlings agrees to your meeting, it may proceed under her conditions.”
Before Tony could speak, Marcus placed his hand on Tony’s arm and nodded. Tony turned toward Claire. This woman thought that she could stop him? He didn’t need words, not with Claire. He wanted Claire to know that soon they’d be speaking, it wasn’t open for debate. When he saw her expression, Tony’s cheeks rose and his grin grew. She understood his unspoken promise. He turned back to her co-counsel. Accommodatingly, he said, “Why of course, Ms. Allyson,” and stepped from the small room.
Once in the hallway, Marcus looked him in the eye and took a step backward. “I’m sorry, Mr. Rawlings, this is highly unusual. Ms. Allyson is—”
Tony squared his shoulders and smiled affirmatively. “—doing her job. I respect that, but as I’ve stated, I’m not frightened of my wife. I believe she was merely overwhelmed.”
Marcus looked at his colleagues and then back to Tony.
Tony had everyone’s attention. “You see, I’ve given this a lot of thought. Despite the evidence, I don’t believe my wife wanted to kill me. The doctor said that the dose was wrong, and she’s too intelligent for that. I’m a busy man. Perhaps it was nothing more than a cry for help.”
“Mr. Rawlings, the state of Iowa—”
Tony put his hand on Marcus’s shoulder. “The state of Iowa has done a remarkable job building a case. You’ve said that she’s remained mostly silent. Is that still the case?”
Marcus nodded.
“Very well, I’ve had my attorneys working on this case day and night.”
“But … it isn’t up to your attorneys.” Marcus answered, somewhat puzzled.
“No, it isn’t. However, if …” Tony turned to address the entire group, “… if my wife pleads insanity—we can call it temporary. If my wife pleads temporary insanity and the state accepts that plea, I believe she’ll receive the treatment she needs and deserves. Mrs. Rawlings isn’t a criminal: she’s ill. I want her to get the best care possible.”
Marcus looked confused. “But, we have a solid case.”
“I’m sure you do. I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt your career, or any of your careers, to add this gem to your résumé. I can assure you though, that supporting the insanity defense, keeping this out of court, and allowing my wife to enter a private treatment facility, will also benefit your careers. You have my word.”
Tony glanced toward the small window and saw Jane Allyson talking as Claire nodded. He wanted in that damn room.
“You realize,” Marcus said, “it isn’t enough for her to plead insanity. It must be clinically verified.”
Tony grinned. “Yes, Marcus, I realize that. I have a plethora of psychiatrists ready to evaluate her.”
“We have state-appointed—”
Before he could finish, Tony said, “I have their names, and I can assure you, they’re on my list.”
“It’s customary for the courts to determine the amount of time and treatment—”
The door opened and Paul Task and Jane Allyson stepped from the room, interrupting their discussion. “Mr. Rawlings,” Mr. Task said, “Mrs. Rawlings is ready to speak with you now.”
Tony’s smile broadened. “There are always exceptions, Marcus. I know this can be worked out.”
Marcus Evergreen nodded as Tony stepped from the hall to the room. Closing the door behind him, he stared at his wife. Her eyes watched his every move. He sat down across the table from her. Bravely, she reached out and said, “Tony, I’m so glad you are all right.” He took her petite hands in his and felt their coldness. For a moment he wanted to warm her, then she continued, “You know I’d never hurt you?”
He fought the red. She’d left him. Driven to St. Louis. Made a public laughingstock of their marriage! He tempered his tone. “My dear Claire, it certainly appears you did. You handed me the coffee. There was poison in the coffee.”
“You told me to get you coffee.” Although her voice was strong, he saw the tears that threatened to spill from her glistening eyes. She continued, “I’ve thought about it a million times. There must’ve been poison in the coffee already … or in the cream. I just don’t know. I don’t know who would do this. The only other people at home were staff—staff you’ve employed for years—but it should be on surveillance. You have cameras in the kitchen—”
He interrupted, “All evidence points to you. Then, there’s the way you ran to the car and drove away.”
Suddenly, the emerald was gone as she looked down at the table and mumbled, “I’m sorry.” She paused. Still looking at the table, she continued, “It was impulsive. I knew not to take one of the cars, but I saw the keys. I hadn’t had the opportunity in so long, the sky was so blue, and you’d been—well, life had been unpredictable. I felt like I was suffocating and just needed a reprieve, a small break. Honestly, Tony, I was about to turn around to come home. I wanted to be home—I want to be with you.”
He lifted her chin. “Claire, how are your accommodations?” His voice was low yet strong. “Consequences, appearances, I thought you’d learned your lessons better.”
“Tony, please take me home. I promise I’ll never disappoint you again. Please tell them you know I wouldn’t—couldn’t—do this.”
It was the pleading he wanted, and once she was in the mental facility, he’d allow her to expand upon her remorse. In the meantime, he needed to push forward.
Claire continued, “I know there’ll be consequences and punishment. I don’t care, as long as you’re all right. I just want to go home. Please, please, Tony, they’ll listen to you.”
He looked deep into her eyes. He’d trusted her and she’d failed him. He spoke softly, “The entire thing seems to be a colossal accident. However, I’ve done some research and it seems you can plead insanity and receive treatment instead of incarceration.”
She sprung from her chair and started to pace. “What are you saying? I’m not pleading insanity! That means guilty and crazy—I’m neither! And this wasn’t an accident. I didn’t try to kill you!”
He stood and moved very close. Looking down, he whispered, “Claire, listen. I’ve found a mental hospital that is willing to accept you. I’ll pay the expenses so the taxpayers aren’t responsible for your lack of judgment.”
“I’ve been here for over a week. I’ve been questioned over and over. I haven’t divulged any private information. I’ve followed all the rules. The only rule I broke was driving a car. That’s it!”
She was too loud. He kept his voice low, trying to make her understand. “This plea will avoid a trial. The entire unfortunate incident is understandable. You came from a modest background. The life we shared had pressures and responsibilities—with entertaining, charities, and reporters. It’s understandable. You just couldn’t handle it.”
Claire sat. Tony walked to her and bent down to maintain eye contact. “I should’ve recognized the signs. Perhaps, I was too busy with work. When you recently canceled your charity obligations, I should’ve realized how overwhelmed you felt.” He fought the disappointment that fueled an unneeded rage. Although he tried to sound reassuring, authority prevailed in his tone. This was too important. Claire needed to listen to every word. It was what he’d done after her accident; he planted the seed and she obediently embedded its roots. He wanted the same outcome. Just as she’d responded to Dr. Leonard, he needed her to respond to her attorneys. “You wanted out, and in a moment of weakness—no, in a moment of insanity— you decided the only way out was to try to kill me. I’m only thankful that you underestimated the amount of poison needed or you may have succeeded. After all, if you’d succeeded, I wouldn’t be here to help you now.” He pulled out a chair and sat facing his wife. “Aren’t you glad I’m able to help you? And, Claire …” He leaned nearer. “… I hear the rooms at the mental facility are larger than the cells at the federal penitentiary.”
Tony expected a sign of recognition. He expected her to grab the lifeline he was throwing and hold on with both hands. It was a gift. She’d disappointed him—failed his test, publicly and privately—yet instead of walking away, he was offering her an out. This solution would help her and fulfill his need for control. Claire was his—her belongings, her portrait, and most importantly, her. He was angry. She had a long way to go to earn back his trust, but nonetheless, he was offering her an out. Claire needed to understand that he was helping her.
When she straightened her neck and met his eyes, he immediately realized—she wasn’t taking his offer. The fire he loved to see was burning a blaze brighter than he’d ever seen. Didn’t she understand? He loved that strength, but now wasn’t the time. Now she needed to redeem herself.
Tony stood in amazement of the defiance before him. He wouldn’t beg her! Damn her. This was crucial! He continued, disappointment audible in his tone, “Utilize the time you have to think this over. Don’t make another poor, impulsive decision. This is your best offer.” He knocked on the door. “Goodbye, Claire.”
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