“You’re so blessed, Isabel,” she smiled at her.

Isabel laid her hand over Sarah’s and smiled sympathetically at her, understanding shining in her honey-colored eyes. Her eyes blurred with tears at the look on Isabel’s face and she felt the blood drain from her cheeks. She would not break down, she repeated over-and-over to herself.

Isabel pulled Sarah to her and hugged her tightly. “Oh, Sarah…”

“I’m okay, really. I’m just happy that Sawyer has found someone. Ciara is a lucky…”

Isa swiftly put her hand up to her mouth. “Please don’t say anymore. Just come with me.

They climbed a spiral staircase to the Youngs’ bedroom. She knew the path they were taking as she had walked it only a few weeks before; the night she had engaged in femplay with Isabel and Claire in the dungeon.

If she wasn’t still reeling from the loss of Sawyer she would’ve been more concerned as to why she was being led there, but her mind was blank. The large bookshelf that disguised the room slid open and she stared wordlessly across at Sawyer who was standing on the other side, her heart pounding against her ribcage. She stood there, blank, amazed, even shaken at the look of utter longing in his mahogany eyes. She hadn’t even realized she stopped breathing until he reached out and traced his index finger across her bottom lip. When he did, she took in a quick breath, barely able to control the panting that ensued from his sexy and familiar touch. An unexpected warmth surged through her, the feeling not unlike that of a subspace high and dizziness overwhelmed her.  Her knees weakened and for a moment, she thought she would faint as spots filled her vision, but Sawyer’s strong arms steadied her.

“I wish I had this effect on all women,” he smiled down at her, his lusty brown eyes revealing what she had been aching to see all night.

“Oh, you do,” she breathed out.

“Snowflake…” he whispered, his mouth inching towards hers.

She knew she should’ve stopped him and asked what he was doing there, but she didn’t want to. She didn’t care. He was there and she was in his arms, and that was all that mattered. His nearness and smell set her brain and nethers on the spin cycle. It was so easy to get lost in the way he was looking at her. Yes… she wanted to get lost in those dangerous eyes… in his arms… in his past, present and future… and to climb into his dark headspace with him and experience all the wantonness wickedness he could imagine.

His arms encircled her and his mouth covered hers hungrily, his caressing tongue and firm lips commanding her to submit to him, demanding her surrender.  Like it had done the first time he kissed her like this. But why? What about Ciara?

Just as his mouth began to sear a path down her neck, she grudgingly pulled out of his reach even though she had no desire to back out of his embrace. When she did, she saw his domination flicker in his dark ravenous eyes. He hated being pulled away from and she feared what kind of punishment she might have brought on herself.

He growled deep and primal as he stalked toward her slowly, his eyes mere slits. “The last five hours have been hell without you and I. Will. Not. Be. Denied.”

“I would never…” she stammered out, both turned on and frightened at the look on his stubbly, princely face. “But… Ciara…”

His movement halted and he lifted an eyebrow at her. “What about her?”

“I assumed…”

“You should never assume, Sarah,” he cut in. “And you should know that I wouldn’t be here if I was with Ciara.”

She shook her head, confused and not understanding his statement. It made no sense at all. She saw the look in his eyes on the video when he was with her. He wanted her. She wanted him.

“Look at me, Snowflake,” he ordered when her eyes dropped to the floor. Complying, she met his impassioned gaze and waited for his explanation, hoping she wouldn’t have to request one. “My heart belongs to you and only you. I came here tonight to offer myself to you. If you don’t want me, I can accept that. But I want to hear from you that it’s for no other reason than because you don’t feel the same way about me that I do about you. I will not accept your denial because of some sense of obligation as my trainer or out of duty or honor. You preached of honest and open communication and now’s the time to put your words to the test. Do you want me or don’t you?” When he spoke, his dominance was unquestionable and irresistible.

Sarah dropped her chin to her chest. Of course she wanted him. Her heart belonged to him, too. She could hear Sawyer’s uneven breathing and she raised her eyes. He looked so lost. She opened her mouth to profess her love, but his next statement came spilling out before she could speak.

“Your beauty captivated me from the first moment I saw you. Your intelligence and knowledge stimulated and motivated me. Your body satiated my deepest sexual desires… but it was your submission that awakened my Dominant tendencies and ensnared me. Before you deny me, Sarah, I want you to know that when I dream, it’s your face I see, and when all is dark, you are my light.”

Her lips parted and her breath quickened when she looked into Sawyer’s eyes. The steely intensity held within that deep brown gaze and his words undid her, and she fell to her knees at his feet, gripping his leg and sobbing against him. He was her Sir. Her Domly One. Her Master.

She loved him. Completely. And though she would always love Doug just as he would always love Serena, their love for each other was different and nothing less than intense and consuming. There was no competing with their lost loves; theirs was simply another love to add to their hearts.

Sawyer picked her up into his arms and sat her on the bed. Reaching into the inside of his blazer pocket, he pulled out a white leather collar with an ornate silver snowflake just below a D&O ring. Sarah gasped and tears filled her eyes again.  She glided her fingers over the soft leather and cool metal buckle. It was the most beautiful collar she had ever laid eyes on.

“This was the reason it took me so long to see you tonight…” he whispered as he unbuckled it. “I had the Youngs’ jeweler working feverishly to get it just right. Isabel helped me design it.”

“It’s exquisite, Sir.”

He laid the collar out in his palm so she could read the burnt engraving on the inner leather. It contained four, simple yet touching words: “Beauty. Inspiration. Intelligence. Mine.”

Taking her hand, he helped her to her knees in front of him. Just then, Isabel and Dylan came into the room, both of them smiling lovingly. Isabel walked over and played with Sawyer’s phone and All of Me by John Legend began playing softly over the speakers. The words washed over her and she felt as if she was being surrounded by pure love. This was their own personal, intimate collaring ceremony and it couldn’t be any more perfect.

She gracefully tucked her feet beneath her, placed her hands in her lap and lowered her head. She couldn’t believe her fortune. Only an hour ago she thought her fate with Sawyer was sealed. It all came down to honesty. If only she had been truthful with him, she wouldn’t have had to suffer the way she did over the last five hours.

When she felt the leather slip around her and Sawyer’s warm fingers fluttering over her neck as he secured the collar snugly, she deeply exhaled the breath she had been holding in. She was really his and he was really hers. Twice now she had the privilege of being collared, and for the second time, she felt whole.

Her left hand came up and touched the collar just to reassure herself that it was no dream. When she was satisfied, she tipped her head back to stare up at her new Master. “Thank you for finding your way back to me.”

Leaning down, he held her firmly below her chin as he kissed her forehead, “No, Snowflake, thank you for blazing a trail so bright I could never get lost.”

Moving directly in front of her, he pushed the hair from her eyes and touched the top of her head. His eyes were narrowed but a sinful smile flitted across his deliciously firm lips and Sarah’s hands inched up his thighs in anticipation of sealing the deal.

“You belong to me now, Snowflake, and I belong to you. From this moment on, submit to me always and I promise, you’ll be the only woman ever allowed to serve me.”

Sawyer’s absolute dominance crushed what little will Sarah had left as he stood glaring down at her. He was her alpha, she - his omega, and his name was forever emblazoned on her heart.

“Yes, Master. As you wish.”
