“Maybe you’ll quit talking about it, now,” Shepley grinned.
I poured a shot of whiskey into a glass and jerked my head back, swallowing it all at once. My face compressed as the liquid burned down my throat.
Travis gently wrapped his arms around my middle from behind. “I’m not proposing, Pidge. They’re tattoos.”
“I know,” I said, nodding my head as I poured another drink.
Travis pulled the bottle from my hand and twisted the cap on, shoving it back into the cabinet. When I didn’t turn around, he pivoted my hips so that I would face him.
“Okay. I should have talked to you about it first, but I decided to buy the couch, and then one thing led to another. I got excited.”
“This is very fast for me, Travis. You’ve mentioned moving in together, you just branded yourself with my name, you’re telling me you love me…this is all very…fast.”
Travis frowned. “You’re freakin’ out. I told you not to freak out.”
“It’s hard not to! You found out about my dad and everything you felt before has suddenly been amplified!”
“Who’s your dad?” Shepley asked, clearly unhappy about being out of the loop. When I didn’t acknowledge his question, he sighed. “Who’s her dad?” he asked America. America should her head dismissively.
Travis’ expression twisted with disgust. “My feelings for you have nothing to do with your dad.”
“We’re going to this date party tomorrow. It’s supposed to be this big deal where we’re announcing our relationship or something, and now you have my name on your arm and this proverb talking about how we belong to each other! It’s freaky, okay? I’m freaked out!”
Travis grabbed my face and planted his mouth on mine, and then he lifted me off the floor, setting me on the counter. His tongue begged entrance into my mouth, and when I let him in, he moaned.
His fingers dug into my hips, pulling me closer. “You are so fucking hot when you’re mad,” he said against my lips.
“Okay,” I breathed, “I’m calm.”
He smiled, pleased that his plan of distraction had worked. “Everything’s still the same, Pidge. It’s still just you and me.”
“You two are nuts,” Shepley said, shaking his head.
America playfully smacked Shepley’s shoulder. “Abby bought something for Travis today, too.”
“America!” I scolded.
“You found a dress?” he asked, smiling.
“Yeah,” I wrapped my legs and arms around him. Tomorrow it’s going to be your turn to be freaked out.”
“I’m looking forward to it,” he said, pulling me off the counter. I waved to America as Travis carried me down the hall.
Friday after class, America and I spent the afternoon downtown, primping and indulging. We had our nails and toes done, errant hairs waxed, skin bronzed and hair highlighted. When we returned to the apartment, every surface had been covered with bouquets of roses. Reds, pinks, yellows, and whites — it looked like a floral shop.
“Oh my God!” America squealed when she walked through the door.
Shepley looked around him, standing proud. “We went to buy you two flowers, but neither of us thought just one bouquet would do it.”
I hugged Travis. “You guys are…you’re amazing. Thank you.”
He smacked my backside. “Thirty minutes until the party, Pidge.”
The boys dressed in Travis’ room while we slipped on our dresses in Shepley’s. Just as I was fastening my silver heels, someone knocked on the door.
“Time to go, ladies,” Shepley said.
America walked out, and Shepley whistled.
“Where is she?” Travis asked.
“Abby’s having some trouble with her shoe. She’ll be out in just a sec,” America explained.
“The suspense is killin’ me, Pigeon!” Travis called.
I walked out, fidgeting with my dress while Travis stood in front of me, blank-faced.
America elbowed him and he blinked. “Holy shit.”
“Are you ready to be freaked out?” America asked.
“I’m not freaked out, she looks amazing,” Travis said.
I smiled and then slowly turned around to show him the steep dip of the fabric in the back of the dress.
“Okay, now I’m freakin’ out,” he said, walking over to me and turning me around.
“You don’t like it?” I asked.
“You need a jacket.” He jogged to the rack and then hastily draped my coat over my shoulders.
“She can’t wear that all night, Trav,” America chuckled.
“You look beautiful, Abby,” Shepley said as an apology for Travis’ behavior.
Travis’ expression was pained as he spoke. “You do. You look incredible…but you can’t wear that. Your skirt is…wow, your legs are…your skirt is too short and it’s only half a dress! It doesn’t even have a back on it!”
I couldn’t help but smile. “That’s the way it’s made, Travis.”
“Do you two live to torture each other?” Shepley frowned.
“Do you have a longer dress?” Travis asked.
I looked down. “It’s actually pretty modest in the front. It’s just the back that shows off a lot of skin.”
“Pigeon,” he winced with his next words, “I don’t want you to be mad, but I can’t take you to my frat house looking like that. I’ll get in a fight the first five minutes we’re there, Baby.”
I leaned up on the balls of my feet and kissed his lips. “I have faith in you.”
“This night is gonna suck,” he groaned.
“This night is going to be fantastic,” America said, offended.
“Just think of how easy it will be to get it off later,” I said, kissing his neck.
“That’s the problem. Every other guy there will be thinking the same thing.”
“But you’re the only one that gets to find out,” I lilted. He didn’t respond, and I leaned back to assess his expression. “Do you really want me to change?”
Travis scanned my face, my dress, my legs, and then exhaled. “No matter what you wear, you’re gorgeous. I should just get used to it, now, right?” I shrugged and he shook his head. “All right, we’re already late. Let’s go.”
I huddled next to Travis for warmth as we walked from the car to the Sigma Tau house. The air was smoky, but warm. Music boomed from the basement, and Travis bobbed his head to the beat. Everyone seemed to turn at once. I wasn’t sure if they were staring because Travis was at a date party, or because he was wearing slacks, or because of my dress, but they were all staring.
America leaned over to whisper in my ear. “I’m so glad you’re here, Abby. I feel like I just walked into a Molly Ringwald movie.”
“Glad I could help,” I grumbled.
Travis and Shepley took our coats, and then led us across the room to the kitchen. Shepley took four beers out of the fridge and handed one to America, and then to me. We stood in the kitchen, listening to Travis’ frat brothers discuss his last fight. The sorority sisters accompanying them happened to be the same busty blondes that followed Travis into the cafeteria the first time we spoke.
Lexie was easy to recognize. I couldn’t forget the look on her face when Travis pushed her from his lap for insulting America. She watched me with curiosity, seeming to study my every word. I knew she was curious why Travis Maddox apparently found me irresistible, and I found myself making an effort to show her. I kept my hands on Travis, inserting clever quips at precise moments of conversation, and joked with him about his new tattoos.
“Dude, you got your girl’s name on your wrist? What in the hell possessed you to do that?” Brad said.
Travis proudly turned over his hand to reveal my name. “I’m crazy about her,” he said, looking down at me with soft eyes.
“You barely know her,” Lexie scoffed.
He didn’t take his eyes from mine. “We spend every second together. I know her.” He furrowed his brow, “I thought the tat freaked you out. Now you’re bragging about it?”
I leaned up to kiss his cheek and shrugged. “It’s growing on me.”
Shepley and America made their way downstairs and we followed, hand in hand. Furniture had been pushed along the walls for a make-shift dance floor, and just as we descended the stairs, a slow song began to play.
Travis didn’t hesitate to pull me into the middle, holding me close and pulling my hand to his chest. “I’m glad I’ve never went to one of these things before. It’s right that I’ve only brought you.”
I smiled and pressed my cheek against his chest. He held his hand against my lower back, warm and soft against my bare skin.
“Everyone’s staring at you in this dress,” he said. I looked up, expecting to see a tense expression, but he was smiling. “I guess it’s kinda cool…being with the girl everyone wants.”
I rolled my eyes. “They don’t want me. They’re curious why you want me. And anyway, I feel sorry for anyone that thinks they have a chance. I am hopelessly and completely in love with you.”
A pained look shadowed his face. “You know why I want you? I didn’t know I was lost until you found me. I didn’t know what alone was until the first night I spent without you in my bed. You’re the one thing I’ve got right. You’re what I’ve been waiting for, Pigeon.”
I reached up to take his face between my hands and he wrapped his arms around me, lifting me off the floor. I pressed my lips against his, and he kissed me with the emotion of everything he’d just said. It was in that moment that I realized why he’d gotten the tattoo, why he had chosen me, and why I was different. It wasn’t just me, and it wasn’t just him, it was what we were together that was the exception.
A faster beat vibrated the speakers, and Travis lowered me to my feet. “Still wanna dance?”
America and Shepley appeared beside us and I raised an eyebrow. “If you think you can keep up with me.”
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