“I’m going to get another drink, want anything?” America shouted over the music.

“I’ll go with you,” I said, looking to Finch and pointing at the bar.

Finch shook his head and continued to dance. America and I shouldered through the crowd to the bar. The bartenders were overwhelmed, so we settled in for a long wait.

“The boys are making a killing tonight,” America said.

I leaned into her ear. “Why anyone bets against Shep I’ll never understand.”

“For the same reason they bet against Travis. They’re idiots,” she smiled.

A man in a toga leaned against the bar beside America and smiled. “What are you ladies drinking this evening?”

“We buy our own beverages, thanks,” America said, facing forward.

“I’m Mike,” he said, and then pointed to his friend, “This is Logan.”

I smiled politely, looking to America who made her best go away expression. The bartender took our order, and then nodded behind us, turning to make America’s drink. She brought over a square glass full of pink, frothy liquid, and three beers. Mike handed her some money and she nodded.

“This is something else,” Mike said, scanning the crowd.

“Yeah,” America said, annoyed.

“I saw you dancing out there,” Logan said to me, nodding to the dance floor. “You looked good.”

“Uh…thanks,” I said, trying to remain polite, wary that Travis was just a few yards away.

“You wanna dance?” he asked.

I shook my head. “No, thanks. I’m here with my—,”

“Boyfriend,” Travis said, appearing out of nowhere. He glared at the men standing in front of us, and they backed away a bit, clearly intimidated.

America couldn’t contain her smug smile as Shepley wrapped his arm around her. Travis nodded across the room. “Run along, now.”

The men glanced at America and me, and then took a few cautious steps backward before retreating behind the safety of the crowd.

Shepley kissed America. “I can’t take you anywhere!” She giggled, and I smiled at Travis, who was glowering down at me.


“Why did you let him buy your drink?”

America let go of Shepley, noticing Travis’ mood. “We didn’t, Travis. I told them not to.”

Travis took the bottle from my hand. “Then what’s this?”

“Are you serious?” I asked.

“Yes, I’m fucking serious,” he said, tossing the beer in the trashcan by the bar. “I’ve told you a hundred times…you can’t be taking drinks from random guys. What if he put something in it?”

America held up her glass. “The drinks were never out of our sight, Trav. You’re overreacting.”

“I’m not talking to you,” Travis said, his eyes boring into mine.

“Hey!” I said, instantly angry. “Don’t’ talk to her like that.”

“Travis,” Shepley warned, “let it go.”

“I don’t like you letting other guys buy you drinks,” Travis said.

I raised an eyebrow. “Are you trying to pick a fight?”

“Would it bother you to walk up to the bar and see me sharing a drink with some chick?”

I nodded once. “Okay. You’re oblivious to all women, now. I get it. I should be making the same effort.”

“It would be nice.” He was clearly trying to subdue his temper, and it was a bit unnerving to be on the wrong side of his wrath. His eyes were still bright with anger, and an innate urge to go on the offensive bubbled to the surface.

“You’re going to have to tone down the jealous boyfriend-thing, Travis. I didn’t do anything wrong.”

Travis shot me an incredulous look. “I walk up here, and some guy is buying you a drink!”

“Don’t yell at her!” America said.

Shepley put his hand on Travis’ shoulder. “We’ve all had a lot to drink. Let’s just get out of here.” Shepley’s usually calming effect was lost on Travis, and I was instantly annoyed that his tantrum had ended our night.

“I have to tell Finch we’re leaving,” I grumbled, shouldering past Travis to the dance floor.

A warm hand encapsulated my wrist. I wheeled around, seeing Travis’ fingers locked without regret. “I’ll go with you.”

I twisted my arm from his grip. “I am fully capable of walking a few feet by myself, Travis. What is wrong with you?”

I spied Finch in the middle, and pushed my way out to him.

“We’re leaving!”

“What?” Finch yelled over the music.

“Travis is in a pissy mood! We’re leaving!”

Finch rolled his eyes and shook his head, waving as I left the dance floor. Just as I spotted America and Shepley, I was tugged backward by a man in a pirate costume.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he smiled, bumping up against me.

I laughed and shook my head at the silly face he was making. Just as I turned to walk away, he grabbed my arm. It didn’t take long for me to realize he wasn’t grabbing at me, he was grabbing for me — for protection.

“Whoa!” he cried, looking beyond me with wide eyes.

Travis barreled his way onto the dance floor, and plunged his fist straight into the pirate’s face, the force sending both of us to the ground. With my palms flat on the wooden floor, I blinked my eyes in stunned disbelief. Feeling something warm and wet on my hand, I turned it over and recoiled. It was covered in blood from the man’s nose. His hand was cupped over his face, but the bright red liquid poured down his forearm as he writhed on the floor.

Travis scrambled to pick me up, seeming as shocked as I was. “Oh shit! Are you all right, Pidge?”

When I got to my feet, I yanked my arm from his grip. “Are you insane?”

America grabbed my wrist and pulled me through the crowd to the parking lot. Shepley unlocked his doors and after I slid into my seat, Travis turned to me.

“I’m sorry, Pigeon, I didn’t know he had a hold of you.”

“Your fist was two inches from my face!” I said, catching the oil-stained towel Shepley had thrown at me. I wiped the blood from my hand, revolted.

The seriousness of the situation darkened his face and he winced. “I wouldn’t have swung if I thought I could have hit you. You know that right?”

“Shut up, Travis. Just shut up,” I said, staring at the back of Shepley’s head.

“Pidge…,” Travis began.

Shepley hit his steering wheel with the heel of his hand. “Shut up, Travis! You said you’re sorry, now shut the fuck up!”

The trip home was made in complete silence. Shepley pulled his seat forward to let me out of the car, and I looked to America, who nodded with understanding.

She kissed her boyfriend goodnight. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Baby.”

Shep nodded in resignation and kissed her. “Love you.”

I walked past Travis to America’s Honda, and he jogged to my side. “C’mon. Don’t leave mad.”

“Oh, I’m not leaving mad. I’m furious.”

“She needs some time to cool off, Travis,” America warned, unlocking her door.

When the passenger side lock popped, Travis held his hand against the door. “Don’t leave, Pigeon. I was out of line. I’m sorry.”

I held up my hand, showing him the remnants of dried blood on my palm. “Call me when you grow up.”

He leaned against the door with his hip. “You can’t leave.”

I raised an eyebrow, and Shepley jogged around the car beside us. “Travis, you’re drunk. You’re about to make a huge mistake. Just let her go home, cool off…you can both talk tomorrow when you’re sober.”

Travis’ expression turned desperate. “She can’t leave,” he said, staring into my eyes.

“It’s not going to work, Travis,” I said, tugging on the door. “Move!”

“What do you mean it’s not gonna work?” Travis asked, grabbing my arm.

“I mean the sad face. I’m not falling for it,” I said, pulling away.

Shepley watched Travis for a moment, and then turned to me. “Abby…this is the moment I was talking about. Maybe you should…,”

“Stay out of it, Shep,” America snapped, starting the car.

“I’m gonna fuck up. I’m gonna fuck up a lot, Pidge, but you have to forgive me.”

“I’m going to have a huge bruise on my ass in the morning! You hit that guy because you were pissed at me! What should that tell me? Because red flags are going up all over the place right now!”

“I’ve never hit a girl in my life,” he said, surprised at my words.

“And I’m not about to be the first one!” I said, tugging on the door. “Move, damn it!”

Travis nodded, and then took a step back. I sat beside America, slamming the door. She put the car in reverse, and Travis leaned down to look at me through the window.

“You’re going to call me tomorrow, right?” he said, touching the windshield.

“Just go, Mare,” I said, refusing to meet his eyes.

The night was long. I kept looking at the clock, and cringed when I saw that another hour had passed. I couldn’t stop thinking about Travis and whether or not I would call him, wondering if he was awake as well. I finally resorted to sticking the ear buds of my iPod in my ear and listening to every loud, obnoxious song on my playlist.

The last time I looked at the clock, it was after four. The birds were already chirping outside my window, and I smiled when my eyes began to feel heavy. It seemed like just a few moments later when I heard a knock at the door, and America burst through it. She pulled the ear buds from my ears and then fell into my desk chair.

“Mornin’ sunshine. You look like hell,” she said, blowing a pink bubble from her mouth and then letting it smack loudly as it popped.

“Shut UP, America!” Kara said from under her covers.

“You realize people like you and Trav are going to fight, right?” America said, filing her nails as she chewed the huge wad of gum in her mouth.