“Did she?”
“My mother was, too. Not about me being a blonde,” I qualified. “That you’d be interested in one.”
“Was she?”
“Hmm?” He kissed the end of my nose and ran his hands down my arms.
“I’m not the type you usual y go for, am I?” His brow arched. “I have one type: Eva Lauren Tramel . That’s it.”
I rol ed my eyes. “Okay. Whatever.”
“What does it matter? You’re the woman I’m with.”
“It doesn’t matter. I’m just curious. People don’t usual y stray from their preferred type.” Stepping between my legs, he put his arms around my hips. “Lucky for me that I fit your type.”
“Gideon, you don’t fit any type,” I drawled. “You’re in a class by yourself.”
His eyes sparkled. “Like what you see, do you?”
“You know I do, which is why we real y should get out of here before we start screwing like minks again.” Pressing his cheek to mine, he murmured, “Only you could blow my mind in a place that’s always made my skin crawl. Thank you for being exactly what I want and need.”
“Oh, Gideon.” I wrapped my arms and legs around him, holding him as close to me as possible. “You came here for me, didn’t you? To take me away from this place you hate.”
“I’d walk into hel for you, Eva, and this is pretty damn close.” He exhaled harshly. “I was about to go to your apartment and drag you away with me when I learned you’d come here. You have to stay away from Christopher.”
“Why do you keep saying that? He seems very nice.”
Gideon pul ed back, sifting my hair through his fingers. His eyes stayed fiercely locked to mine. “He takes sibling rivalry to the extreme, and he’s unstable enough to make him dangerous. He’s reaching out to you because he knows he can hurt me through you.
You have to trust me on this.”
Why was Gideon so suspicious of his half-brother’s motives? He had to have a good reason. It was yet another thing he didn’t ful y share with me. “I do trust you. Of course I do. I’l keep my distance.”
“Thank you.” Catching me by the waist, he lifted me off the counter and set me on my feet. “Let’s grab Cary and get the hel out of here.”
We made our way back outside with my hand in his.
I was uncomfortably aware that we’d been gone a very long time. The sun was going down. And I was panty-less. My ruined boy shorts were presently stuffed into the front pocket of Gideon’s jeans.
He glanced at me as we entered the marquee. “I should’ve told you before. You look gorgeous, Eva.
That dress is amazing on you and so are those fuck-me red heels.”
“Wel , clearly they work.” I bumped my shoulder into him. “Thank you.”
“For the compliment? Or the fucking?”
“Hush,” I admonished, flushing.
His dark velvet laugh turned every female head in hearing distance and some of the men’s, too. Placing our linked hands at the smal of my back, he pul ed me close and smacked a kiss on my mouth.
“Gideon!” His mother glided toward us with sparkling eyes and a wide smile on her lovely face.
“I’m so happy you’re here.”
She looked like she might hug him, but his posture altered subtly, charging the air around him with an invisible field of power that encompassed me as wel .
Elizabeth drew to an abrupt halt.
“Mother,” he greeted her with al the warmth of an arctic storm. “You can thank Eva for my being here. I’ve come to take her away.”
“But she’s having a good time, aren’t you, Eva? You should stay for her sake.” Elizabeth looked at me with a plea in her eyes.
My fingers flexed around Gideon’s hand. He came first, that was never in question, but I couldn’t help but wish I knew the story behind his coldness toward a mother who seemed to love him. Her adoring gaze slid over the face that had shades of her own, drinking in every feature hungrily. How long had it been since the last time she’d seen him in person?
Then I wondered if maybe she’d loved him too much…
Revulsion made my spine stiffen.
“Don’t put Eva on the spot,” Gideon said, rubbing his knuckles against my tense back. “You’ve gotten what you wanted—you’ve met her.”
“Perhaps you’l both come to dinner later this week?”
His only answer was an arched brow. Then his gaze lifted, luring my attention to fol ow it. I found Cary emerging from what appeared to be a hedgerow maze with a very recognizable pop princess on his arm.
Gideon gestured him over.
“Oh, not Cary, too!” Elizabeth protested. “He’s the life of the party.”
“I thought you might like him.” Gideon bared his teeth in something that was too sharp to be a smile.
“Just remember that he’s Eva’s friend, Mother. That makes him mine as wel .”
I was hugely relieved when Cary joined us, breaking the tension in his easygoing way.
“I was looking for you,” he said to me. “I was hoping you’d be ready to go. I got that cal I was expecting.” Looking into his sparkling eyes, I knew Trey had reached him. “Yes, we’re ready.”
Cary and I walked around to say our good-byes and offer our thanks. Gideon remained at my side like a possessive shadow, his demeanor calm but markedly aloof.
We were al walking toward the house when I spotted Ireland off to the side staring at Gideon. I stopped and looked up at him. “Go get your sister so we can say good-bye.”
“She’s standing to your left.” I looked to our right to hide my prodding from the young girl whom I suspected might hero-worship her eldest brother.
He gestured Ireland over with a brusque wave of his hand. She took her time ambling over, her pretty face schooled into an expression of militant boredom. I looked at Cary with a shake of my head, remembering those days al too wel .
“Listen.” I squeezed Gideon’s wrist. “Tel her you’re sorry you two didn’t get to catch up while you were here and she should cal you sometime, if she wants.” Gideon shot me an arch look. “Catch up on what?” Rubbing his biceps, I said, “She’l do al the talking if given a chance.”
He scowled. “She’s a teenage girl. Why would I give her a chance to talk my ear off?”
I pushed onto my tiptoes and whispered in his ear,
“Because I’l owe you one.”
“You’re up to something.” He eyed me warily for a moment; then pressed a hard kiss to my lips with a
growl. “So we’l leave it open and say you owe me more than one. Quantity to be determined.” I nodded. Cary rocked back on his heels and twirled one index finger around another in a sign meaning wrapped around your finger.
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