"With pleasure. Since you are so determined to have me." His gaze softened. "Do not concern yourself with the fit," he soothed. "I'll make you wet and hungry for me, sweet. So dripping and ravenous that my cock will slide deep within you like a hot knife in butter, and you will melt just the same."

Dampness flooded her thighs. "Your voice is amazing," she murmured. "My brain simply ceases to function when you speak."


"Release your hair," she interrupted. "I like it better loose."

Sebastian walked toward her, tugging out his queue as he came. Truly his hair was not nearly as long as hers, but it did reach the bottom of his shoulder blades, and when he walked the inky black silk flowed over his broad shoulders. He looked like a pagan god, tanned to the waist and built for pleasure.

Her pleasure.

"I am no marital prize," he warned. "I am not any kind of prize."

"You are a treasure." Olivia took a hesitant step toward him. "Just the way you are."

Sebastian held out his hand, and she flew to him, throwing herself into his warm embrace. She gripped the back of his neck and pulled his smiling lips down to hers.

Warm and sweet, his voluptuary's mouth brushed feather-light across hers. She tried to draw him closer to taste him more fully, but he easily held back, his strength so much greater than hers.

"We have weeks to travel, love," he reminded her gently. "All the time in the world to compromise me completely. No need to devour me whole."

Experiencing the novel sensation of feminine power over a stunning man, Olivia experimented with wielding it. "You are mine, my lord. I can do as I please with you."

Sebastian's arms tightened around her, his breath hissing through his teeth as if she'd burned him.

She cupped his cheek with her hand, studying him. "No one has ever claimed you before," she murmured perceptively, wondering what had happened in his life to mold him into the man he was today-a wanted man. She should be terrified to link her fate with his, but all she felt was wonder. "I do so with pride."

Her husband rewarded her with a searing kiss, his hands cupping her buttocks and pressing her into his steely erection. He released her too quickly, circling her, making her ache simply from the heat of his gaze. And then he stilled behind her, silent, the rapid rush of their breathing the only sound in the room.

Olivia waited. Waited for him to move, to touch her-anything at all. Just before she turned in frustration, she felt his hands, sure and knowledgeable, on the fastenings of her gown. Breathless, she shivered under the faint brushes of his fingertips, fingers that had been inside her body, stroking her to rapture. With a soft press of his mouth on her shoulder and a bold sweep of his arms, Sebastian pushed her dress and corset to the floor.

For a moment, only a moment, Olivia was jealous over his obvious expertise at removing women's garments, and then she wasn't jealous, merely comforted. She was in good hands, skilled hands. Hands that knew all the secrets of a woman's body and the places that brought her the most pleasure.

With infinite slowness, those expert hands slid over her breasts, down her waist, and into the apex of her thighs. They bunched up handfuls of her gossamer thin chemise, the fingers rubbing gently across her sex as they pulled the garment up her thighs bit by agonizing bit.

Her husband's hard chest pressed against her back, his shoulders surrounded her, his heat consumed her, his breath gusted harshly against her ear. He was exceedingly powerful and so much larger than she was. He dwarfed her, yet Olivia was unafraid, finding comfort in his strength and reassurance in the tenderness of his touch. A brush, a sweep, his calloused fingertips teased her mound until she melted against him with a plaintive moan. Her breasts swelled and grew heavy, her body trickling moisture down the inside of her thighs.

Just as she was certain her knees would give way, those skillful hands dragged up her torso, brushing across her erect nipples before tugging the chemise over her head. She sagged into the shelter of his chest, loving the feel of his bare skin against hers. Sebastian had barely touched her, but already she hovered on the edge he'd pushed her over before. His devilish chuckle rumbled in her ear. He knew it.

"I want to look at you," he whispered, his tongue swirling in the shell of her ear before he turned her around.

Olivia forced herself to remain still as his brilliant blue gaze raked her from head to toe. His large hands reached out and brushed along the top of her shoulders before sliding down her arms, leaving tingles in their wake. His fingers linked with hers, and he pulled her closer.

"Beautiful," he breathed before placing a tender kiss on her forehead. "You are the most ravishing creature."

His hands left hers and slid up her sides in a tickling caress before finally… finally!… cupping her aching breasts. She moaned, drowning in his skilled seduction. She'd known her pirate would be like this, focused and intent, wickedly precise in overtaking her senses with his touch, his voice, his proximity-Sebastian plucked at her erect nipples, tugging and twisting, before he lowered his mouth and licked the hard tips. "Look at me," he ordered.

Olivia forced herself to meet his gaze, warmed by the need that smoldered there. She licked her bottom lip nervously, and he groaned, his mouth swooping down to press against hers. His tongue thrust deep, hinting at what was to follow. One hand kneaded her breast, while the other grabbed her wrist and brought her hand to his cock.

She gasped as the silken weight of him burned her palm. It was not what she'd expected, smoother and softer than the finest silk, yet hot and pulsing with life. She wondered how it would feel inside her. Would it burn her with heat? Stroke her with softness? Olivia shivered with anticipation. Regardless, she knew it would pleasure her. Everything about her husband pleasured her.

Sebastian curled his fingers over hers and moved her hand up and down his length in a hard, fast rhythm that soon had him shaking against her. Once she had the way of it, he left her to pleasuring him and slipped his hand between her legs.

He was everywhere at once-in her mouth, against her breast, in her hand, inside her sex. It was all too much, and yet it wasn't. She wanted… "More," she urged.

He smiled against her mouth. "Siren. Found at sea, and luring me to matrimony."

Olivia pulled back, releasing his shaft.

Another of his fingers slid upward into her heat, and she was trapped, impaled in place.

"I'm not complaining," he assured in a silky whisper.

With an arm around her waist, Sebastian lifted her feet from the floor, his fingers still embedded within her as he carried her to the bed. He turned and lay down first, draping her across him, his arm trapped between them, his fingers still pumping into her. Her eyes slid closed on a moan as her body clenched around the welcome invasion. Desperate, she writhed over his hand.

Her blood was thick as syrup and hot, making her sweat. Olivia dropped her head to his chest and felt his nipple brush her cheek. She turned slightly and sucked it into her mouth, as he had done to her. His breath hitched in his throat, his body hardening beneath hers. Reaching for his cock, she began stroking it again, hard and fast like he had shown her. She felt naughty and wanton, a wild woman in his arms. Her hips rocked against his hand, pushing him deeper.

"No more," he growled. Rolling her beneath him, Sebastian spread her stocking-clad legs with his own. He paused, the hairs on his chest scraping across her aching nipples. His fingers slipped out of her, and he spread the cream from them around her swollen opening. He moved higher, rubbing the slickness over her aching bud, making her squirm and beg beneath him.


He buried his face in her neck. "Say my name again."

"Sebastian… help me… I burn…"

"Yes, love," he encouraged, his fingers sliding faster. "Burn for me."

Her back arched, her eyes flew open, she hung on the edge… so closeso close

Olivia cursed him when his hand left her sex and moved to her knee.

"Patience," he murmured hoarsely. "I will take you there."

He pulled her legs to his waist, and the heavy heat of his erection prodded her dripping opening. His gaze locked with hers, his forehead beaded with sweat. He lowered his head and mumbled, "Sorry, my love," just before he thrust hard and deep within her.

Olivia bit back a cry, startled at the pain that obliterated her pleasure. She held still beneath him, tears filling her eyes and spilling over.

Sebastian's tongue lapped up the wetness with the long, slow drags of a cat, soothing her even as he pressed inexorably inside. "If I'd gone slowly," he explained, "the pain would have been worse." He cradled her head in his hands, his eyes soft and tender with regret. "There is some good to this discomfort you feel."

"What is it?" she gasped. She could see his concern, felt it in the reverence of his touch.

"I am well and truly compromised. You shall have to marry me, or I will be ruined."

Unable to help it, Olivia laughed, even though it hurt. "Lucky for you, my lord, that we are already wed."

"Ah." He withdrew and then slid forward again, frowning when she winced. "I am a lucky man. My reputation is saved." The pain began to lessen even as he finally buried his cock to the hilt. His ragged groan made her shiver. Dropping his head to her breast, he suckled her.

His big body strained and flexed as he started a rhythm and maintained it, pumping deep within her, his raven hair a curtain around them. His mouth was magic, his tongue swirling around the erect crest of her nipple. The steel of Sebastian's cock began to burn, a wondrous sensation that intensified with the erotic sounds he made.