He raises his brows but nods, and turns into a small side street. He pulls over on the curb, and nods toward a bright pink store. “They’re said to be good.”

I smile, and hand him a twenty. “Thank you.”

Another nod.

I get out of the car, and he drives off. I peer up at the large, overly pastel store, and then I grip my hood and lower it. I pull off my sunglasses and grab the handle. A little bell jingles as I pull.

When I step inside, it smells like hair products, and is buzzing with people. A young, very attractive blonde girl saunters over, smiling at me. She has massive hair, all piled up on her head. I could never achieve that if I tried.

“Hello, how can I help?” she says, stopping at the desk.

“I...need a change. A big one.”

Her eyes widen, like I’ve just made all her dreams come true. “Oh?”

“I need to look different. I’m tired of this color and this style.”

She nods, and walks over. “May I?”

I bob my head as she reaches out, takes my hair between her fingers, and begins inspecting it. She lets it out, and loosens it, before circling me.

“I think dark. You have the skin tone for it, and your eyes are stunning. I’m thinking a dark chocolate brown, if you’re willing to do a change that drastic?”

I nod, liking the idea. “Sounds good to me.”

“I say we take some length off too, and shape it. Is that okay?”

“Yes,” I say. “That’s great.”

“Well, if you will just come over to the sink, I’ll wash it for you.”

I do as she asks, and settle myself in the large, leather chair that she points to. I tilt my head back and let it fall into the sink, and she begins washing it for me. My entire body breaks out in tingles. It’s been so long since I’ve felt something so good. I want to moan, only I don’t want to come across as creepy so I put a lid on it.

“Okay, all done, come over to this chair and we’ll sort this out for you.”

The next few hours pass by in a blur. She colors my hair and then trims it, and by the time I walk out of the salon, I don’t recognize myself. I stop in at a cheap travellers’ store, and I pick myself up a new pair of jeans and a tank, deciding to ditch the hoodie. Axel is looking for that. I get a new pair of sunglasses, and then I flag down another cab.

He takes me to the nearest hotel, and I book myself a room for three nights. It was cheaper than I expected, so I’m able to give myself a little extra time. The room I’m in is basic, modern and comfortable. The hotel doesn’t look like it’s been around long, so everything is fairly new.

As soon as I settle in, I let myself relax just a touch, and my body slumps in exhaustion.

I need to rest.

I stare over at the bed, longingly. Can I afford to rest? Or should I be out looking for a job? Glancing down at my watch, I realize it’s early enough for me to get a good few hours of sleep. I drop my clothes until I’m in only my bra and panties, and I crawl into the bed. It’s a soft mattress with feather pillows, and within minutes of my head hitting them, I’m out.



Let your true feelings show, I’m a part of you, more than you know.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I snarl, clenching my fists. “How can she just disappear?”

“She’s not been seen in the past day. She’s hiding well,” Cobra says.

“She’s fuckin’ smarter than I thought.”

“Maybe there’s a way to get her out, draw her to you. Didn’t you say you used to know her when she was a kid?”

I think back to the girl I remember, with her blonde hair, her blue eyes, and her beautiful laugh. She was the only sunshine in my world back then, but when I finally escaped the clutches of Hell’s Reign, she became the enemy. Her father put me there. Her father ruined my life. I can no longer see her beauty; all I can see is revenge.

Now the need is intense.

I need to make someone pay for what happened. And the urge to make that person her is stronger than I am.

“She doesn’t trust me, and I don’t trust her,” I say, reaching into my pocket and pulling out a cigarette. “The only way to get her now is force.”

“And you’re willing to use that kind of force, even for a girl who used to mean something to you?” Cobra says wearily, with his brow arched.

“Fuckin’ oath I am.”

* * *


Later that afternoon once I’ve woken from my nap, I set off down the street. I need to find a job, and bars are the best place to look, so that’s where I’ll go first. They’re often looking for girls to serve, and they’re always good for cash jobs.

The first bar I come across is only two blocks from my hotel, and is quite flashy. I grip the door handle and step inside, staring around at the impressive space.

It’s got large wooden booths running along two of the walls. A bar runs along the front, and in the middle of the room there are a few pool tables, a jukebox, and some space for a dance floor. I walk over to the bar, and take a stool, waiting for the younger man who is serving to notice me. When he does, he turns and flashes me a dazzling smile.

“Can I help you?” he says, as he stops in front of me.

He’s a handsome man, with light brown hair, big brown eyes, and a chiseled face. His body is tall but extremely muscled, and he boasts some impressive tattoos. He has a ring through his lip, and one in his eyebrow. He has that bad-boy look, only his eyes are gentle.

“I was wondering if you happened to have any fill-in work going? I’m in town for a little bit, and I need a job to get me by.”

He nods, smiling again. “You’re in luck. I just fired my last girl yesterday.”

“Y-y-you’re the boss?” I say, shocked. He’s so young.

He chuckles. “Call me an overachiever.”

I smile. I can’t help it.

“My name is Colt, and you are?”


He raises a brow. “Interesting name.”

“Thanks, you can blame my parents for that.” I flush.

He grins at me. “So, Meadow, have you worked in a bar before?”

“Yes, many times.”

“You want to tell me the reason you’re jumping from bar to bar?” he asks, lifting a glass and wiping it.

“I’m actually travelling,” I say, and am surprised by how easily the lie slipped from my mouth. “So I’m usually only in one place for a few days to a week at a time.”

He grins. “Good plan. I did that when I was twenty.”

I feel my body relax. I like Colt. He’s got a gentle, warm feeling about him.

“Oh, how’d that turn out for you?”

“I got a chick knocked up, nearly married her out of guilt, got into at least four fights, and lost about ten kilos from eating bad food. I’d say a successful trip, yeah?” He winks.

I chuckle. “Well, I’ll make sure to check everything I eat.”

His smile widens, and he leans down and presses a button, starting a dishwasher.

“So, you said you have something?” I add, hesitantly. I don’t want to sound pushy, but I only have a few hours.

He nods. “I have shifts I need filled for the next three to five days. They’re from about lunchtime until midnight, can you cope with that?”

I shrug. “I like late nights.”

“Then we’ll get along just fine. It’s a quiet enough bar, but we do get our busy times. You’ll be okay.”

“When can I start?” I say, almost too eagerly.

“Now, if you’d like? I’ll just get some information from you, and then I’ll show you the ropes. It’s just you and I on tonight.”

“That’s fine with me.” I smile.

“Okay, well, come out back and we’ll get you some paperwork and a uniform.”

An hour later, and I’m dressed in a black top, and black pants, and my hair is tied up above my head. Colt is updates me on pouring drinks, and so far I’ve not spilled anything. The customers have started coming in, and I feel like I’m flowing quite well, serving them quickly.

“You’re a natural,” Colt says from beside me as I pop the top on a beer.

“I’ve done it a bit,” I admit with a sheepish smile.

“Nothing to be ashamed of. Bar bitches are hot.”

I laugh, and continue serving.

“Well hello there, lassie.” A husky voice comes from in front of me. I look up and see an older man, smiling over at me. He has beautiful sky-blue eyes, and a charming smile. “You’re new.”

“I am.” I beam.

“The name is Old Jon, and I’m Colt’s father.”

I smile, and turn to see Colt rolling his eyes. “Well, he’s a lucky man, then. What can I get you, Old Jon?”

“I like this one, Colt,” Jon yells. “She’s got them real good manners.”

“Noted, Pops,” Colt yells with a laugh.

“Now, about that drink. Colt says I have too many, so I’m limitin’ myself to beer.”

Giggling for the first time in a long while, I hand Jon a beer.

“So where’d he pick up a pretty one like you? All the others are dragons.”

I laugh loudly, and shake my head, waving my hand. “I’m only here for a few days.”

“Aw, well, that just ruined my night.”

“You’re flattering.”

He chuckles. “It’s where my son gets it.”

I smile, and get back to work. By midnight, I’ve made more than $100 in tips, mostly from Jon. I wait around with Colt as he closes up the bar, and then I get changed and tuck my tips, plus my first night’s pay into my pocket. All up, I have over $200. Colt didn’t question why I needed cash-only jobs, but I’m grateful for that.

“You need someone to walk you home?” Colt asks, walking out with a set of keys in his hands.

I stare around the empty bar, and I yawn. It’s probably not a bad idea. I’m exhausted, and I’m in a strange city.