“Like hell.” His voice was gruff as he pried her hand open and removed the offending glass. “Damn, Cassidy.”
Yeah, she was damned all right. Instead of staring at where his hand touched hers, she could only see the suntanned length of his exposed neck, the jugular vein thumping just beneath the skin.
“Where do you keep your first aid kit?” he asked.
She couldn’t think past the thrumming of the blood in his veins.
When she didn’t respond, he turned her face up to his and spoke slowly, “Cassidy, where is your first aid kit?”
With all the control she could muster, she concentrated on his words. “In the medicine cabinet in the downstairs bathroom.”
By the time the last word passed her lips, he’d left her.
Without the warmth of his hands on hers, or his nearness scrambling her wits, she regained a semblance of balance and stood. She had to get him out of the house as soon as possible.
His life and her sanity depended on it.
TJ rifled through the medicine cabinet in the bathroom, his heart beating hard in his chest, forcing blood to slam through his body charged with adrenalin.
As he’d walked across the lawn to Cassidy’s house, he’d told himself he only wanted to make sure she left the city. She should have evacuated today. As a cop and protector of the population of Houston, he was only as concerned about her as he was anyone else still left in the city.
So he’d thought.
When she’d refused to answer her door, panic seized him. Was she sick? Was that why she hadn’t contacted him? Had he been nursing his bruised ego while Cassidy had been laid up, unable to answer the telephone?
He gripped the edge of the counter and steadied himself. God, if he had been wrong all this time, would she ever forgive him?
Hell, she was bleeding and he was standing in the bathroom berating himself, wasting valuable time. He shook off his thoughts and grabbed a red pouch marked First Aid. As he loped back into the living room, he dug through the package for antiseptic, gauze and adhesive tape.
When he rounded the corner of the hall leading into the living room, he had his head down and didn’t see Cassidy until too late.
He plowed headfirst into her. Tossing the first aid kit to the floor, he grabbed her arms to keep her from falling to the floor. The forward momentum didn’t stop them and they ended up slammed against the wall.
A puff of minty air blew into his face when his chest crashed into hers and a soft fragrance wafted up to tease his nostrils. Every nerve ending clamored beneath TJ’s skin, sending urgent messages to points south. His uniform trousers tightened, his cock springing to attention at the softness of her belly beneath the rigid row of his fly.
A groan escaped him and he pushed against the wall, bracing his hands on either side of her. “Are you okay?” His gaze fell into her bottomless brown eyes, and he was immediately struck by the longing he could swear was shining through. Then she blinked and lowered her gaze to his mouth. Had he only imagined it?
Her tongue darted out tracing a line of moisture over her lower lip, highlighting the deep rose hue with a glistening sheen.
TJ leaned closer, drawn to her despite his resolve to play the unaffected cop. Cop who? He was a man, she was a woman-an extremely desirable woman and all he wanted was to kiss her. To thrust his tongue deep into her mouth and taste the woman who’d been part of his thoughts every minute of every day since he’d made love to her.
For a moment, her chin lifted as if to accept his kiss, then her hands inserted themselves between them and she pushed. “No.”
He stood in a sensual daze for a few seconds after her firm refusal. While TJ mentally pulled his brain out of his briefs, Cassidy ducked beneath his arms and stepped out of reach.
Forcing a smile, he straightened, his arms dropping to his sides. “I saw you in the window and wanted to make sure you plan to evacuate soon.”
“Evacuate?” Her confused stare looked genuine.
“You must not have been watching the news.” Who in this day and age didn’t watch the news?
She twisted the fabric of her sundress, crimping wrinkles in the thin cotton. “No, actually, I haven’t turned on the television in days.”
“You haven’t?” He shook his head.
“Then you might not be aware, the mayor issued a mandatory evacuation order.”
“A category five hurricane is headed straight for us.” TJ’s brows pushed together. “Have you been sick?”
She turned her profile to him, avoiding eye contact as she answered. “Yes…yes, I’ve been ill.”
TJ’s chest tightened. So she had been sick and he hadn’t done anything about it. “Do you want me to drive you the hospital?”
“No!” Her gaze darted toward him, her eyes widening.
He held up his hands. “Okay, okay. So, maybe we won’t take you to the doctor.” Why was she so spooked by the prospect? Had she had a bad experience with a doctor or hospital in the past? TJ realized just how little he knew about Cassidy’s past. At the time he’d taken her to his bed, he didn’t think it mattered. In every other way, she’d been his perfect mate. And she made him laugh. Surely he could reach her again, push past this barrier she’d erected between them. “Then tell me, Cassidy…what’s wrong.”
“Nothing. I’m fine.” Again, her gaze swept the vicinity of his knees.
When he moved to take her arms, she backed away. “I think you should leave.”
“What happened between us, Cassidy?” God, he hated the pleading in his voice, but he couldn’t help it. He’d missed her, and he wanted her so much he was willing to plead a little.
Her bunched fist rose to her mouth and her eyes glistened. “Nothing. It just wasn’t meant to be.”
No explanation, no excuses, just a brush off. So be it. As if pulling a shutter down over his heart, TJ stood taller and nodded. “Okay, I can take a hint.” Could he, when all he wanted was to grab her and shake the answers out of her? But that didn’t solve anything. “When are you going to evacuate?”
She stared up into his eyes, searching. “Do you think it’s as bad as the forecast predicts?”
“You saw what happened with Katrina in New Orleans and the damage Rita did to east Texas. Don’t take the chance. Get out.”
“I will,” she said, her voice unconvincing.
Crossing his arms over his chest, TJ demanded, “When?”
“Yeah,” she said, chewing at her lip.
“Don’t fuck with me. I need to know you’ll be safely away from Houston when this one hits.”
A brief smile lifted the corner of her lips before she nodded. “Don’t worry about me.” She pushed strands of her long black hair behind her ear and stared around the room before her gaze returned to him. “By the way, what’s her name?”
“Who?” Her softened look and the way her dark hair curved around her earlobe made TJ’s thoughts muddy with the desire to fill his hands with all those silky strands.
Again the flitting smile, one like she used to give him when they studied for their criminology class. “The hurricane?”
For a moment, TJ thought the old camaraderie was back. “The hurricane?” He leaned his head back and inhaled. With only a glance, she made him forget himself. Righting his head, he stared back at her, determined to keep this on a professional level. “It’s a him. Hurricane Thomas. A cat five hurricane, as of the last report from the weather center, and headed our way.”
“When is it supposed to hit?”
“Tomorrow night.”
She nodded.
“So, you’re going to evacuate?” Once she agreed, he could leave. With Cassidy out of the way, he could concentrate on his job-killing vampires.
She nodded, her hands clasped behind her back.
“Good,” he said, although he felt anything but good about her answer.
“Yes, good.” Her brows rose in her pale face.
TJ didn’t remember her being so pasty-white the last time they were together. It worried him. At the same time he found the pallor of her skin gave her an ethereal quality unlike before. “Are you sure you’re all right?”
Emitting a gentle snort, she nodded. “Couldn’t be better.”
He stood there with nothing more to say. She didn’t want him back in her life, having made it perfectly clear by the way she’d urged him to leave. “Then I have work to do to get my storm shutters in place. Do you need help with yours before you leave?”
“I’ll take care of them.” She held up her hand to forestall his next protest. “Don’t worry, they’re new and easy to close.”
“If you’re sure. I don’t mind.” And if he stayed to help her with the shutters, he’d be around her that much longer.
“You need to go. I’m sure you have to work tomorrow.”
TJ turned to leave, but something stopped him. When he turned back to Cassidy, he caught her staring at him like she wished he wouldn’t go, but was unwilling to stop him.
Her chin dipped toward the floor, a soft rosy hue staining her cheeks.
“What happened, Cassidy?” TJ asked. “What went wrong?” He could feel her hesitation and he closed in on her. “Was it something I said or didn’t say?”
She shook her head and a single drop slid from the inside corner of her eye all the way down her cheek. “It wasn’t you.”
He reached out and lifted her chin to look into brown eyes awash with tears. “Did you ever feel anything for me? Or was it all about the sex?” That’s what the woman was supposed to say to the man. A laugh threatened to bubble up in his throat. Not that anything was funny about the situation.
Her bottom lip trembled and more tears slipped down her face. “It wasn’t you.” She twisted free of his hand.
TJ wasn’t ready to let her go, the familiar anger rising in his chest. He couldn’t walk away without a fight. He ran his finger along her jaw, the moistness of her tears tugging at his heart. “Look at me and tell me you don’t care.”
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