Out of the corner of her eye Keira saw a slight flush colour Daniel’s cheeks, and he darted a quick look sideways at her before replying, ‘Oh. Yes. An old friend from school.’ He turned to Keira then. ‘Please excuse me for a moment, Keira. I won’t be long.’ Yet still he paused slightly before eventually crossing to the door.

And leaving Keira to face his formidable uncle.

The silence stretched between them until Keira was convinced it was echoing screamingly into the exquisite mouldings of the high ceiling of the library. Her throat had contracted and she craved a soothing glass of water.

Eden Cassidy remained silent.

He was doing it on purpose, Keira told herself, using one of his high-powered tactics on her. Well, he’d picked the wrong victim. She swallowed resolutely and forced her vocal cords to work.

‘How do you do, Mr Cassidy? I’m Keira Strong.’ Her voice sounded a little thin in her ears.

‘I know.’ He inclined his dark head. ‘I’m pleased to meet you at last.’

Like hell he was. Keira’s chin rose unconsciously. Well, she could also play this social game.

‘Daniel was just showing me the family portraits,’ she began, indicating the artificially lit paintings on the walls about them.

‘Was he?’ There was no mistaking the obvious cynicism in his tone and Keira swallowed, determined he wasn’t going to disconcert her.

‘I was just telling Daniel,’ she continued as breezily as she could, ‘that he’s very much like his maternal grandfather.’ She stretched the truth. ‘Perhaps because they have the same colouring,’ she finished quickly before her voice gave out on her.

Eden Cassidy made no comment and Keira rushed on into the unsettling silence. ‘He was telling me on the drive out here that your grandfather, William Cassidy, and Sir Samuel Ford went into partnership, bought a small publishing company and built it into the media giant it is today,’ Keira recited the well-known story and Eden Cassidy grimaced.

‘That they did. And no doubt Daniel filled you in on the more colourful tale of his grandfathers.’

Keira shook her head, raising her eyebrows questioningly.

‘I’m surprised. Daniel enjoys relating the family legend of Sam Ford and William Cassidy both falling in love with the same girl, Maryann Rogers, and that she eventually chose William. William and Maryann had two sons, Michael and myself, and eventually Sam married someone else and had a daughter, Chloe. Then my brother, Michael, married Chloe, thus producing Daniel. Romantic little story, isn’t it?’

Keira smiled. ‘Sam must have been pleased when Daniel’s parents married.’

‘Almost as ecstatic as he was when Daniel was born.’ Eden gazed levelly at Keira before he straightened and took a couple of measured steps into the room.

Keira had to call on all her self-control to maintain her position, to stand fast and not step back from him as she desperately wanted to do. Her senses shrieked, all signals blaring a warning, and she knew an almost over-whelming urge to flee.

‘Daniel’s the apple of Sam’s eye. He has-Sam and I both have-great hopes for Daniel,’ he remarked without inflection, his steady gaze still impaling her.

His eyes were blue, she saw with surprise, not the black she’d imagined from the height of the balcony, and they held a cold intensity that made her shiver. She moved slightly to disguise the tremor that tingled along her spine as his gaze flicked swiftly over her.

I’m surprised we haven’t met before, Mrs Strong,’ he said now, his tone belying the casual words, and his change of topic threw Keira more off balance. ‘You’ve been working for Cassidy-Ford Publishing for five or six years I believe.’

‘Five years.’ Keira felt rather like a student standing before a tyrannical headmaster. It would seem he didn’t remember his gigantic company taking over their small publication. ‘But then Chloe magazine, although quite successful in its own right, is but a small facet of the overall corporation,’ she added quickly, hoping the hands holding her tennis racket weren’t revealing her nervousness.

He inclined his head again. ‘But it’s most definitely a success. Becoming more so, according to statistics. Due largely to you, so I’m advised.’

Keira shifted uncomfortably again. Who had been his informant? Daniel? His time-and-motion spy? ‘I’m sure that’s an exaggeration. It takes a lot of dedicated people working as a team to produce a magazine.’

‘Granted. But every team needs a guiding hand at the helm.’

Which was the job of the editor. ‘Dianna-’ Keira began, only to falter as he lifted one strong tanned hand in a gesture of negation.

‘But I don’t want to discuss Chloe magazine, its editor or its staff at this point,’ he stated abruptly. ‘I want to take advantage of Daniel’s absence to talk about something quite different.’

Some small part of Keira’s stomach lurched apprehensively. What could he possibly…? She drew herself together, tried to quell her anxiety, raising her fine eyebrows in what she hoped was an expression of composed moderate interest.

‘Yes. Something quite different,’ he repeated, and folded his arms across his broad chest.

Keira’s eye caught the flash of a gold wristwatch as the cuff of his immaculate white shirt slipped back. His long fingers rested on the biceps of his arm and she knew instinctively that the material of his expensive suit covered hard muscle. The tingle of uneasiness in the pit of her stomach changed focus imperceptibly as a sudden spear of a quite diverse tension began to grow. Suddenly her nerve-endings went on an even more critical and complex alert, her blood beginning to quicken in her veins.

‘I want to talk about Daniel,’ Eden Cassidy said levelly.

‘Daniel?’ Keira’s grey eyes met his in a surge of surprised relief.

What had she been thinking? That he had some personal interest in her work? She was just a little self-absorbed, she chastised herself.

He’d said himself they’d never met. And neither could he be expected to recall a business transaction that had been handled by his lawyers over five years ago. He wouldn’t even have known she existed had Daniel not commenced work with Chloe magazine. He was simply curious about his nephew’s progress at what was his first job within the family company.

Relaxing a little, Keira smiled softly, unaware of the slight shift of Eden Cassidy’s gaze. It dropped for splitseconds to her full mouth before his own lips tightened and his cold state returned to meet her eyes.

‘Oh. Of course.’ Keira let out the small breath she’d been holding. ‘You’ll be pleased to hear Daniel’s working well. He fits in marvellously with the other staff members and his work is really excellent. You should be so proud of him. He’s quite a remarkable young man for his age.’

‘I see.’ His dark brows rose somewhat imperiously. ‘You sound impressed.’

‘I am. Daniel has great talent,’ Keira assured him.

Eden Cassidy’s compelling blue eyes narrowed. ‘I’m sure he has,’ he agreed drily. ‘Which leads me to the

obvious question. Tell me, Mrs Strong-’ he paused, his emphasis on the Mrs ‘-just what are your intentions towards my nephew?’


KEIRA felt her jaw slacken as she gazed at the man standing a couple of feet from her. Her intentions? Did he mean…? Surely not.

Her grey eyes took in the studied arrogance of his stance, the coldly cynical expression evident in his eyes, eyes as incredibly blue as the deepest reaches of the Pacific Ocean.

If she was unsure of his meaning then those chilling eyes confirmed her suspicions. He meant exactly what she’d suspected his words implied.

Keira’s back straightened instinctively and her chin rose. ‘My intentions? I’m afraid I don’t understand what you mean by that,’ she said succinctly, and they both knew she was stretching the truth.

‘Oh, I think you do, Mrs Strong. What are your intentions towards my nephew? I would have thought that was fairly self-explanatory.’ He made a slightly irritated movement of one well-shaped hand. ‘However, I’ll try to be a little more explicit.’

‘Please do,’ Keira put in levelly and his eyes narrowed.

‘What would a married woman, one not in her first bloom of youth, want with a teenage boy scarcely out of the classroom, hmm?’ He folded his arms across his chest again and held her gaze.

Keira seethed inside. How dared he? How dared he stand there all holier than thou and make such vulgar insinuations? And what precisely did he expect her to say, allowing for the fact that he was, in all essence, her boss? What she’d like to say to him…

‘Apart from the obvious, that is?’ he added disparagingly, and hot colour flooded Keira’s cheeks.

‘Daniel and I,’ she got out between clenched teeth, and then made herself pause, swallow to regain her control. She had to keep her cool, not allow him the satisfaction of nettling her. ‘Daniel and I are working acquaintances. No more, no less. Daniel kindly-’

Eden Cassidy bit off a derogatory expletive and Keira vehemently wished Daniel were here at this particular moment so that she could give him the sharp edge of her tongue.

‘Daniel asked me to accompany him to his grandfather’s party as a favour, in a purely friendly capacity.’

‘So you’re just good friends?’ Eden mocked sceptically and Keira’s lips thinned.

‘We are. Daniel is a very nice, intelligent young man. This is the first time I’ve seen him outside working hours but I must admit I enjoy his company.’

‘And you expect me to believe that?’ Eden Cassidy’s hands went to his hips as he glared his so obvious doubt.

‘I’m not a liar, Mr Cassidy,’ Keira informed him directly. ‘However, you don’t need to take my word for it. Check with your nephew if you want to.’