Alessandra Torre: My life is truly indebted to you. I’m so thankful you answered my email the first time around. You are no longer my mentor in a sense, but now a friend I can ask questions to and rely on for help. You made this process so much easier for me and I’m so grateful for you to have entered my life.

Stephanie T. Lott: Thank you for editing my second book! I know the first was hard to edit and I can only imagine all of the grammatical errors in this one.

Claudia McKinney of Phatpuppy Art and Ashley The Bookish Brunette: Once again thank you for making such a beautiful book cover for me!

Deena Rae: Thank you for formatting my book and making it all come together in the end.

Mom and Jared: Thank you for dealing with me talking about my books and characters all of the time. Thanks for letting me talk to you about my ideas and for only sometimes saying, “Oh my god I don’t care.” I love you two so much.

Josh: Words can’t describe just how grateful I am to have you in my life. Thank you for not getting mad when I forget to answer your texts because I’m lost in the books I’m writing or when my phone is going off constantly from text messages or emails when I’m snuggling up on the couch with you. You truly have changed my life for the better and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for us. I love you goober, mmmwah!

And last but certainly not least, to everyone who has read either or both of my books. Thank you for taking precious time from your daily lives of school, work, kids, to escape for just a few hours to read my books. I never thought my life would consist of writing books and people actually reading them! I’m truly astonished by this writing process and I am at a loss for words to describe just how grateful I am for all of you, which is funny because I write books now!

XoXo, Emily!

About The Author

When I’m not writing Happily Ever After’s I’m reading about them and living one. I think this world is filled with too much sadness already that we don’t need to read about it as well. I write because I love it and I’ve allowed my imagination to run wild and be crazy and free. 

Interesting Facts: