Reese’s voice, strong and deep, resonated in Bri’s body and settled in her chest, at once soothing and yet so powerful she could barely breathe.

“You have earned this. You have made us all proud.”

Breaking with custom, which dictated that Bri should come to her, Reese glided across the tatami to Bri’s side in a fluid movement designed hundreds of years before when the samurai fought by necessity from a kneeling position in the courts of their masters. She passed the black belt to Tory, who held it in the same position as Reese had, across her outstretched hands, while Reese reached down, untied Bri’s white obi, and removed it. Then Reese took the black belt, wrapped it around Bri’s waist, and knotted it in place herself.

“Well done, Parker sensei.”

“Thank you, sensei” Bri managed, although her voice was barely audible, it was so thick with tears.

Never taking her eyes from Bri’s face, Reese moved back to her original position, bowed, then left the totally silent room.

The minute Reese was gone, pandemonium erupted. Students swarmed Bri, and if it hadn’t been for her recent injury, she would have been inundated with back slaps and hugs.

“Way to go, Bri,” Allie said exuberantly. “Man, that was awesome.”

“Yeah.” Bri was still too stunned to take it all in. “Yeah. Wow.”

While her classmates continued to celebrate, Tory was the first to kiss Bri’s cheek.

“Congratulations, sweetheart.”

Bri grabbed Tory’s hand and held it almost desperately. “Thank you. Thank you. Do you think it’s okay? This way? That I didn’t test?”

“If Conlon sensei promoted you, you can be absolutely certain you deserve it.”

“Did you know?” Bri asked.

Tory shook her head. “No. She doesn’t discuss those decisions with me. In this room, we are all students.” Then she held out a folded black hakama. “From me. Ready to put it on?”

“Will you…show me?”

“Of course.” Tory helped Bri step into the flowing ceremonial pants that covered the white gi pants and demonstrated the proper cross-over pattern to tie the four strands of the waistband. Then she stepped back and surveyed the dojo’s newest shodan. “Very handsome.”

“I’ll say,” Caroline pronounced, wrapping her arms around Bri’s waist in a fierce hug.

“Hey, babe,” Bri said, turning to see her father’s eyes shining with pride and her girlfriend’s wet with tears. That was enough to bring on her own. Embarrassed for anyone else to see, she pressed her face to Caroline’s neck. “I’m so glad you were here. It wouldn’t have been the same without you.”

Caroline held her tightly, stroking her cheek and back. “I would have come no matter what. I’m so proud of you. I love you so much,”

“I’m so lucky.” Bri raised her head when she felt her father’s hand on her shoulder. She grinned at him. “What do you think, Dad?”

“I think your fellow officers are going to be damned jealous. I wouldn’t be surprised if the dojo gets a few new students.” He touched her face, his eyes on the healing wound in her neck. “I think you’re a helluva police officer and the best kid a man could have.”

“Oh man,” Bri whispered as she felt tears starting again. “I gotta cut this out.”

Caroline brushed her fingers beneath Bri’s eyes. “It’s been a tough few days, baby. It’s okay.”

At that moment, the room went silent as Reese entered, still in her gi but without her hakama now. Then, seconds later, conversation began again. Reese crossed the room directly to Bri and extended her hand. As they shook, she asked, “Are you ready for the job of assistant instructor?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Bri said instantly. “I should be able to start this weekend.”

Reese laughed. “I believe your doctors said two weeks for that.”

Bri looked as if she were about to protest, but after one glance at Tory, Reese, her father, and Caroline, she surrendered. “Okay.”

“Good,” Reese responded. “Remember, responsibility to those you love, to those who love you, to yourself, to your community, to your country that is one of the most important things you must teach.” She cast her eyes around the room at her students and her friends. “And here, we live what we teach.”

Quietly, Bri whispered, “Yes, sensei.”

“That was beautiful,” Tory said as she and Reese headed for home. “I thought Nelson was going to burst with pride.”

“I didn’t tell him until today because I was pretty sure he’d give it away. And I wanted it to be special for her,” Reese smiled. “I remember when she first came to me and declared that she wanted to train. She reminded me so much of myself at that age.”

Tory shifted in the seat and put her back to the door so she could watch her lover as she drove. “I’ve always thought of her as a younger version of you.”

“No,” Reese said with a shake of her head, “She’s much braver than I ever was.” She glanced quickly at Tory and then back to the road. “She’ll take Nelson’s place in the department some day. She has the heart of a warrior, and others will follow her gladly.”

“You underestimate yourself, Sheriff,” Tory said softly, “Bri is an amazing young woman. Brave and strong and valiant, true. But she looks to you to stay the course. Not that Nelson doesn’t love her, or Bri him, but it’s your hand that has guided her into adulthood, and it will be your example that shapes her life. She loves you.”

Reese’s voice was husky as she said, “I love her.”

“I know, and I think it’s wonderful.” Tory smiled, watching the moonlight play on her lover’s handsome face. It was one of those moments when she couldn’t think of a single thing about her life that she would change. “Regina is very lucky to have you for a parent.”

“Thank you. That means…everything to me.”

“Mmm. You mean everything to us.” Tory sighed. “It seems like forever since we’ve had a chance to talk alone.”

“Is something wrong?” Reese asked in concern.

“No. Everything is right.”

Reese stretched out her hand between them and Tory took it When their fingers intertwined, Reese asked, “What did you want to talk to me about?”

“The wedding.”


Thanksgiving Weekend

Bri emerged from her dreams to the sensation of warm lips against the back of her neck. She lay on her stomach with her arms curled around her pillow and Caroline’s mouth against her skin. When she shifted to turn over, a firm hand held her down.

“Don’t move, baby,” Caroline whispered, smoothing her palm down the center of Bri’s spine as she nuzzled her face in the curve of Bri’s neck. She traced her lips over the faint red ridge of scar tissue, the persistent reminder of all she had nearly lost. “I don’t get to wake up with you very often, and I want to remember everything about the way you feel right now.”

“I feel good,” Bri muttered. “I’d feel a whole lot better if I could turn over and get my hands on you.”

Caroline laughed. “I know. Which is why you’re not going to.” She nudged her leg between Bri’s, settling her pelvis on Bri’s hip. “I got here first.”

Bri made a sound between a growl and a groan. “Come on, baby. Don’t torture me.”

“Sorry, too late.” Caroline leaned down and set her teeth into the fleshy triangle between Bri’s neck and shoulder. She nuzzled her breasts against Bri’s back, moving slowly from side to side as her nipples hardened, drawing the sensitive tips across the firm planes of her lover’s body. “Oh, I love the way that feels. My nipples are connected directly to my”

“Let me suck them.” Bri’s hands were fisted in the pillow, her voice urgent, but she did not try to turn although she easily could have. “I can make you come that way.”

“I know,” Caroline whispered, sliding her hand between their bodies and into the cleft between Bri’s thighs. “But you have somewhere important to be this morning, remember?” She pressed gently with her thumb as she fanned her fingers over the tender folds.

“Not for hours.” Bri moaned softly and lifted her hips, urging Caroline deeper.

Caroline curled around her lover, resting her cheek in the hollow above Bri’s hips as she slowly entered her, taking what was hers with gentle reverence. “I love you.”

Bri closed her eyes as Caroline claimed her, allowing the certainty of those words to ease her fears and fill her heart. This was the woman who loved her. This was her safe harbor.

A boye the steady drum of the water against the shower tails, Pia heard her name. Smiling, she slid the glass door open and peered through the steam into the bathroom. KT stood on one leg, kicking off her trousers. She was already shirtless, and the sight of her bare breasts and stomach made Pia’s thighs tighten with instant arousal. “You made it.”

“Said I would,” KT replied, grinning. “Want some company?”

“If it’s yours.”

“Better be.” KT stepped into the shower and wrapped her arms around Pia’s waist, drew her close, and kissed her for a long moment as water cascaded over their heads and shoulders. When she finally relinquished Pia’s mouth, she tilted her forehead to Pia’s and kissed the tip of her nose. “Miss me?”

“Nope. How was the drive?”

KT laughed. “Fine.”

“Long night?” Pia reached around KT for the shampoo and squeezed a ribbon onto the top of KT’s head. As she worked her fingers through the short, thick hair, she leaned her thighs and pelvis against KT’s.

“I got some sleep.”

“How’s your hand?”

“A little better than useless, but still not worth much.”

“It will come. You’re not overusing it, are you?”

Eyes closed, KT leaned into Pia’s hands, which had moved to her back and were slowly massaging her tight muscles. “Don’t see how I can. I can hold a few instruments for a minute or two, but I can’t really operate with it. Still, I can triage and handle most emergencies.”